Chapter 137

"What? How?" Thomas asked, he had been debriefed about the whole thing and had wanted to go to the Haven but had had to stay behind with the Pack.

"Well, if the girl Fae had a stone when she was killed where is it? The Lycan hadn't come through the main entrance which means that he got in somehow, we still don't know why, but it makes sense that she let, or led, him in using a stone." I explained, "But, there was no stone by her body. Which means that she either hid it back in the cave, or the Elf that killed her took it."

Thomas nodded, I looked at Raph who had remained silent.

"What about the Griffins?" He asked.

"The wha-? What Griffins?" I asked, and Thomas looked equally confused.

"The Griffins. Didn't you see the Griffins?" Raph said gesturing to the unseen Griffins.

My eyebrows drew together, "In the Haven?"

"Yes, they're the protectors." He said.

"Oh. No, I didn't see any." I replied.

"Well, when I was there they were perched on the cliffs, they must've seen something. But," He licked his lips, "The Griffin hadn't liked me, Solar the Fae, he'd said something to it so it would calm down and after that it didn't attack me, the female Fae must've done the same thing for the Lycan that was killed." He stated.

"They don't like intruders." He added.

I thought about this, I tilted my head as I spoke my thoughts, "Thresh had been in the Haven before, so had the Gamma. But I hadn't, and no Griffins attacked me."

The room was quiet other than the gunshots from the movie.

"Maybe because you're human?" Thomas said after a while had passed.

Me and Raph looked at each other, "Maybe."

"Well on that happy note, what's for dinner Brooke?" Thomas asked.

I giggled, "Well, we have a plethora of leftovers so…"

"Uh, actually. Lilla left a folder about what Raph is supposed to eat to be healthy." Thomas interjected.

"Who's Lilla?"

"The head healer." Raph answered, "And honey, it's alright you don't have to look at it."

"No, it's fine, I'm sure she knows what she's talking about, I'll go get and then I'll cook something up for you. Kay?"


I gave him a kiss, and felt something strange in it, like… his teeth? I thought about it quickly and pushed it out of my mind the next second, the thought of him marking me again gave me butterflies.

I skipped off to my room and heard Thomas voice an interesting comment, it always seemed like Lycans thought that my hearing was way worse than it actually was. That, or people just really didn't care that I could hear them.

I found the folder on our bed and smelled a strong lavender smell, I wrinkled my nose. I did not like that.

I walked out and began flipping through the pages, and pages of meal plans.

I exhaled dramatically, "Oohhh… this woman is definitely dedicated to her work." I said as I flipped yet another page, all of the pages smelled like that horrible lavender, liked they'd been thoroughly coated in it.

Thomas laughed, "Yeah, yeah she is."

"You found anything you wanna cook yet?" Raph asked while throwing the lacrosse ball that he'd been throwing for the past few minutes. I forced myself not to yell at him to stop for the millionth time and smiled, "No, I mean my dad is a vegan but he never touches chia seeds, I mean really? Honey, would you like me to smother a chicken breast in chia seeds with a side of okra?"

I shivered at the thought of okra. Never again.

He cracked a smile, "No, I wouldn't. But what do you have against okra?"

"It's slimy and… slimy. I don't even remember the taste I just remember a sliminess that stayed in my throat for days." I shivered again.

He laughed, "Well don't tell Lilla that, she apparently likes it."

"Hm, I can see that. Ooh, this one looks doable." I said as I showed him the recipe, "Veggie loaded frittata, I can throw in some meat if you like."

"Yeah, that sounds great."

"Okay, great." I said as I got up and walked down the stairs.


"Wow, if Raph could only see you pouting over cutting vegetables." Thomas said as he watched me cook.

"I'm not pouting over the vegetables, I do actually enjoy them. It's just, do you smell that?" I asked, I was getting a headache from the putrid smell.

"Smell what? The peppers?" He held up the bowl that was filled with the cut red bell peppers.

"No, no that lavender? It's making me sick. And I can't even tell where it's coming from, no one here uses lavender scented things." I said.

He paused and then burst out laughing. I watched him, upset. Was he making fun of me?

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe this." He said pretending to wipe a tear away.

"Believe what?" I asked impatiently.

"That scent, is Lilla's." He said and continued laughing.

My eyebrows scrunched together, "Why is it so strong?"

"Because she's another female." He explained.

"But Gloria doesn't smell, neither does Charm, and neither does any of the other females I've met." I said confused.

"That's because, well I don't know why. But you are usually with Raph when he meets Gloria and Charm, and you are closer with Charm and Gloria. As to the others, you meet them personally and you can… tell if there a threat or not. You've never met Lilla so I assume that," He shrugged, "You find her scent offensive.

I inhaled again, it was acidically, sweet and it burned my throat, "It is." I said scrunching my nose in distaste.

"Haha, well we'll be sure not to tell her that, or her mate."

I continued to chop the broccoli.

"What does she smell like to you?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Uhh, like lavender. It's not anything special."

"Hm." I replied.

We were silent as I diced some tomatoes.

"What does, no." He changed his mind, "Does Raph smell different to you?" He asked.

I looked up at him and blushed. Raph's smell, or scent was special and personal. Also very private.

"I, um…" I stammered, "Uh, yes. For instance, I can only really smell his."

"Hmm, you see when a Lycan finds their mate it's their scent that we're supposed to use to find them. Raph jumped out of a car when he first caught your scent." He chuckled.

"Really? I can't believe that." I said chuckling myself.

"Yeah…" Thomas continued talking but I wasn't listening, because behind him in the doorway was an Elf.