Chapter 112

I sighed sadly as we drove through the front gates of the Pack.

The respite was over.

During our stay at the cabin I'd had one or two dreams about Raph being hurt or dying, but they'd just been dreams. I hadn't been scared or worried, because time and time again I woke up and he was still there.

But now, now we were going back into the Pack. Back where Ainur was, back where the nightmares had originated. I wanted to go back to the coziness of the cabin but I knew that something important had happened and Raph was needed.

We drove through the park like pack, by the little playground all covered with snow. In the distance you could see the cold lake. A few houses were scattered about but most were hidden in the trees.

I admitted to myself that I did like it here but I missed the warmth and comfort of the cabin.

We pulled into our garage and opened the trunk to haul our suitcases out.

Raph opened the door and I smelled the familiar scents of home. Ever since Raph marked me I'd noticed some changes. My sense of smell was a little better and my hearing a little sharper. Just little things.

We walked into the kitchen and I put my suitcase down to pick up a note.

It read:

"Dear Raph and Brooke,

"I hope you had a good honeymoon. Parker's food and litter box was all taken care of and I've officially moved into my own house with Mark and Nathan. The number is: 435

Hope to see you guys there soon."



"Aw, isn't that nice. Duma left us a note." I said holding it up to show Raph. He scanned it, "So he moved in with the boys?"

I nodded as I read it again, "Yep, their address is:" I recited the address.

"Well, good. We should visit them. As soon as this is dealt with of course."

I nodded, "And this is?"

"Ah, right. I'll explain it at the Alpha's house." He trudged off and I picked my suitcase up again and followed after him.


After getting dressed into different, cleaner clothes we put our winter gear on and hiked to Thresh and Charm's house.

We knocked and Charm immediately opened the door, her eyes were wide and her usually glowing face was pale.

"Woah, Charm. Are you okay?" I asked holding my gloved hand out.

She refocused and looked at my hand then my face her mouth parted in fear or something, I couldn't quite make her expression out.

"I-I'm fine." She opened the door further then closed it behind us with a slam and locked it.

"Thresh is in the study." She said as she walked behind their grand stairs. Me and Raph shed our coats and boots as quickly as we could to follow after her.

Raph put a hand to my back and gently led me behind the stairs to a small, cozy room with a fire lit and two couches.

Thresh was sitting next to Charm stroking her head soothingly as she kept shaking her head, her green eyes still wide.

Raph knocked on the doorpost and Thresh shot his head up.

"Come in." He said as he straightened on the couch.

The curtains were drawn so it was dark only lit by the fire and an antique table lamp.

Me and Raph sat opposite them on a dark, chocolate coloured, corduroy couch. I rested my hand on the soft, bumpy fabric my other intwined with Raph's.

We both watched as Thresh whispered consoling words to his mate. I'd never seen Charm rattled like this. She'd been nervous and a little shy at times, but she always exuded a subtle aura of calm and wisdom that solicited respect.

She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts and looked forward at something in the distance only seen by her.

"Brooke, as you know, I am a Fae. Part of the race of the Faerie. Have you ever wondered where we are from?" She asked looking up at me, her green eyes looked older than they normally did.

"I assume Greece, wait-" I thought back to just after me and Thresh had escaped that horrible cell, in my daze of delirium right before I slipped away I'd asked him, no, no. He'd just said that it'd taken him years to get across the Rockies. In my crazed state I'd made a connection. He'd said that he'd met her, Charm, in Canada; four hundred years ago when he'd come to Canada. It had taken years for him to cross the Rockies.

"The Rockies?" I breathed, "The Rockies." I said a little louder.

Charm nodded, exhaling shakily, "Yes. That is where I was born. Me and Thresh met a little under four hundred years ago along the edge of the Mackenzie and Rocky Mountains."

I had no idea where the Mackenzie mountains were, probably north somewhere but didn't know for sure, I just nodded.

"I had been exploring." She closed her eyes and swallowed, "Outside the limits of the protectors realm. An Elf, had gotten me and nearly-" Her voice cracked and Thresh cradled her. I'd never seen Thresh look so attentive and caring before. I'd also never seen Charm so shaken.

She sighed and closed her eyes then reopened them with purpose, "Thresh found me, and saved me. Afterwards battle ensued over the new arrival of Lycans. The Elves fought to claim our power, the essence of the Faerie, but Thresh and his small pack, at the time, saved us. Ever since then, he has been helping to guard the Haven. The hidden realm of the Faerie, guarded by our protectors." She finished and nodded to Thresh.

He raised his head, his grey eyes regarding us intently, "Yesterday, one of my packs, the Crest Pack, they were told by the Faerie that someone was missing. The Crest Pack guards the outer borders of the Haven. They later found the body of the missing Fae. He had been killed by Elves inside of the border."

I swallowed at his words. But asked a question not entirely related to the current topic, "What is the Faerie's power, exactly?"