Chapter 113

"What is the Faerie's power, exactly?" I asked to receive a hesitant look from Charm.

"It is a power spread through many organisms that holds dominion over any other magic for it is the purest of all magic. And because of that the Elves, they want to-" Charm swallowed, "Corrupt it."

"I take it something like this has never happened before." I stated. By the feel of the room, you could tell that it was tense and new territory for the occupants.

Thresh shook his head, "No. No one has ever been able to breach the Haven's borders. There's a problem. The Faerie are determined to settle this themselves so we have offered protection while they do so. Raphael." Raphael raised his head, "You will take my mate to Crest Pack and investigate the incident with her help."

"Where will you go?" Raph asked.

I looked up at Thresh who was now looking at me. 'No… no! I don't want to go anywhere. In fact I have to stay here to pick up someone from El-kor, or someone might die. Just a little thing.' I groaned and felt Raph's grip on my hand tighten and heard him growl menacingly.

"Where we going?" I asked. My anxiety rising. I knew that Raph had figured it out.

"We're going to see my brother."

My eyes met his confused, "Aren't your brothers in Greece?"

"No, there are five here in North America. The one we need to speak to is Alpha of the Pack that borders the Rockies in Alberta and the Mackenzie mountains in Yukon."

'Yukon! So they're in Yukon.' I said referring to the Mackenzie mountains.

"How long will we be gone?" I asked.

"However long it takes to get answers." He replied.

Raph snarled, "You can't do that. You can't just take my mate and do whatever you want with her! She's not yours." He said his last words very low and caused a chill to run down my spine. He could be pretty frightening when he wanted to be.

Thresh growled loudly, "I can, and I will. She may be yours, but she is a part of my pack and she serves me."

I raised my eyebrows, "Does she get a say in this?" I said holding Raph's hand comfortingly.

They both turned to look at me, "No." Thresh said in a deadly serious tone which evoked a low growl from Raph.

"Her gift will be useful. Especially if I have to then visit my other brothers." Thresh explained, not phased by Raph's reaction.

At this moment I couldn't stand Thresh, what was wrong with him? He treated my mate like trash and I wanted to punch him in his tanned face.

"Wait, no." I said, "Other brothers? No! I don't want to." I almost whined. I can't tell them that I need to be here in just over a month or so now.

Thresh raised an eyebrow at my behaviour, "I don't care. You're coming with me in an hour and we will drive to the airport," I could see Raph clenching his fist. He didn't like this, and neither did I, "From then we will make our way to my brother's homestead."

"And what about me?" Raph said, I could tell he was struggling to maintain his anger, his eyes were black and his stubble was growing longer, like fur.

"You will leave whenever Charm is ready."

And with that he rose and told us to leave so we could pack.


"I don't wanna go." I told Raph as we cuddled on our bed. The reality was I couldn't go. I felt trapped.

"I know. I don't want you to go." He said running his fingers through my hair.

"But I have to." I finished for myself.

"He'd kidnap you if you refused." He sounded so mad. I remembered what he'd said when he'd gotten mad at Thomas and I said that I hadn't liked it, which I still didn't. Raph had said that it was the way things were.

'Well, what if I told you I don't like how things are.'

I let out a fake sob and rested my head on his chest. I was tired. And trapped.

"There's a bright side to this though." He said. I could hear the smile in his voice, prompting me to smile a bit. I raised my eyes, "What?"

"All our bags are already packed."

I laughed then groaned.


In just under two hours I was in a plane, on my way to who knows where. With my least favourite Lycan right now.

We landed in Nunavut. Apparently his brother was also the Alpha over Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. Thanks for leaving that information out Thresh.

We got off the plane and I realized that this place was tiny. I thought my hometown's airport was small. I nearly laughed at the size of this one. The "airport" was basically an oversized trailer with a few small windows and a small ramp leading up to the door.

I saw that there was just enough room for our plane but the runway was super tiny.

I waited for Thresh to do something, but when he didn't I stomped in front of him and asked, "So what exactly are we doing here? In the cold? On this itty bitty runway?"


I rolled my eyes and shuffled back to my place next to him. I was bundled from head to toe; wearing a hoodie, a soft woollen sweater and overtop of it a thick winter coat made of thermal reflecting fabric. My head was covered in a toque securely covering my ears and a scarf was wrapped around my lower face. I was wearing my normal blue jeans with fuzzy socks on my feet overtop of my ankle socks. I had thick winter boots with multiple straps to keep them tight and my feet from getting wet.

I tucked my gloved hands into my pockets and just stared at the wasteland surrounding me. I preferred BC.

The sun was low in the sky as though it was sunset. Maybe I'd misjudged the time.

"Why are you so upset?" He asked out of the blue, still standing stoically.

I hawked at him under my scarf, "Why am I-? Why? Because of you! Because of what you just did! You forced me to leave Raph, on his birthday, on the last day of our honeymoon! You were mean to him, to both of us. And I only got to see my cat for two seconds. That, Thresh, is why I am upset!" I replied heatedly.

He nodded and then said casually, "My brother has been informed of our arrival, he's sent a truck to come pick us up." I wanted to slap him so bad.

I pointed to a black speck on the horizon, "Is that it?" I asked letting my annoyance leak into my voice while squinting my eyes.

"Yes. It would appear so." He replied, squinting himself.

In the next few minutes we watched as the black truck made it's way across the frozen fields.

After it had finally made it's way to the large slab of concrete that was the airstrip, it parked and the driver exited the vehicle. I pulled down my scarf, so I could talk, and my nose and cheeks were met with frigid air.

"Alpha Thresh. Wonderful to see you here again. I hope that y-"

Thresh moved and walked to the truck in the middle of the guy's sentence. I stared at the asshole's back as he continued waking. Rolling my eyes I apologized and followed after Thresh.