Chapter 104: Till Death do us Part 1

Author's Note: The next five chapters are special, that's why they're titled.


Raph was getting a little restless. He was tugging at his overly tight collar and tapping his foot.

"Dude, you need to calm down. It's not like she would not come, she's in the building, she's coming, just be patient." Tom reassured him. And yes, he could smell that tantalizing cinnamon scent dancing in the air.

The wedding procession had gone as planned. Brooke's mom, Kelly, and her brother, Brad had walked down followed by Thresh and Charm, then Raphael had walked down followed by Tom, his best man, with Judith, the maid of honour. After, Mark and one of the bridesmaids along with Nathan and an apparent sister of the previous bridesmaid, then Duma and Ulyssa.

Duma being decked out in sunglasses making him look like a fancy security officer.

Next came the flower girl, a daughter of a family friend of Brooke's, after her had come little Gordon as the ring bearer. Both rings securely Velcroed to the pillow.

There was an old lady playing piano in the corner looping the same song as the wedding party waited for the bride.

Raph took this time to observe the room. It was a church sanctuary, a rather large one. It had been decorated with garlands made of branches of firs, spruce, pines and cedars. In those were tucked little, white ribbons and red berries. Along the ceiling there were more of the same garlands but lined with white Christmas lights. The whole room smelled of people and evergreens. The tables along the edges were covered in candles and flower vases filled with white and red roses along with some dried hydrangeas and maple leaves.

The whole room had a magical, fairytale feel, something that he knew Brooke had wanted. His soon to be wife. He couldn't describe the feeling that built in him at that word.


His head shot to the door as 'Here Comes the Bride' began playing. Everyone stood and Raph turned to face the now opening door.

It felt as though time itself stopped. The only thing he could see was her. She looked perfect in every way. He could see the smile beneath her veil and the pinkness of her cheeks. He swallowed and before he knew it she was there in front of him.

Mitchell, her father folded her veil back and kissed her forehead, then turning to face him, he gave him a meaningful look that seemed to mean a lot of things.

He thought back to the conversation he'd had with Kelly and Mitchell a few days back.

"Brooke is an intelligent young woman, but she's still a girl in many ways." Kelly had said.

"Take care of her." Mitchell then said sternly.

"I will, with my life." His words echoed in his mind as he looked at the beauty before him. He would get to spend his life with her, caring for her, loving on her, making love to her every night.

His heart swelled and he could feel the spiral of emotions swell up inside him. Never in all his years, did he ever think that he would be this happy.

'And it's all because of you.' He thought happily.

He felt a tear roll down his cheek and quickly wiped it away.

He met Brooke's eyes and saw that hers were shining too. They grasped hands and walked up the steps.


He looked breathtaking. I did actually forget to breathe when I first saw him, his silver hair was smoothed over his head, though a few strands had managed to escape. The tux looked magnificent on him. But the most attractive part was the look on his face; admiration, love, happiness. It looked as though his face couldn't decide which expression it was showing.

I was marrying this man. Right now I would vow to be his, till death do us part, he'd vow to be mine. To be mine.

Till death do us part.

I blushed and beamed under my veil as I walked down the aisle holding by bouquet, my father next to me.

Time felt as slow as jello as I walked in step with the music, down the aisle feeling all eyes on me but only focusing on one pair. The only one that mattered.

I looked down at my feet, feeling embarrassed by how sincere and affectionate Raph's gaze was.

We finally reached the end, but my nerves were so scattered and my mind was having a hard time focusing on anything but Raph.

I turned to face my dad, his eyes still shining. He raised my veil and kissed my forehead. To give me away. To give me to Raph.

This was final. It felt final. I was leaving my family and joining Raph's. My heart nearly burst with the new emotions surging through me. I was now going to be Raph's wife. He would be my husband.

The words kept looping through my head. Husband and wife.

I handed my bouquet to Judith who I could see was crying.

I took Raph's familiar hand and we stepped up before the minister.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Raphael and Brooke." The white haired man announced.

He continued to speak but I was hardly listening. I looked up when me and Raph turned to face each other, holding each other's hands, looking up at those beautiful eyes.

"Raphael. Do you take Brooke Neil to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"

"I do. I pledge myself to thee, my Brooke."

I couldn't help the smile that broke my face.

"And do you, Brooke, take Raphael Rivers to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?"

"I do." I breathed.