Chapter 114

The guy, whose name was Milo, drove along the hard, frozen earth.

"You're not a Lycan." He said to me.

I was sitting in the back seat holding onto the assortment of rails and handles for dear life as my bones nearly rattled out of my body.

I shook my head, "No, no I'm not." I closed my eyes as I attempted to shake off the motion sickness.

"Hey, you okay? You're looking a little green." Milo asked.

I opened my mouth to speak.

"She's fine." Thresh cut me off.

I gaped at him and kicked his seat. He tensed and continued staring outside the windshield.

I glared at the back of his blonde head.

"But, you are a mate to a Lycan?" Milo asked,

I turned to him with a painted smile, thinking about his question, "Uh, yes, yes. You're quite discerning?" I refocused on the dirt road as we hit a bump.

"Uh, no. Actually it's you're scent. It's mingled with a Lycan's. A Beta's?"

My eyebrows scrunched together as I tried to figure out how he knew. I felt a little frightened that he knew about Raph.

"I'm a hunter. Good nose." He said as he pointed to his nose.

"Ah." I replied.


We arrived at what was apparently the Pack. There was a river that ran along it that Milo said was called, the Dubawnt River.

I could sense channels all around me, everywhere, but I couldn't see them. I clutched my head from the sudden headache.

Thresh nudged me with his elbow and I straightened, though my head was still pounding.

We were apparently close to the Northwest Territories border. All I could see was barren tundra. No trees. I was feeling very homesick. I spun in a circle and could still not see a single building indicating civilization.

It was dark. It had been dark when we landed. The sun was just sitting on the blank horizon with nothing to hinder it from moving.

-Why is it so dark?- I asked Thresh who was standing as stoically as possible in his poofy, black coat.

-it's winter. And we're very close to the Arctic circle.- He replied.

I just nodded, remembering something about the midnight sun that I learned in school at one point.

-I'm back, with Alpha Thresh and a young mated female human.- I heard Milo say.

-Who is she?- A voice asked. Male, leader and tough was what gathered from him. Milo was younger but had a similar aura to Thomas's, maybe he was the Gamma?

-He's talking to someone.- I told Thresh.

-What's he saying?-

-Just that he's here and that we are too.-

Thresh nodded watching Milo carefully.

-Okay, they can come down.- The other guy said then he severed the link.

I froze. Down? I was not claustrophobic in any way, in fact I enjoy small spaces like forests and… forests. Forests compared to this creepy, wide open, wasteland where anyone could be watching. I shivered at the thought.

But the thought of going down… it was frightening. I looked down at my feet then up at Thresh. His expression remained unchanged.

But wait? Down. That was where everyone was. The Pack, that's where all of the channels were!

Milo began walking deeper into the tundra, the permafrost soil was covered in spurts of lichen and weird moss bushes. The landscape was so alien to me.

"I miss trees." I mumbled to Thresh through my scarf.

He grunted, "Me too."

We both moved to follow after Milo.

-He was told that we were allowed in.- I relayed to him.

-Good.- Was all he said.

Milo stopped about fifty or so meters from the "road", he stomped the ground then moved a couple feet back. In the next few seconds a hatch opened.

My eyes widened and I could feel my heart begin to pound. My throat went dry at the thought of going underground.

"After you." Milo gestured to the warm light emanating from the hole in the ground, large enough for a man to fit through, even the biggest Lycan.

"Ladies first." Thresh said as he held his hand out to the hatch.

"No, no. Why don't you go first." I said glaring at him with daggers, a smile on my face.

"No, I insist." He said turning to me with the same bored expression but a threat in his eyes.

-You can tell me how many they're are down there.- He said.

-I can tell you that right now. I sense eight Lycans nearest me right now. One is you, the other Milo, the other six are, I assume, at the bottom of that ladder.-

Our positions remained unchanged but our minds were both speaking furiously at each other.

"Ahem." We both turned to see Milo standing still holding the hatch door open, "It's just I'm not allowed to keep this open too long."

I threw my hands in the air, and tossed over my shoulder as I moved for the hatch, "You're such a baby."

I placed a boot sturdily on a rung and then my hands. I moved carefully because I did not want to slip.

I could feel warmth, hear voices. The six channels were getting closer.

I put a foot down on the concrete floor and turned quickly to see six Lycans gathered in a circle around the ladder. All of them at least a foot or more taller than me.

My eyes widened and I backed up to the ladder only to feel someone's shoe on my shoulder.

"Ow! That's my shoulder." I said looking up at who I knew was Thresh.

"Well, maybe if you hadn't been standing so near the ladder." He said as I backed off and his feet touched the floor.

"Alpha Thresh." One of the men nodded.

"Beta Norman." Thresh replied curtly.

He was the one who Milo had talked to. Speaking of which, where was Milo?

I looked up at the hatch that was now closed.

"Gammas stay in the town." The man, Norman, finished.

I nodded as I looked back at the man. He was tall with shoulder length, black hair, his beard trimmed neatly. His eyes were a dark colour, green I think. His face was pale, but sickly pale like he'd been living underground all his life. In fact, almost all the men looked like that.

"This way." Norman nodded. He turned and walked down a hallway. The walls and floors and ceilings were all made of cement. Polished or worn with time? Who knew. I walked shoulder to shoulder with Thresh, the hallways were two meters wide and allowed that. We were trailed by three of the Lycans and led by the other three.

I could sense channels behind almost every door we passed. It was kinda spooky.

We finally made our way to a large open room with furs and couches everywhere, like some sort of common room. There were taxidermies of animals lining the walls everywhere. Elk, caribou, rabbits, birds. It was getting really freaky.

I sensed a few channels in the room but not a lot.

"Ah! Brother! You're here at last." A Lycan stood and walked over, his arms wide with a broad grin on his face.

His features were similar to Thresh's, the blonde hair and Grecian features but his eyes were a freakishly, bright orange.

"Dart." Was all Thresh said in reply to the man, clearly his brother, walking towards him.