Chapter 162

Raph tore through the trees as he made his way to the front.

He assumed that it was Kratos's Pack that had joined the fray, but it was bigger than he'd anticipated.

Brooke was right, the battle would be over soon.

Charging through the last line of trees he entered the large snow plane, on it was a massive battle between a herd of elephants, cows, some cassowaries and he could make out the distinct sound of a snake.

He began to fight the animals and soon only a bull elephant remained. His tusks were broken down to stubs and he was vastly outnumbered.

Soon he too was on the ground along with his fallen brethren.

Hearing a roar the surviving Lycans in the area raised their heads to look in the direction of the lake.

The Chimera had made it to the lake.

Raph charged for the lake and the Lycans followed with him.

He led the pack through the trees and just as they could see the water an invisible force stopped them.

Growling and barking in objection Raphael ordered hunters to fan out in search of the Pixie that was most likely causing this.

Without warning the trees burst into flames around them and Raph barked in annoyance and he leapt over a fallen tree that was still burning.

A flock of ravens began to swoop from the sky and attack them in waves, Raphael shifted and escaped into the trees, climbing he reached the top and scanned his surroundings to try and find the source of this hindrance.

Turning his head to try and catch the noise above the din of the fighting he could just make out a faint chanting. Quirking a smirk he slid down the tree trunk and landed in his wolf form.

He mind linked four other Lycans to follow him and he led them to where the Pixie was.

While this battle was being waged Kratos was fighting his own; attempting to hold back some strong willed Shapeshifters by freezing them in place while the Lycans with him killed them. It was working but it was exhausting him.

And the Shapeshifters continued to come.

The Chimera had done some damage to his ranks but they were still holding steady.

He'd seen an Elf and couldn't believe how much weaker they were then when he'd first arrived in North America.

He'd defeated the dark creature quickly but it had depleted nearly all of his energy breaking into it's mind.

He'd seen a luminescent, green orb in a dark cavern, an Elf with blue eyes and a younger one with blue eyes. The scene changed and now he stood in the snow, watching a silver wolf destroy him.

Kratos blinked. It was always dangerous delving into other's minds. You could see their perception of you, right then he'd seen himself being killed by his wolf. A scene he'd seen multiple times in the past two days.

-Alpha!- A familiar voice called him. His Beta was charging for his position with reinforcements.

Kratos felt some of the tension leave his shoulders, but by scenting the air he could still sense many Shapeshifters.

Looking at the army of Lycans coming his way he looked across the snow and to the lake surrounded by trees. Fire and lightning could be seen, and now a new player had come into the mix, one Kratos knew well. It was his surprise.

He'd brought ice to the playing field.


Pinning an Emu to the ground Thresh snapped it's neck and tore it clean off, adding more blood to his already blood soaked coat.

They had broken through the Elves main defences—thanks to his brother and sister joining the fight—and were at the head of the pass; taking on the Elves and the few Shapeshifters that guarded the area.

Thresh knew that it was only a matter of time before they retreated. The Elves were already few in number and would not risk losing more in a failing war.

He looked over his shoulder at the battle worn forest. The Faerie would not be pleased by the destruction, Charm would not be pleased, but he had to protect her and her people.

Seizing a Kodiak bear by it's snout he rammed it into a tree and began to weaken it by clawing and biting it's chest. The bear fought back, but it eventually bled out in the end.

Feeling a strong gust of freezing wind he turned and faced the valley, he knew it was a message from his sister but he chose to ignore it, and instead focused his energy on ending this fight.

He heard a loud chuffing sound and turned to see a tiger, it's striped coat dappled with blood, the blood of his Lycans.

Thresh sent and warning snarl to the cat but there wasn't much of a warning as in the next instant a bolt of lightning struck the beast who was now a burnt female strewn on the snow covered ground.

Eventually he saw that the enemies were retreating, he exterminated the shifters that ran past him but he let his, and his brothers' packs take care of the retreating forces.

Walking through the forest, shifted in human form, he could see all of the Lycans that had died during this fight. As usual a dull ache resounded in his chest at the guilt he felt.

"Alpha, Thresh." He heard his Beta call. The Lycan was standing near the lake, the Chimera at his feet.

Thresh surveyed the devastated environment, bits of ice still covered the blood strewn ground. But his brother was nowhere to be seen.

His eyes moved back to the Beta who was regarding the Chimera's body grimly.

"Such a waste." He said under his breath.

"Indeed." Thresh replied. The Chimeras had never been on good terms with Lycans but he had never seen one used in such a manner. It was cruel and unjust.

Raphael stood and seeming to have brushed off whatever sadness or remorse he'd been feeling previously he glared at the Alpha.

"Why didn't you tell her?" He asked his voice dark and filled with emotion.

"Tell who what?" Thresh asked although he had an idea of whom they were speaking.

"Why didn't you tell Brooke what she was?" He answered, his voice was hard but he was shaking with betrayal and anger.

Thresh wasn't quite sure how to reply, and he knew he'd have to do tell the story twice so… he was also sure that if he told his Beta, without his mate present, blood would be spilt.

Narrowing his eyes he spoke, "Why does it matter?"

"Because she is now traumatized and thinks she's a monster like they are." Raphael answered with clenched fists, "She knows you lied to her and she's going to try and kill you when you get back up there, so I would like to know your reason."

Thresh could see the anger in his eyes and the confusion. Sighing he told the Beta the story that prevented him from telling the half Elf.