Chapter 124

"Kratos?" I asked, "The one with the mind gift?"

-Yes.- He replied.

-What exactly can he do?- I was feeling a little frightened about the whole thing.

-He can control people's minds.-

I tried to swallow in my dry throat. I hated the idea of mind control. To be honest it terrified me. I hated not being in control.

-You-you'll protect me, right?- I asked Thresh.

-Have I ever not?-

I looked down at my feet, no, he hadn't, but wait, -You have not, do you remember how I got injured? It was because you just told me to deal with the terrifying wolf chasing me when really I couldn't.-

-But you did.- He stated.

-Only because he scratched me.- I answered. He didn't reply.

The elevator dinged as we reached the fiftieth floor and continued.

-Why did you tell Dart about my gift?- I asked, it had confused me from the start.

I heard him sigh, -Do you have siblings?-

I turned my head to look and see if he was joking, I let out a small chuckle as I saw his serious face, -Yeah, I have siblings. You met them at the wedding. Judith,- I raised a finger to count my siblings, -She was my Maid of Honour. Ulyssa was one of my bridesmaids and Bradley was the one who walked my mom up the aisle.-

I stared at him, aghast, -How did you…?-

He interrupted me, Ignoring my question, -Do you have a weak spot for them?-

I could tell he was struggling with saying this. I nodded looking at my feet.

-I have the same for my brother. I told him because I didn't think it would be a problem. But this brother, Kratos, he will figure out something is different about you in a matter of seconds.-

The doors to the elevator slid open and I was met by classical music, people playing card games and women dressed in crop tops and miniskirts.

A look of disgust and boredom overtook my face. A man like this was not gonna be fun.

Most of the people were Lycans, a few were humans, I couldn't sense them. I scanned the room, tucking my hands in my pockets in an attempt to shrink myself. Luckily, Thresh did a pretty good job of making me look small.

I looked to the far back of the room and sensed a very different channel. I tried to focus on it but it disappeared, as my focus left it, it reappeared.

I squinted my eyes in an attempt to steady myself. I didn't like this.

-Can he control you?- I asked, still taking in the room.

-Thresh?- I looked up at him, he was scaring me.


I breathed a breath of relief from his words, he was still here.

He pointed across the room, "He's over there."

I nodded. My fear not showing on my face as I kept it devoid of emotion.

Thresh stepped forward and further into the room, I followed quickly after him. I didn't want to get lost here.

He pushed through the small throng of people.

-Ooh, who's he?-

-I don't know, but he certainly looks very tasty.-

I twisted my lips as I heard a few women talk about Thresh, 'He has a mate.'

-I need you to give me that ace now.-

-Not until you fold.-

-What?! That wasn't the deal!…-

The conversations went on and on and on. I was taking shallow breaths as I sensed all of the channels closing in on me, their words crashing around in my head.

I refocused my eyes when I sensed that strange channel from before.

We had broken through most of the crowd and before us was a throne. I'm not kidding, a throne. It was made of a golden brown wood with gold embossment. The seat and back looked like they were made with red velvet.

I let out a small laugh at the ridiculousness and immediately regretted it.

The man sitting in the chair was gorgeous, I'm not saying I'm attracted to him but I'd be a fool not to notice how attractive this man was.

He had black hair that was styled in a quiff, his skin was the same tone as Thresh's, a deep, golden tan. His eyes were just as freaky as Dart's though, if not more so. A frightening ice blue. It reminded me slightly of that Elf's eyes, but the man before me had more life to them, even if they looked a little hollow.

"Thresh! And who's this?" He spoke, he had a very sultry voice that disturbed me. His bright eyes were now trained on me.

I watched him carefully as he watched me. I continued to try and keep his channel anchored but it kept flying away.

I huffed through my nose, I was getting frustrated with this.

"Why so bundled up, aren't you warm?" He asked.

A small smirk played on my lips, "Actually, no. I'm finding it quite cold."

"Hmm, I'm sure I can warm you up."

I snorted, "Oh! So you're a flirt." I stated.

He laughed but I could see that he was perplexed. I wondered if he was trying to control my mind, but I'm sure he wasn't, if he was as powerful as Thresh and Dart, I'm sure he could do that easily.

"So, Thresh. Who is this beauty?"

I looked up at Thresh and could see he was having a hard time concentrating. I nudged his arm and he straightened himself.

"She is none of your concern. I'm here to talk." He said stiffly. I looked at the man as I again tried to grasp at that channel to see what was wrong with it.

Kratos tilted his head back, "Thresh, you should know better than to lie to me."

I glanced between the two brothers.

Thresh seemed to be struggling as sweat was beading down his face.

I looked at Kratos, he was staring intently at Thresh, "Stop!" I yelled. I did not want to see Thresh like this.

He broke off the intense stare and looked at me with a very confused expression, "What are you."

I rolled my eyes but smirked in exhaustion and annoyance at being asked the same question over and over again.

I am a human with a smidge of Lycan blood. Apparently.