Chapter 156

"Any sign of the Chimera?" I asked turning to see that no one had heard me. Or… they were ignoring me. Twisting my lips I walked to Luke, Raph's second in command of strategy.

"Has anyone seen or heard of the Chimera lately?" I asked looking straight at him.

He lazily moved his gold eyes to look at me, "No."

I raised my eyebrows and ran my tongue along my teeth, "Heh, okay then." I muttered, "How's Kratos's position holding up?" I asked looking at the spot on the map.

I heard him sigh quietly, "Fine."

I bit the inside of my lip to keep myself from smacking him upside the head. Licking my lips I thought about how on earth to phrase this without coming across as rude, "I'm sorry, but maybe you could tell me how they are doing. How many casualties? Are there any Elves where they are? Any Pixies?"

He put his iPad down loudly and gathered the attention of everyone else, "You know, you have a lot of nerve."

I blinked and could sense Mark and Nathan moving to stand behind me, "I'm sorry, I'm the one with the nerve-?"

"Yeah, you're trying to put your foot in everything. This-" He pointed at my shoulder where my mark was, "Doesn't make you equal to the Beta. Why can't you just sit back like the Luna does?"

My eyebrows rose and I laughed in utter surprise, "You-did you just insult Ch-Luna?"

His eyes darted to the two Lycans standing behind me, "I-"

"No, because it sounded like you did. I could tell Thresh, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to hear you disrespecting his mate." I said with a bite, 'Especially when she's pregnant.' I thought heatedly.

"I-I didn't-"

"And you know, I'm sure Raph would be happy to know that you clearly have no respect for me." I said raising my voice slightly.

"Ma'am, I'm s-"

"No." I would not listen to his grovelling, "Now please tell me. Are there any Elves near the border? Any Pixies? How many casualties have they sustained and do they have enough healers?" I said in a firm voice staring him down. He was much taller and it was not easy staring him down but I did.

He cleared his throat and my eyes looked at the other Lycans in the tent and their eyes returned to their work.

"Th-they've only reported one Elf in the area and he's only fired a few of their missiles. No Pixies or their magic have been spotted so far, and so far they have minimal casualties." He said in a monotone voice.

I smiled happily, "See? Thank you very much."

Then I walked back to the window.

"Well, you showed him." I heard Nathan say under his breath next to me.

I let out a quiet snort, "Shush."

"No, no. I mean I was gonna step in but you seemed to have handled it pretty well."

I crossed my arms, "Why, thank you."

He just continued smiling at me, his eyes unmoving.

I leaned forward, "Nathan? Nathan are you okay…?"

{Oh, he'll be fine. So will the rest of them.} A voice spoke in my head.

I froze and my eyes began darting to see if I could find him. I saw that the entire tent was frozen still. Everyone except me.

I inhaled sharply and looked around, {Where are you?} I asked.

{You don't need to see me to have a conversation.} He said in a mocking tone.

{No, maybe not, but you have such a beautiful face.} I joked.

I jumped when he appeared right in front of me. Wearing his human appearance but his voice still sounded Elf-like.

"I can, can't I?" He said in his terrible screeching voice as he looked at me with his creepy eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious, we're here to destroy the Faerie." He answered. Luckily he wasn't using his magic too powerfully because I couldn't smell him. The chain was also probably helping.

I scoffed, "I would never have thought you so petty as to do something like this just to steal power."

He laughed and I grimaced.

"You've never even tasted their power, those chains around your neck are just a simple example of what they can do."

I watched him warily as he looked at the maps on the table, 'Shit.' I thought.

"I used to look like this." He suddenly spoke, observing his hand, "But you see, the Faerie took that from me, from all Elves. They are evil creatures." He spat.

"Well I'm certain you did something to deserve it, maybe trying to steal their power. So this is all because of vanity?" I asked appalled.

"No, it's because of power. And they, those weaklings, have had that power for too long." He said as though he was going to win this battle.

"Why are you here?" I asked holding my opal necklace charm.

"I believe I've already answered this."

"Why are you here? In this tent?"

He chuckled, it was a low rumbling screech, "I've got a present for you."

I swallowed, "I don't like your presents."

He laughed and I winced because he took a step closer, "No. Not one like Amelia. Though I do have to say, you held out a lot longer on unlocking her beast than I thought you would."

'Oh, gee thanks. I'm flattered.' I thought but kept silent, waiting for the 'present' he had brought me.

"I've finally figured out what you are." He said proudly. I looked around at the frozen people in the tent. I knew that when I was frozen I could still hear words.

I looked back up, "Have you? Well that's too bad, because I already know."

He laughed, "Unless Thresh told you then you don't."

I felt my blood run cold, 'Was I something other than part-Lycan?'

"You see, I realized it the first time I met you, but, I couldn't recognize it until yesterday, when you helped Amelia unlock her true form."

He began to circle me, his tall frame looming over me. Bending over he whispered in my ear.

"You, Brooke, are an Elf."