Chapter 118

Raphael sat in the back with Charm as they drove through the forested backroads. The driver would point out where certain members of the Pack lived, to be honest Raphael didn't care. But he could tell that the driver was very proud of the Pack and was excited to see him and the Luna here.

Charm was nice but he could see that she was preoccupied and pensive.

After driving almost all day they reached the Head Pack.

Raphael stepped out and scanned the area. There was no guards or gates to signal that they were here but Raph could scent that there were Lycans everywhere.

Stealth Lycans.

The Luna was still in the car behind him, he mind linked Angus and two others to stand guard.

He waited patiently on the dirt road for someone to show themselves.

It was cold, minus twenty-two, they were near the Yukon and Alberta border, just at the northern tip of the province.

He heard shuffling and a thin, sleek wolf appeared from the foliage.

-Beta Raphael. I assume that you are here because of the attack.- She asked.

-Yes. I am.-

-I am Hope, the head of stealth here,- She paused, sniffing the air, -You've brought Luna?- He registered shock on her wolffish face.

-Yes, we have, by orders of the Alpha. Now, if you would please let us in, we need to get the Luna to safety.-

The Lycan bowed her head, -Of course Beta.-

He watched her slink back into the woods and he climbed back into the jeep.

They moved deeper into the snow covered forest. As he looked at the bowing tree limbs bearing the weight of the snow he thought of how much Brooke would like it. She would always walk up to them and dust them off. She would say that winter is the most beautiful time of the year.

"Thresh hates it here." Charm's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Hm? Really, Alpha hates it?"

She nodded, a faint smile on her lips as she recalled a memory, "He absolutely hates snow, he always says that the snow is warmer in Prince George but," She chuckled softly, "He knows I love snow. It reminds me of my home."

He smiled sadly. For some reason it made him feel even more lonely without Brooke.

They began to see bunkers and cabins popping up amidst the trees. A few people walking along the path would stop and wave. Apparently the word of the Luna coming had spread.

They stopped in front of the largest cabin and exited the vehicle. Charm was surrounded by her protection detail as she walked to the house. She didn't even bat an eye at the seven Lycans surrounding her, it was routine whenever she left the Pack, which had been a very long time ago.

A stout, broad shouldered man stepped out of the house, "Luna, we're so glad that you're here. We all wish that it was under better circumstances."

Charm smiled, "Alpha Ditri, it is wonderful to be here again, I have missed the mountains. And I too wish that the circumstances were better."

"Here, come in, come in." Ditri said ushering them in from the cold.

They walked in and were welcomed by the warm interior of the Alpha's house. It smelled like a cabin, cedar and smoke. Raphael immediately took notice of the wood stove in the corner and moved towards the warmth.

"Onyx, come in here, Luna and Beta Raphael are here." Ditri bellowed from his place before them.

The petite woman stepped out from behind a corner. Her face brightened as she ran towards Charm and embraced her in a hug.

They both started talking in an unknown tongue. Raphael assumed that it was the language of the Faerie.

Onyx was one of the few Fae that was mated to a Lycan, including Charm and a few others. She was the same height as Charm, if not a few inches shorter. She had long black hair that was pulled into a long ponytail with beads and different ornaments woven in. She wore black yoga pants and a simple brown t-shirt. Her pointed ears were adorned with earrings similar to the ones that Charm used to wear, draping along her shoulders with multiple tiny chains and charms.

The two woman continued chattering in their language and Onyx seemed to suddenly realize that Charm was pregnant. Her black eyes widened in worry and fear as she looked at Charm's pregnant belly.

Raph was confused by her reaction but maybe it was a Faerie thing and pregnancies weren't good? He didn't know.

"Ladies, why don't we sit down and discuss the current issue." Ditri said, a warm smile on his bearded face.

The two women sat next to each other on the couch, Raphael and Ditri took chairs on either side.

Ditri observed his mate for a few seconds as she was still whispering to Charm, he spoke a few words in the same tongue and they both silenced. Raph's eyebrows rose in surprise, it made sense for him to know the language, but it was still a surprise.

He cleared his throat and faced the Luna, "Luna, as you know, a Fae has been found dead inside the border. I-"

"Who was it?" Charm asked in an authoritative voice.

Raphael had only seen his Luna act like this very few times. When she once spoke to the troops at a battle, she nearly lost her temper with a few Lycans and she would use this tone, and now.

"Sage." Onyx's hushed voice answered. "He was gardening in the willow grove and we found him." Her voice trembled as she spoke.

Ditri reached over and held his mate's hand.

"We found him face down, his body scorched by their twisted magic, there was no signs of Shapeshifters but a few of my hunters caught the scent of Pixies." Ditri said.

Charm looked at Raphael signalling him to speak.

"We've been dealing with Pixies and Elves for the past while. Their activity started on Vancouver island, then moved to Portland, Oregon. They've begun to stir. We believe that they have a bigger plan in place, they're either going to attack the Head Pack, or… they're going to attack here. and by the way things are going, the Haven seems to be the more likely option."