Chapter 106: The Wedding Night

Thomas drove our car up and handed the keys to Raph, then he pulled him into a hug.

"Good job, man." Thomas said as he scratched his head, his tanned face a little red.

Then he walked over to me, "You take care of him."

I laughed, "I will." I glanced over at Raph who was smiling softly.

I hugged my family goodbye and then got into the car.


Raphael glanced over at his mate, his wife, the love of his life and soon to be his lover.

He was a little worried about her, she'd seemed so jumpy when he'd kissed her after the dance.

After that kiss he'd remembered that Brooke still didn't know about the mate mark, he got up and went to talk to the Luna.

The immense relief he'd felt after Charm told him that she'd talked with Brooke about it this morning was incredible.

He reached over for her hand and she rested it in his. He massaged it, it felt so warm and soft.

"So, where are you taking me?" Her sweet voice interrupted his thoughts.

He cracked a smile. He'd been planning this for a couple months now. There was an old cabin that you could rent out by Tabor Mountain. He'd gotten it furnished and stocked with food. There were clothes and all the belongings that they'd need. While Brooke had been planning the wedding, Raphael had been planning the night.

"We… are going to a surprise." He said rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

"Really? Cause it feel like your driving me out to the middle of nowhere."

"Well, it's not the middle of nowhere but, pretty close." He replied.

After almost an hour on the road they finally arrived at their destination. He drove up the gravel road and parked in the small driveway.

He looked over at his wife, her gaze was fixed on the cabin.

The cabin was not large but medium sized. The walls were made of logs and the basement was made of a stone rock wall.

"Wait here." He said as he opened the door.

"W-why?" She asked as she unbuckled herself.

He put his hand on top of hers she seemed a little nervous.

"Because I'm going to carry you over the threshold, and your shoes aren't exactly made for walking in snow."

There was just a few inches on the ground as it was salted and shoveled regularly, but he still didn't want her feet to get cold or wet.

Her lips rose into a sweet little smirk, nothing she ever did seemed mean, even a smirk. "You don't have to carry me over the threshold till we get back home."

"Maybe, but I'd still like to, and like I said, your shoes aren't made for snow."

She rolled her eyes and looked away, observing the cabin once more. He took this as a fine.

He got out of the car and walked to her side, his oxfords weren't exactly made for snow either.

He opened the door and swept her into his arms. She shrieked a little from the swiftness of his actions and held onto his shoulders. Her scent filled his nostrils and his wolf resurfaced knowing that it was time.

Time to claim their mate.

He walked up the wooden steps and stood in front of the door.

"Hmm." He hummed looking down at the door knob.

He saw one of her small hands leave his shoulder and turn the knob, the white painted door creaked open.

"Thank you." He said and kissed the top of her head.

She giggled, "Your welcome."

He carried her inside and was met by the now familiar layout of the cabin. His first thought was to drop her on the bed and take her then, but no. This was her first time, and his first time with her. This was going to be special, no matter how much control his wolf got.

He set her down, "You can go freshen up, if you like?"

Her head was turned away from him, she was turning slowly, observing the cabin. She nodded, then whispered, "Okay."

"The bathroom's in the bedroom, over there, up the stairs." He pointed to the door that led to the stairs.

The entire top floor was the bedroom.

She nodded and walked off in that direction.

As she left her scent began to fade. It was so intoxicating, he wanted more, he needed more. His tongue craved to taste that spicy flavour, to smell it.

His feet subconsciously moved toward the door to follow her, but he stopped himself. He would give her a minute. He took off his jacket and shoes while he waited.

After waiting a few more minutes he moved and stepped up the stairs to the room. Her scent was ever so present. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

The centrepiece of the room was the king size bed to the far right. It was a little smaller than the one at home.

He watched as some snow began to fall, the little, white flakes twirling in flurries.

He heard the door open and footsteps pad out.

"Raph?" Her voice called. He wouldn't look, not yet, he still had a few words he'd like to say before he lost control. He clenched his fists as his chest began to heave with repressed emotion.

"Brooke. Just for tonight, could you call me by my name?" He asked, his eyes still on the window.


He closed his eyes and shuddered. Just her saying his name was enough to get him aroused.

"Do you want this Brooke? Do you want to do this?" He asked because he still wasn't sure.

He heard a quiet laugh, "Yes." He could hear the desire in her voice.

He opened his eyes and turned to look at her, his mate. She was dressed in a white, silky robe that was going to be off in the next few moments, underneath it he could see her ankles and the beginning of her calves. His hands started to shake, the urge to feel her flesh was becoming harder to resist, but he had one more thing to say.

"Love," He took a step forward, his body trembling with all the feelings he'd suppressed for the past months he'd known her, "Promise me this. Don't think, just feel. I know you, I've gotten to know how your brain works, but tonight, don't think, just feel."