Chapter 83

Everyday I woke up and I still couldn't believe it, I was getting married in less than two months. The thought made me giddy.

I looked at my beautiful ring just as I had a million times before. It glittered in the most dazzling way when it caught the rays of morning sunshine flitting through the windows.

Raph was still sleeping next to me so I got up and dressed myself in a burgundy long sleeve shirt that was tied with a strip of the same colour fabric and flared out at my waist, paired with dark blue jeans.

I walked out and saw Raph was still sleeping. I crawled onto the bed and over top of him my necklace dangling down almost touching his bare chest.

I still couldn't believe I actually slept in the same bed as this gorgeous man.

"Raph!" I whisper shouted, "We're going to Vancouver today!"

He turned his head slightly and his lips parted.

I didn't really think about it but in the next second my lips met his, I could almost immediately feel his response. He parted his lips further and I did the same granting more of an entrance.

His tongue started to probe at mine and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

I was lost in the heaven of this kiss when I all of a sudden felt us rolling, I squealed when I saw we were rolling off the bed.

"Ow." I said because I landed on my back. Raph was propped up on his arms, hovering over me a smile on his face. I was breathless and a little dizzy from the kiss.

I heard a meow-like trill next to my head and saw Parker looking down on me with confused green eyes.

"Hello, baby" I said as I grabbed him and rested him on my chest which he didn't care for and sprinted away.

I giggled then looked back at Raph who was still hovering over me.

I cocked my head at him, "What?" I asked in a sly voice.

He leaned down and kissed me again, "Oh, nothing. I just have the most beautiful woman in the world for a mate."

Then he kissed me one last time and got up.

Whenever someone called me beautiful, wether it be my family, though they rarely compliment, or strangers, I would always just throw it away and categorize it as not true. But when Raph told me I was beautiful it made my heart flutter and I got butterflies in my stomach.


We were on our way to the airport, we had Duma with us and Mark and Nathan were in their own car, Thomas, Thresh and Charm were already at the airport waiting for us.

"Okay, remember show this picture to the tailor, we're going for a rustic feel remember to say that we're still doing black but…" I probably talked too much but I wanted the tux to be perfect.

We landed in Vancouver an hour and a half later and we split up. I kissed and hugged Raph goodbye, "Remember-"

"I doubt I'll forget about it." He said and kissed me one last time.

Charm and Thresh were having their own goodbyes. I glanced over at them and they looked so happy.

I looked back up when I felt Raph putting something around my neck. It was another chain.

This one I could see was a magical one by the intricate runes engraved in the silver chinks.

"Don't take it off, okay." I could tell he was worried about letting me go. To be honest, I was a little worried to be without him.

"I won't." I said and he kissed my forehead then got into the car.

"I love you." I heard Thresh say to Charm as he kissed her one last time and then her pregnant belly.

My heart melted at the adorable and sweet scene before me.

I climbed into the back of our designated car and Charm after me with a brilliant smile on her face.

Our drivers were two Lycans I'd never met before named, Julian and Angus. They liked to mind link each other, a lot, so it was hard to concentrate on what Charm was saying.

When we finally arrived at the store, The Bridal Union, we got out. Julian and Angus followed, evidently our guards too. Me and Charm both laughed at both our mate's behaviour.

We walked in and my mother, sisters and friends, Julie and Mary were waiting for us, along with another lady who I presumed worked here.

The lady led us to a room and we all sat down on the off-white couches.

"Uh, mommy, this is Charm. Charm this is my mother, Kelly. And my sisters Ulyssa and Judith, and my friends Mary and Julie Dust. They're sisters. Everybody this is Charm." I introduced.

"It is nice to meet you." Charm said. She seemed a little nervous.

My family and friends replied likewise.

The lady came out of the change room, "I'm Ann, we will start with the bridesmaid's dresses. Do you have a colour in mind?" She asked me.

"Uh, yes, I do. Either a deep wine red, or a cool mahogany."

The lady nodded and disappeared again.

I looked at my bridal party, my mother looked relatively the same, but there was a glint in her eyes behind her glasses.

Judith looked tired, she wasn't a morning person and they probably got up early this morning. Her hair was put up with a white scrunchie that stood out in her dark hair.

Ulyssa was sitting next to Judith buzzing with excitement. After all she was sixteen years old and getting fitted for a dress. This would probably be one of the first weddings she'd ever attended. Her perfectly tanned skin didn't pale in the winter and her dark brown hair was put into a small ponytail.

Mary and Julie were sisters and both very tall, not as tall as Gloria or Lucy, but maybe five nine or ten. Mary was the older, around Judith's age, so twenty-two. And Julie was a few months older than me. Mary played professional soccer and Julie coached baseball.

They were both brunettes Mary had shorter hair that was cut just below her shoulders, it was darker than her sister's and was held up by a clip.

Julie had long, light brown hair with bleached highlights.

The lady, Ann, came back out, "Who would like to go first?"