Chapter 110

After our bath he carried me downstairs and placed me on the small, brown couch in the living room.

I was wearing the fluffy robe he'd gotten me for Christmas and he was just wearing a towel around his waist. I rested my head against the armrest of the couch and watched as he pulled some muffins out of a cupboard and set them on a plate.

He came and walked over to sit next to me. I swung my legs down and tucked them under me as he sat down.

I rested my head on his shoulder as I picked the chocolate chips off of my double chocolate chip muffin. Raph was doing the same but with a normal chocolate chip muffin.

"What should we do today?" He asked as he rubbed my back.

"Hmm, we could just sit, like this." I said staring out the floor-to-ceiling window at the snow covered deck.


"Ooh! I have an idea." I said perking up as I moved to face him, "We'll ask each other questions that we've never asked each other before. For whatever reason."

He gave me a questioning look.

"Come on. Okay, I'll go first." I said as I straightened myself.

I knew what I wanted to ask but was unsure. There was a reason I'd never asked it before, I was afraid it was a sore subject.

"Where is your family?" I asked, watching him carefully.

He looked at me with kind, soft eyes, "Family, is something I wish I had."

My eyes widened and my mouth parted. 'Was he an orphan?'

He stared out the window with mournful eyes, "My mother died when I was born. My father was killed when I was twelve and my older sister Abigail, Abby, was killed when I was twenty-five."

I reached and touched his shoulder not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could think of.

He looked at me and stroked my cheek, "You do not have to apologize."

I just nodded. After a few seconds passed I said that it was his turn.

"Hmm… I'm not sure I have any questions."

"Oh, come on. Isn't there anything you've always wondered about but never asked?"

He took a bite of his muffin, "Well, there's your family."

"What about them?" I asked as I swiped a crumb off of his chin.

"Why are they so weird?"

I laughed, "I honestly have no idea. They've always been that way."

"It bothers me a bit." He said looking at the soft area rug on the hardwood floor.

I rubbed his shoulder, "It bothers me sometimes too, but I don't know how to change it, it's just who they are."

"I suppose so." He said as he folded his muffin wrapper into a square.

We sat there in silence, just enjoying one another's presence. Snow began to fall and we watched as it covered the trees outside.

"I love snow." I said happily.

He kissed the top of my head, "I know you do."

I smiled, "I take it you don't?"

He chuckled softly, "No, not overly. Too cold and wet for my taste. But if you like it, you can like it to your heart's content."

I nuzzled into his shoulder, "Thank you."

When lunchtime rolled around we each had Caesar salad with chicken and garlic bread, delicious.

We turned on the TV and browsed for most of the afternoon. Most TV shows nowadays are crap.

"Ew. Well that looks bad." "And that one." "Oh my gosh! Who would watch that?!"

After an unsuccessful browsing we browsed the movies we'd packed.

I gasped happily when I found one of my many favourites, "Mama mia."

I held it up with a huge smile, "Can we watch it, afterwards I promise we can watch Stranger than Fiction. Kay."

He smiled, "Alright."

I snuggled close to him as the movie started. It was not the best movie in the world, and the people in it were definitely not saints but anyone would be crazy not to love this movie, other than Raph of course.

We paused the movie for dinner, Raph made me sit on the counter while he made us a delicious Alfredo sauce with penne.

"Mmm, so good." I said as I took a bite. He'd seasoned it with basil and garlic and put bacon and peas in. Delicious!

"You make good food." I said as the movie began playing again.

"Mmhmm, you're not too bad yourself." He nuzzled my nose.

"Well yes, I taught you."

We had a quick kiss then finished the movie, much to Raph's joy.

I remember my mom saying once, "Real love is when your guy will sit and watch a movie he hates with you."

I smiled. My husband does that.

After 'Waterloo' finished and we'd finished snacking on our chocolate wedding cake with a fancy birchbark styled icing.

"What shall we do now?"

I watched as a small smile played on his lips, "Shall we go upstairs?"

I could feel my blood heat just from those words. I smiled shyly and looked at my knees beneath my robe.


Raphael took that as a yes.

He picked her up and carried her up to the bedroom putting her on the bed gently then he quickly undressed while she was untying her robe and tossing it off of her beautiful body.

Without hesitation he leaned forward and pressed his body atop her soft, scrumptious one, holding her lips in a passionate kiss her addicting cinnamon flavour erupting in his mouth with all of its spicy notes. He left her lips, leaving her panting as he began to place soft caresses along her nape causing her to arch into him with a gasp.

He growled in pleasure and left small nibbles along her collarbone, his hands moving along her full, lush curves.

She was melting beneath him with moans and pleasured gasps. He moved lower down and separated her legs.

"No, no wait." She panted out. He crawled back to her face, "Yes, love?"

"Can I do it?" She asked, her eyes burning.

He smiled and sat up for her to have a turn. She slowly sat up and he held her warm back. She began to place hot kisses along his neck, he groaned from the burning feeling aroused from her lips, she held his waist and he felt her small tongue tasting his flesh. He gasped at the feel and he heard a moan come from her mouth.

He raised her head and kissed her passionately while slowly moving her back down, their mouths swallowing one another.

"My turn." He said with a rumbling growl as he entered her.

He began to just smell her, taking in deep breaths of her scent mingled with arousal. He moved to her healing mark and placed a kiss there feeling her shudder beneath him, clutching at his shoulder. He looked down to see that she was flushed from her cheeks to her chest that was rising with each breath. Her eyes were filled with a desire that made him want to swallow her whole.

He still couldn't believe that this woman, this vision, was his mate. He'd resisted for so long. But now, now he could do all sorts of things to her. His mind began to spin excitedly from all the things he could do with his precious mate.


He watched as she drifted off to sleep, her head resting on his chest. He ran his fingers through her long, tangled, mane of hair.

He would never get enough of her. She was his, in every way. And he was hers.


Last explicit chapter for awhile guys. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave a review. :) :D