Chapter 161

I ran to the tent after hearing Nathan's heartbreaking cry.

My heart broke all over as I thought about losing my brother. An overwhelming wave of sadness hit me and I watched him sadly.

To be honest I was frightened to comfort him. When I first arrived at the tent I avoided looking at Mark but eventually I had to. It was as hard as it had been the first time.

A constricting pain twisted in my chest, "Nathan." I said softly as he stared at his brother in horror, all of the colour gone from his face.

He changed his gaze to me, he looked angry and confused, scared and miserable.

I attempted to swallow the rock in my throat but I couldn't.

I could see that Nathan blamed me.

My heart began to race in nervousness and fear.

Raph was still defending me to the others.

I didn't try to calm the angry brother in front of me down. I didn't know how.

His gold eyes burned at me, I sensed Raph coming closer but I was afraid that it wouldn't be fast enough.

"You- he's dead because of you." He said grinding his teeth.

I shook my head but looked down and closed my eyes. He was.

There was nothing that I could think to say that would make the situation better.

"Nathan." Raph stern but soft voice came from behind me, "You need to calm yourself. If you let your wolf take control of you now you could go feral." He said calmly.

'Really, that could happen?' I asked myself in my mind.

All at once all three of us turned our heads to the battlefield. A loud roar echoed through the pass.

The Chimera was back.

We could see fire spreading near where Kratos was positioned.

-Get Nathan to the underground. Tell them the situation.- Raph mind linked two warriors.

Two warriors came and they told Nathan to come with them.

"No! I won't go! I won't leave him." He yelled, I could see that his claws were out.

"Nathan." I called, he looked at me with those nervous and conflicted eyes, "We'll get him somewhere safe."

He looked at Mark then at me, "You promise?"

I nodded, "I promise." I don't make promises very often because I don't want to seem flighty if I break them.

He looked once more at his brother then he walked away with the two Lycans.

Raph called three more of them to get Mark.

"Where should we bring him Beta?" One of them asked, he had dark hair and heterochromia eyes; one was gold, the other was blue.

Raph looked down at me, -Go ahead.-

I exhaled through my nose softly, 'Oh boy.'

I cleared my throat, "Take him to one of the bunkers or cabins, somewhere safe where he'll be preserved."

I could see reluctance in their eyes but they carefully carried Mark's body to a piece of canvas and rested him on it gently.

"And stay with him." I said then I wanted to hide behind Raph because of their stares of outrage, "Stay with him, protect him. The Elves have breached the gate, technically the bunkers or cabins would not be safe…" I stopped as I realized a horrible truth.

I turned to Raph not caring about the three annoyed Lycans behind me, "Parker." I said.

He slouched his shoulders and ran a hand through his already disastrous, silver hair. Swearing under his breath he mind linked another Lycan and I smiled wryly at him.

-Yes, Beta.- The lady asked as she slowed in her jog approaching the ruins of the tent.

"Go to our cabin and check to see if… our cat is still alive. If the place is in danger bring him to the underground, if not stay and protect him." Raph said so seriously I laughed a bit.

Turning to look back at the three Lycans with Mark I told them to go and take him someplace safe.

The female Lycan soon left to go look after our cat. I laughed softly once again at the thought.

"Brooke." I heard Raph say in a solemn tone.

Turning to meet his eyes I knew what he wanted, I shook my head, "I'm not going underground. I can't not know what's happening up here."

"But…" He walked towards me, putting his hands on my shoulders, "I need to know that you're okay."

"Then, stay with me." I said then looked down. I didn't want to be all clingy and stuff but he nearly died last time he left me and so had I. In fact someone had died.

He lifted my chin, he hadn't come up with an answer but he just wanted me to look at him. His golden eyes were still searching for the solution to our dilemma.

"We'll help Onyx and Ditri." He said, but his voice was nervous.

"But you don't want to." I said.

He sighed and rested his forehead on mine.

"You want to be down there." I said for him, meaning the forest below.

I closed my eyes feeling his strong forehead against mine, he all of a sudden tensed.

His head left mine and he looked at me concerned, "Your bleeding."

My eyes widened, "What? Where?"

He unzipped my coat and began to search my body gently. He reached my left shoulder blade and I hissed in pain.

His face was controlled but I could see the worry in his eyes.

He turned me so my back was facing him, "Raph, I'll be fine." I objected then I squirmed in his hands as he touched my wound again.

"No, you need to get this out." He said seriously.

I bit the inside of my lip hard as I felt my eyes sting from the pain, "What is it?" I asked then I gave a slight yelp as I felt something in my shoulder.

"Shh… it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." He said, and despite being focused on being tense, his voice relaxed me.

He pulled the piece of wood from my back and showed it to me. I grimaced, "Nice, thank you."

He chuckled then gave me a gentle kiss.

We looked back down at the scorched battlefield that was on fire once again.

"How can you defeat a Chimera?" I muttered.

"Water. Or ice." Raph said.

I looked at him, "Really? How do you know that?"

He shrugged, "Books."

I laughed but soon I felt a sick, sinking feeling in my stomach. Poor Amelia.

My thoughts all of a sudden turned to Kratos, "Didn't he say that he would have a surprise for us today?"


"Kratos. He said that today he would have a surprise."

And as though it had been planned a loud howling pierced the air and we could just make out a large group of Lycans coming onto the battlefield, from behind the Elves.

A smile grew on my face until I was nearly beaming.

I looked up at Raph, "Go."

"Really?" He looked at me with a mixture of excitement and worry.

"Yes." I nodded my head and gave him my chain, "Go. The battle's almost over. Go win it for us honey."

He leant down and gave me a kiss, at first I thought it would be short and sweet but he held on for longer.

When he finally separated from my lips I was dazed but happy.

He shifted right in front of me and I stroked his soft head. I'd never done that before.

-Go on.- I said and he ran from there.

The smile faded from my face as I felt the deaths.