Chapter 159

Raphael looked up into the Elf general's white eyes.

So this was the Elf that had been torturing his mate. He growled baring his teeth.

"Oh," The Elf clicked his tongue, "You needn't do that. I've been helping your mate." His black hair was draping from his head in greasy strings as he bent to look at the silver wolf.

Raph glanced at the blurry visions of the mandrills next to the tall, black skeleton. Taking a risk, he shifted and stood still two feet shorter than the Elf.

"You've done nothing to help her and deserve to die." He said in a cold, deadly tone.

He scoffed, "Aren't you the typical protective mate. Too bad she doesn't need you." He spat stooping down. A foul smell drifted from the creature's mouth as he spoke and Raph fought the urge to gag.

'Doesn't need me? She needs me, the same as I need her. Right?' He thought but looked back up at the Elf with determination. He was trying to plant doubt in his mind. It wouldn't work.

The Elf suddenly in one quick movement swiped the chain from his neck. Raph looked up at him, his gaze unwavering as he watched what the general had planned.

The blurriness began to cause spots to dance in front of his eyes and his ears were ringing. His nose felt like it wasn't even there anymore and his fingers refused to cooperate. Without realizing it he found himself on the snow covered forest floor. A strange cold seeped into his bones as he fought the fear of just how helpless he was.

El-kor studied the chain studiously, "Such a small thing yet capable of withholding so much" He said as he held the magical piece.

"You can keep it." Raphael said knowing that if Elves attempted to use Faerie enchanted relics they could be poisoned.

"Hmm, thank you for the offer but I'm afraid that I don't need it. You see, I simply needed it to unlock your mind."

Raphael rose to his feet—unsteadily— and extended his claws.

He met the Elf's eyes and could feel something touching his mind, it started to burn and he grabbed his head and yelled in pain.

Through the blinding pain he could hear the Elf's faint voice, "Interesting… she's built impressive walls for you. Though some of them seem to be of your own creation."

The pain stopped like a strong wind rushing from his ears and his vision cleared. He hadn't realized that it had darkened.

Panting, he asked, "What do you mean she built walls for me?" The snow was seeping through his clothes as he looked to glimpse the mandrills but they seemed to be pawing the ground agitatedly.

Raph held his nose higher in the air but his senses were still dulled.

"Heh, I meant that she has built very strong walls in your mind to prevent someone trying to get in."

"Someone like you?" Raph asked sardonically.

"Hm, yes." He seemed to be very happy about something and it was making Raph antsy, he was doing his best not to look up in the direction at where Brooke was but it was instinct to see if his mate was still alive.

"How did she do it?" He asked, maybe he was stalling but he would do his best to keep this Elf in his sight.

"Most likely during mating. It's when you're closest mentally."

Raph narrowed his eyes slightly. Why was he telling him this?

"You're probably wondering why I'm telling you this."

Raph lowered his head maintaining eye contact.

"It's because I have nothing left to lose. You will soon die and, I will soon have your mate in my grasp." Smiling a rotten grin he spoke in a boasting voice.

Raph lunged for the Elf as he shifted, claws fully ready to destroy the creature but he flashed away in a pillar of black mist.

At that moment the mandrills came on the offensive.

His back was all of a sudden torn by their sharp claws and he yelped and turned to face them, growling and barking.

His vision was better but his hearing and smell were still off.

They monkeys howled loudly and began climbing trees, 'Oh, even better.' He said in his mind.

Seeing an opportunity he moved and bit down, snapping the neck of one of the animals then in his peripheral he saw the group approaching him and he turned back and killed three more of them. But they all began to disappear into the canopy above.

Raph circled the area, keeping his eyes on the trees.

Then like a swarm of bees they came down and began to surround him. Scratching and snapping their frightful jaws.

He defended himself against all of the attacks but he could feel the sting of their claws along his back weakening him.

He didn't know how long the battle between him and these bloodthirsty primates had lasted but he soon heard a howl.

Understanding that it was for him he howled back, extending his neck.

The monkeys attempted to claw his throat out but he dodged and sprinted to kick off a tree and attack a large mandrill but it turned on him and got his shoulder, nearly tearing the ligaments.

A snarl sounded from his throat as he bit down on it's neck and then he continued to fight off the beasts, his energy dwindling only a little while his blood and the monkeys' soaked the snow covered ground.

Hearing another howl he knew that his kind were near. Not risking exposing his neck again he sprinted away from the ring of trees and sped for the dead tree on an outcrop.

Raising his head he howled and heard a reply, they were closer than before.

A roar came from behind him and he saw a mandrill charging for him.

He jumped over it and back to the ground off of the tree but his front leg gave out because of his torn shoulder. He yelped loudly as his shoulder took the brunt of it.

He rose to his feet ignoring the pain and the heavy scent of blood.

His teeth were bared, ready to take down the creature.

The monkey began to stomp at the ground aggressively. Raph's ears then picked up the sound of wolves. The Pixie's magic was gone. He hadn't noticed that it had disappeared.

He narrowed his eyes and watched as the mandrill growled angrily at the trees. Seeing that he was losing the battle the primate began to look for a route of escape but the outcrop was very narrow.

Raph bared his teeth and jumped for the kill.