Chapter 152

I felt useless.

I couldn't do anything but watch and listen as people continued to drop.

-Raph?- I asked.

He looked out the tent at the scorched forest beneath.


I sighed in relief, and fear.

Four Lycans brought a chained up Amelia to where the tent was. Me and Raph met her outside.

After the incident with Duma, Thresh had ordered her to be chained up and kept in the prison. We'd brought her with us only because of her continued use of the phrase, "I'm your help in the war."

There was something about her, the look in her eyes and the way she smiled. She was unhinged.

"How are you to be of help to us?" Raph asked his breath misting in the air.

Amelia smiled and I shivered, "It's a secret." She said in a whisper.

I swallowed and glanced at Raph. I knew that I was showing my uneasiness but my mind was distracted by the constant death that it was hard to keep my face clear of emotions.

"Tell us." Raph said coldly.

"Or what?" She asked, her head tilted with an innocent expression on her face.

"Or we'll feed you to the wolves." He said with just as little emotion.

Her face twisted in an angry and confused manner, "I can't!" She yelled, "She can!" She said pointing at me. My eyes widened as I saw her finger pointed at me, her eyes manic.

I looked up at Raph nervously, not afraid to show my fear. He pulled me close and wrapped his arm around me. I closed my eyes, I immediately felt centered with him. His minty scent bringing clarity to my mind.

I opened my eyes and looked across to the girl whose eyes were darting around frantically.

"What can I do?" I asked reaching to hold Raph's hand.

"You can do it." She said sounding hysterical, "You can unlock it." She made eye contact with me and I saw a crazy fire in them.

"Unlock what?"

"My power." She said in a whisper, but I caught it.

My brow furrowed slightly, I hesitated a little before I asked, "How?"

A smile lit her lips, "The same way the Elves can." A shaking finger rose to her temple, "My mind."

I looked around at the Lycans guarding her, their expressions unreadable. I squeezed Raph's hand, -What should I do?-

He was quiet a long time before he answered.

-Try it.-

I swallowed and nodded before closing my eyes and opening the strange channel before me.

I gasped as I was met with what felt like a snake pit. A massive amount of channels all overwhelming one mind. 'No wonder she's unhinged.' I thought as I searched for her power.

Looking to my right I saw a flash of a lion.

'Right, Raph said that she was a lioness Shapeshifter.' I recalled in my mind.

I delved deeper and saw a serpent of some kind and eventually a goat. My face turned confused. But soon I reached the door. Reaching for it I unlocked it.

While I was unlocking it my mind was attempting to solve the mystery of the three animals.

'A lion, a goat and a snake…'

My eyes snapped open, "No…" I breathed but I was too late.

Amelia screamed and grabbed her head as she transformed into a beast.

Her head shifted into a lioness's and her arms slowly shifted to large paws. Her legs grew hooves and out from her back she grew a tail that soon turned into a snake's head. Out from behind her neck grew a horrifying goat head.

A Chimera.


Raphael jumped to protect his mate from the creature that Amelia had shifted into.

Covering Brooke he turned his head to see that the Chimera had jumped into the forest below.

Walking into the tent, holding onto Brooke's hand tightly he began to tell his people what to do.

"Warn everyone. They need to know that a Chimera has been released." He said and they began to work.

"Keep a read on it, I need to know where it is at all times."

After saying a few more things he turned to see Brooke, she had a emotionless mask on but her eyes were wide which meant she was scared.

Without hesitation he pulled her into his arms and stroked her back. She responded to him and hugged him back, clinging to him.

Separating he tilted her head to look at him, "You okay?"

She licked her lips, and shook her head.

"Okay." He held her close once more, "Would you like to go back to the cabin?"

She shook her head against his chest.

"Okay." He pulled away and looked at her, she was wearing a toque and a scarf, bundled up against the cold. He smiled and pulled the toque more firmly on her head.

"Then you stay safe. Stay here, with me."

She nodded and glanced out the window.

He began to receive reports that the Shapeshifters were retreating and going mad. He thought back to what Amelia had done to Duma, apparently it was something a Chimera could do.

Grabbing the microphone he asked, "Is it doing any damage?"

"For the most part, no Beta. It's destroying a few trees but it hasn't harmed too many of our forces."

He nodded, 'This could be a trap; get them weakened, then attack us, the enemy comes back full strength while a Chimera has just destroyed our forces, or it's given us a false sense of hope.'

Shaking his head he spoke again, "Whatever you do, don't let your guard down."

"Beta!" He turned hearing his name, "It's reached Alpha's position."

He walked and looked out the window at Thresh's position. Lightening could be seen occasionally and the forest was scarred from the Elves magic. Now bits of flame could be seen lighting up the woods.

Watching he could make out the Chimera charging towards the lake in the distance, breathing fire and crashing through trees.

-This is all my fault.- He heard her say.

To be honest he felt that it was his. He was the one that had told her to try and unlock Amelia's gift. And it had brought them here.

-It's not your fault, it's the Elves fault.- He said, kissing the top of her head. He could feel how tense she was and how she relaxed slightly with the kiss.

-It's all gonna be okay.-