Chapter 158

"Brooke!" I heard someone yell then I was pushed to the ground.

A loud crashing sound followed and I could hear crackling like fire. I raised my head from the plywood floor and saw that the tent was gone and some of it was on fire. Most of the Lycans were unconscious but some seemed to just be injured.

Looking to my right I saw Nathan under some of the canvas, he was unconscious but seemed uninjured.

I sat up and looked behind me. I saw Mark.

My eyes widened and I stopped breathing. My heart was the only sound I could hear as I took in his form. Sound rushed back in and I crawled to him.

"Mark!" I yelled in a gasp for air and he coughed in an attempt to call out to me.

"Don't-don't touch me. You'll get burnt." He coughed and I could see blood in his mouth.

His stomach was smoking and a pitch, black vapour was oozing from him. The darkness was spreading down his legs rapidly and reaching his feet.

"Oh no…" I breathed, "Mark, Mark. We'll get you a healer. I'll find you a healer." I started yelling for a healer and I could feel my throat closing up and going raw.

"No. No." He said quietly and I looked down to see his eyes were closed, "Don't. There's no point." He winced in pain and grit his teeth. The black smoke was crawling up his chest and reaching his shoulders.

"Just… stay." He said softly, I barely heard him but I swallowed hard and nodded my head.

"Okay, I'll stay."

I couldn't do anything. I couldn't hold his hand, or stroke his hair. I could do nothing to comfort him.

I watched him as he groaned in pain and clenched his fists. He shouted in pain as the darkness reached his fingers. My eyes burned with tears and I looked around for anyone to help me. They were all just laying still.

I glanced at Nathan's sleeping form. His brother was dying.

"Brooke! Brooke!" Mark gasped and I looked at him, his usual green eyes were jet black, the pupils were gone and replaced by a veiny hollow colour. It seemed as though he couldn't see.

"Yes." I choked out, "Yes, I'm here. I'm here."

"I can't see!" He said panicked.

"It's okay. It's okay." I said in a shuddering voice, "You're okay, I'm right here. Okay."

He just stared blankly at the sky, his black, lifeless eyes unmoving as a light breeze ruffled his blonde hair.

"C-could you sing. Please?" He asked. His voice was so panicked. I folded my lips trying to hold back the sob. I couldn't sing. Not right now.

"I… I… I can sing. What do you want me to sing?" I said trying to sound calm.

"Th-the song you sang." He coughed and blood dribbled out of his mouth. His entire body was burnt and I could smell rotting things from it.

"The one from last night?" I finished in a brittle voice.

"Yeah, please." His voice cracked and my heart squeezed.

"Okay." I said and did my best to clear my throat. It was closing up and I doubt I would be able to sing for long.

I began singing and watched as his eyes closed. I attempted to keep my voice controlled but it refused.

As I sang the chorus and I watched his face contort in pain as tears streamed down his face and the darkness continued to destroy his body. He started to call my name and I didn't know why, I just did my best to keep singing, comforting him in some way. My voice trembled with sobs.

"And all will turn… to silver glass. A light on the water, all souls pass. Hope fades… into the world of night. Through shadows falling… out of memory and time. Don't say… we have come now to the end. White shores are calling… you and I will meet again." I broke down in sobs as I tried to breathe and finish the song.

But he was gone.

I clutched him, his body had a sickly warmth and it crumbled like ash. His face was charred and his black eyes closed.

I took a breath to try and stem the tears but I couldn't.

I broke down and pulled my knees close as my body was wracked with sobs.

"Brooke!" I heard a voice call but I couldn't care who it was at the moment.

Mark was dead. And I watched him die. My voice wailed loudly as I reminded myself of the fact. My heart crushed and I could hardly breathe.

"No. No! No!" I heard someone say. His voice was strained.

I felt large arms encircle me and inhaled Raph's scent. He was here.

I clung to him and he clung to me, we were both sobbing, soaking each other's shoulders in tears. I'd never heard Raph cry before and it was the most heart wrenching sound in the world to hear my mate cry.

I clung to him but my arms were weak and tired and my head was hurting from my sobs. I eventually just whimpered as I held him, he cradled me, rocking me back and forth.

"Raph." I tried to say but my throat was so sore. And my eyes just stung and ached. My heart felt tired and I didn't want to open my eyes… I might see Mark again.

Another tear fell from my eye.

"Shh…" He mumbled as he cradled me in his warm and strong embrace. And I obeyed. I didn't want to do anymore.