Chapter 155

Squinting my eyes in the bright, light I could see that it was morning.

Sitting up and laying back down I smacked my lips a few times before I finally decided to get up. Looking at my phone I saw text from Raph.

(You don't need to get up right away, but they're back, with what seems like two whole new waves along with more Elves and Pixies…)

I didn't finish reading it and I quickly ran to the bathroom then dressed putting a new shirt on.

Walking out the door I bumped into Mark, "You're up."

"I told you she was up five minutes ago." Nathan interjected.

I smiled, "Yes I'm up. Whe-"

I looked up when I heard a loud whistling sound.

"Duck!" Yelled mark and I turned my back away from the noise covering my ears. I peeked through my closed eyes and saw a tree in front of the cabin covered with a glowing black and green smoke that seemed to consume it.

I gaped at it, "How close are they?" I asked in horror.

"They breached through the main gate and we've evacuated everyone to the underground bunker." Nathan said as we began to move quickly to where the strategy tent was.

"How's Thresh?" I asked.

"Alpha's still on the ground." Nathan answered as he broke into a run.

I moved as quickly as I could to keep up with the two Lycans but let's face it, I'm not physically fit in almost any way.

Panting I slowed my pace and Mark matched it.

We soon reached the tent and I could see that it was more chaotic than yesterday.

People were running in and out, multiple mind links and the the sound of frantic voices and yelling. Hearing that one of them was Raph's I ran to the entrance.

He was hunched over the table a radio next to him, "I don't care if they've breached your position, we need you to divert as many of your healers to the lake as possible, they've been hit hard."

A tense voice replied, "Yes, Beta."

Biting my lip I walked forward and gave him a hug from behind.

-It'll all be okay.- I had no idea if it was true but I hoped it would provide him some comfort.

He held and rubbed my hands, turning he placed them on his chest and looked at me sincerely, his gold eyes holding a sliver of worry, "Brooke… I'm going to help Thresh."

My eyes widened and my heartbeat began to drum loudly, I was positive that everyone in the tent could hear it.

"D-down there?" I shook my head, "You can't, what if-if-if-?"

He held my chin and rubbed my bottom lip, "I will be fine, it's you I'm worried about."

I gave him an exasperated and pleading look, "I'm worried about you."

He flashed a gorgeous smile, "You've never seen me fight."

I gave him a soft smirk, "So are you saying you're good?"

He sighed, "Yep, just as good as I am at everything else."

For some reason I felt heat creep into my cheeks, swallowing I smiled at him trying to hide it, "Well… you better come back safe."

He stroked my cheek, "I will, I promise. Just promise me that you'll stay here, but if this place becomes unsafe you move to a safer place, stay with Mark and Nathan, and please don't-"

I pulled him down and kissed him, I felt him relax a bit. Man, he was tense.

Pulling away I gave him a small smile, "I will be smart, now you go save Thresh's ass." I said with a giggle.

He gave me a smile then sighed, "I love you." He began running his fingers through my hair.

"I love you too."

Giving me one last kiss he left the tent and I saw him shift into his silver wolf.

After watching him run down the path and into the trees I reentered the tent.


Raphael arrived at where Thresh was and he could see that the was Alpha not far from the lake and fighting a small pack of coyotes.

Seeing a large group of jaguars was boxing in a group of Lycans he slouched low to the ground and slowly moved up behind one of them.

The jaguar sensed him but it was too late. Raph lunged forward and bit it's shoulder, it yowled and swung both it's paws at him, but it's leg was weakened. Ducking to the right the jaguar jumped past him, Raph turned and nipped it's stomach, then jumping he got it's neck and broke it quickly.

Turning he saw that the four Lycans had defeated the other cats.

Thinking that made him think of Brooke's cat. Parker. Shaking his head he moved on and continued to kill many Shapeshifters.

Strategy Lycans were usually larger than others because they had no reason not to be. Stealth Lycans were small and thin. Hunter Lycans had muscle power but they were also smaller. Healer Lycans were larger like strategists. And warrior Lycans were the largest.

He helped as many battles as he could, defeating Shapeshifter after Shapeshifter and he still had energy left.

Running through the trees he all of a sudden fell to the ground. Shaking his head he got up and surveyed his surroundings. He couldn't see anyone but he had a feeling that this was Pixie's doing.

He stood still waiting for the pest to make the first move. He looked to the trees to see if they would strike from above, almost at the same moment his ears stopped working and were ringing, he couldn't smell anything and everything looked strange and blurry. He pawed at his nose and then he felt something hit him on his back.

Jumping back, having a hard time finding his balance, he looked and saw a bunch of monkeys. 'Mandrills?' He thought quickly from the skewed image of the animal. Seeing the one in front of him open his jaws wide Raph could see the long canines.

'Don't want to get bit by those.' He thought quickly as he could see more of the dark beasts cornering him.

Lunging out he snapped at one of them as a warning barking loudly to frighten them off but he knew the Shifters wouldn't fall for it.

He pawed at his nose again hoping that his sense of smell would come back but it didn't.

Straightening himself he looked up and saw an Elf.

"Ah…" It spoke in a screeching muffled voice, but Raph could still make out his words, "Her mate. We finally meet face-to-face."

Raphael met the Elf's eyes and saw the milky white.
