Chapter 153

Biting down on the dingo's neck Thresh finished off the last of the dingo pack.

Looking to his left he saw two pumas attacking some of his wolves.

He sprinted in their direction but came to a stop when he heard a loud roar. Looking to his right he could feel tremors approaching and increasing.

Squinting through the trees he tried to make out what was coming, -Alpha! A Chimera has been set loose!- The link came just as the beast crashed through the thin line of trees.

Thresh jumped back as the snake zipped forward and threatened to bite him.

'A Chimera…?' He thought as he watched the creature wreak destruction.

He looked up at where his Beta was stationed.

Following quickly after the beast he attempted to attack it's neck but the goat that grew from behind it turned and shot hot flame at him.

Leaping to the side he hit a tree.

"Alpha, what is that?" He heard his Gamma's voice and turned to see the Lycan in human form, panting from the constant battle and holding a bloodied knife in his hand.

"A Chimera." He said shifting and panting as well.

"How did the Elves get that thing on the other side of our forces?" He asked watching the sky warily.

Thresh looked up and saw a few vultures circling.

"I believe she was the girl."

"Amelia?" Thomas asked shock written on his face, "She was the Chimera? How?"

"Only a few are born throughout the centuries. Alpha Spruce must've found one and somehow the Elves discovered her."

"Then they, what? Used her?" Thomas asked, then he shifted as the vultures began their descent.

Thresh shifted also, -Yes, they used her to get behind our lines and attack us.-

Just as they tensed, ready for the vultures' attack they began flying in circles; slamming into one another and attempting to kill their own.

-What's wrong with them?- Thomas asked, horrified at the scene.

Thresh looked down and saw that the pumas he'd seen previously were also killing each other and fleeing across the lake.

-Is Amelia doing this?- Thomas asked.

Thresh narrowed his eyes in thought, -Head back to Raphael, see what's happening.-

Thomas nodded and broke of in a run heading in the direction of the Beta.

Thresh turned his focus to the Chimera who was making it's way around the lake.

A thought appeared in his mind as he recalled a piece of information.

Quickly sprinting he moved and with all his might attempted to push the creature into the lake.

It didn't budge.

Swinging to the right he tried again but the snake head nipped at him causing him to jump back.


Raphael continued to watch the battle play out, he could see that the beast was contained where it was in Thresh's area.

"Contact everyone else, I want updates." He said as he walked to the map. They couldn't see where Kratos was but he hoped that they hadn't sustained too much damage. They were guarding the outside entrance to the Haven, near where he'd been.

Soon a report came in saying that they'd lost most of their forces in the Chimera's attack but the Shapeshifters were all gone.

Raph scratched his head.

"Send another one of the teams, send Rob." He ordered.

"Yes, Beta."

"Raph! Raph!" A voice called and soon a panting Thomas appeared and crashed through the canvas door.

"Thomas?" He heard Brooke ask.

"What… is, that thing?" He asked, received a water bottle from someone nearby.

"A Chimera." Raph stated and soon felt Brooke standing near him.

"But-" His eyes glazed over and Raph could see that he was mind linking with someone, most likely his mate who was standing beside him, her eyes focused.

Finally they finished the conversation and Thomas looked up in confusion and shock.

"So… the Elves actually did this to her?"

Raph looked at Brooke then at Thomas, "Okay, let's talk outside."

He walked outside and turned to face the two of them. She looked so small compared to Thomas.

"What do you mean, the Elves did it?" He asked.

Brooke took a breath, "When I was," She nodded to the nearby scuff marks in the snow left by the Chimera, "Unlocking her gift or whatever, I could tell that it wasn't natural, the lock, it shouldn't be there. So, I assume since she had been held by the Elves for so long, they built it, I assume to contain her gift. But her gift, or you know, being a Chimera is natural. She was born that way."

He nodded his head, she was brilliant.

"Okay, so how do we get rid of it?" He asked. If they got rid of it, Amelia could easily shift from human to beast without the artificial lock, then once she shifted back they could detain her.

"We can't. At least I can't. An Elf probably could, since an Elf put it there." She said.

He nodded, "Okay, so we just let it go free."

"But it's working for the Elves." Thomas objected.

"No, not from what we can tell. She's only scaring the Shapeshifters away, she's caused some damage so just steer clear of her." Raph replied.

"What if she turns on us?" He asked.

He looked at Brooke who let out a small laugh, "Then we're screwed."