Chapter 76

Brooke and the Alpha had been missing for four days and Raphael could no longer hold himself back. He would lash out at anyone who came near him, his wolf was constantly on edge.

Thomas was handling all of the affairs, one of Slate's Lycans had told them of an abandoned building. Thomas was going to check it out today with a team of stealth Lycans. He chose not to tell his Beta, this mission required stealth.

They arrived at the large brick building and shifted, he and the eight other stealth Lycans were highly trained.

Four of the Lycans would stay outside to warn them if any enemies showed up, or Raph.

Thomas camouflaged and slunk low to the ground as he crept towards the building.

One of the Lycans, Elliot, shifted to human, he was wearing a chain, and quickly picked the lock.

The door swung open and revealed a dark warehouse. Thomas scented the air, he could smell a faint scent of Lycans.

He entered on his guard.

The Lycans fanned out and searched the large room, but found nothing.

There were doors all alongside the right wall, -Open them.- He ordered Elliot.

The Lycan shifted back and opened the doors. Thomas headed down the first one and told the team to scout the others.

His door led to a deep stairwell. The pungent odour of mildew and rats drifted up from the bottom. He shifted to human and walked carefully down.

-Status report.- He ordered.

All of his Lycans called in. 'So far, so good.' He thought.

He reached the bottom and landed on a cement floor. There were three hallways in front of him all three of them pitch black.

Thomas swallowed and headed down the one in front of him. He shifted back into his brown wolf because his senses were stronger that way.

'Dead end. Shit.' He cursed when he'd reached the end of that hallway.

He turned and for a split second thought he'd saw a person standing there.

He strained his ears for a sound, he hadn't smelt anything other than the rats and mildew… He walked forward, keeping his paws quiet.

He heard footsteps behind him, he turned and saw no one but the rats.

He swallowed and held back a whimper.

'They're just messing with you, keep it together, keep it together.' He chanted to himself.

He faced the entrance of the hallway again and this time he did see something.

An Elf. Standing in the dim light of the stairwell his skeletal body oozing black sulfurous smoke. Thomas was choking on the rotting odour and began to tremble, but no, he wouldn't back down.

He braced his legs ready for attack. But soon the Elf flickered and disappeared.

Without hesitation he sprinted for the stairs, -Elves!- He tried to warm his team but their was no reply.

He felt his body being yanked back and he struck the hard concrete wall with a yelp.

He whimpered as he raised himself.

In front of him stood the Elf in all of it's sick glory. It began to speak in his head.

{You're ours.} He said in that hissing tone Thomas was all too familiar with.

He shifted back to human and covered his ears. "No, no, no." His words came out in quick pants.

{You're mind belongs to us.} He said.

"No it does not!" Tom yelled as he shifted and lunged for the Elf.

The dark creature avoided his attack with ease, a smirk shaped his leathery, wraithlike face.

The Gamma attacked again and again, not backing down. His energy didn't dwindle but the Elf's appeared to.

Soon Thomas struck the Elf in the side and smoke poured from the wound, it soon closed up but the Elf was shocked by this turn of events.

Thomas caught him off guard and struck a blow to his head, the Elf stumbled backwards and Tom lunged for his body.


He emerged from the stairwell victorious and found his team gathered, waiting for him.

-Thomas, were you successful?- Rose, his second in command asked.

-No I wasn't.- He scanned the warehouse one last time and then headed for the door, his team in tow.



Raphael had begun pacing when he realized that Thomas had left, along with a stealth team.

He was now trying to calm down the anger and guilt that had been growing in him for the past four days.

He now saw that Thomas didn't trust him anymore, and that he risked the lives of a stealth team and didn't tell him.

He growled and grabbed his head trying to calm his wolf.

A hand pulled the curtain of the tent away, "They're back, sir." A feminine voice called.

He ducked out of the tent and let out a relieved sigh when he saw all eight members of the team had come back, and Thomas. Though he looked a little worse for wear.

He neared them, "What were you thinking?!" He asked.

Thomas looked up, first fear flashed in his eyes then anger.

"Something other than killing Lycans!" He said.

A low growl puttered from Raphael's throat at the disrespect of his Gamma.

Thomas put his hands up and bowed his head demonstrating he meant no challenge.

"But Raph, Beta, listen to me. I know that you miss her, but you won't find her, or Alpha, if you go on like this."

Raph knew he was right. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his nerves.

"What happened?" He asked, a growl still lingered in his voice.

Thomas looked away, "Maybe we should discuss this someplace else."

Raph nodded and headed to the tent.

When they were both inside he asked impatiently, "So?"

Thomas cleared his throat, -I ran into an Elf.-

Raphael could see the hesitation in his voice, indicating he was not okay.

-We got a tip from one of the prisoners that there was an abandoned building not to far from their Packhouse. So I put together a stealth team and we went to scout it out. It was empty, except for the Elf I ran into. He's dead.-

Raph raised his eyebrows. It was no small feat to kill an Elf.

-I don't suppose it was…?-

-No. No it wasn't him.- Thomas assured.

Raph nodded and looked back at the map of Oregon that was on the small table in the tent.

'Where are you?'