Chapter 119

I woke up at around four and just dozed, my body was so tired. My mind though, wasn't. I just laid there thinking about random things like the fact that I only saw Parker for a whole of two seconds before I had to leave, Ooh! I need to call Duma, once I get some bars, and tell him me and Raph need him to watch Parker again.

I flinched when I felt something cold on my cheek. I sat bolt upright as I caught the rotting scent of an Elf.

I clutched the blanket around my nose to try and block the smell but it was already in my lungs and felt cold and mildewy there, like I myself was rotting.

I saw nothing and waited for him to appear. El-kor. It had to be him. Probably here to remind me about the deadline and the girl. I suddenly got very worried for the girl. Was she okay? Was she a hostage? What if she had been tortured? I couldn't even ask Raph or Thresh about it because they would die.

After sitting up on my bed gasping for air for a straight minute, and I didn't see anything I cautiously laid back down.

I thought about mind linking Thresh and immediately sat back up. I couldn't sense the channels anymore. They were gone, just like when I'd first met El-kor and that blonde Elf with those blue eyes.

I had a quick thought about that blonde Elf but tossed it to the back of my mind. El-kor was cruel and horrible, but that Elf, whoever he was, was pure evil.

I heard a dark chuckle and saw a shadow by my bed. I scrambled off and fell to the ground on the other side, my eyes never leaving the shadow. It reminded me of Peter Pan's shadow, but the one from Once Upon a Time.

He drifted over my bed and my nostrils registered the smell again. I started gagging and trembling. I rose to my feet and ran to the opposite side of the room. I didn't try the door, I knew it'd be futile.

The shadow just hovered over where I'd fallen and I felt as though it was staring at me. I couldn't tell, it had no face.

I covered my nose and mouth with my hand to try and block out the rancid smell but it did nothing.

I gasped for air, it still wasn't moving.

"What are you?!" I choked out. I was shaking. I knew it was an Elf-like thing but it was an Elf in a form I'd never seen before.

It cocked it's head at an unnatural angle.

"You've met us before haven't you?" He asked in that nails-on-a-chalkboard voice. I grimaced but didn't take my eyes off if it. It floated towards me ghostily.

"Y-you're an Elf. You live in the North Pole?" I asked trying to help myself find humour in the situation.

He rushed towards me but didn't slap me or try to strangle me. I guess the blonde Elf told him I could transfer pain.

But the nausea and choking got so bad I fell to my knees for lack of oxygen. I grasped at my neck and found no chain there. I cursed my stupidity.

He crouched down in front of me,

"El-kor wants me to deliver this message,"

'Oh, goody. Another message.' I thought through my struggling.

"No matter where you go, there is no place he can't find you. You will never escape him."

My mind went blank for fear and I felt a chill creep over my body.

The shadow disappeared and I slowly rose to my feet. I grasped the back of a chair to keep myself straight.

The channels filtered back into my consciousness and I sighed. In relief or anxiety, I didn't know.

I could sense Thresh on the other side of the door trying to break it down. I just stood there and waited.

Eventually the door burst open, I'd regained my composure.

"They're gone." I said simply, staring at the place where the shadow had been.

"Was it El-kor?" He asked, panting from the excursion.

I shook my head and mumbled, "Someone else."

I sensed three more channels coming this way quickly so they were most likely running.

Dart appeared in the door, "What," He gasped for air, "Happened?" He was faking being exhausted, Lycans couldn't get winded so easily.

"Elves." Thresh said.

I just stared numbly at the floor my heart pounding from fear.

"Here? In my Pack?! This is because of you!" Dart exclaimed angrily.

I turned to see him facing Thresh and pointing a finger at him incriminatingly.

I laughed and Thresh turned to me, a warning in his eyes, "Thresh isn't responsible."

Dart turned to face me, his orange eyes now a freakish blue, like fire.

"Then who is?" He asked narrowing the blue orbs at me making me want to shrink away. I realized my mistake, I should've kept my mouth shut.

I glanced at Thresh, then back at Dart. I swallowed, Thresh was telling me to just follow through with it.

"I am." I said quietly but firm.

"You?!" Dart roared. I covered my ears protectively, "Why would an Elf come to you?"

"Because they think she's important. But this is not as important as what I've asked of you. The Elves are gearing up for an attack. We need to join forces." Thresh cut in, attempting to draw the attention away from me.

"Very well, on one term though." He looked at me in a way that made me want to run, "I want her."

Thresh heaved his chest, "No."

"Oh, come on brother, you can just tell your Beta that she couldn't handle the cold of the Arctic, I'm sure he'll understand how fragile humans are."

"Oh, yes. I'm sure he does. But you see, she's lived through things much harsher than the Arctic." Thresh moved to stand in front of me, "You will not harm her, she is one of my Pack."

I smiled at his words. I wouldn't say I was touched but I felt proud to be apart of Thresh's Pack. I was after all, his Beta's mate.

Dart smirked, "Ah, brother. You may be older but you are a fool."

My body froze as I heard him say, -Destroy them.-