Chapter 164

"Okay honey. Speak English." I said leaning away from him to allow space.

"Thresh told me." He said grimly, not breaking eye contact.

I tensed, "What… why? What-No, why?"

"He wants to tell you himself." Raph said.

I avoided looking at his eyes, "I don't want to talk to him."

"I know you don't, but… you need to hear it from him."

I shook my head, "I don't want to. That man, is so… evil."

"No. He's not. He is not evil. He's just… he just thinks differently than us. He's an Alpha." Raph said still watching me.

I licked my lips.

"Just please, talk to him." He cupped my face and I nodded slowly.

We stood and decided to go and see what could be done at the hospital.

Walking nearer I wrinkled my nose and could see Raph attempting not to. The smells of rot and blood filled the air, along with yells and groans of agony.

My eyes fixed on one point as I bit the inside of my lip. I wanted to change my mind.

"Let's go." He said.

We walked through the curtained door and entered a very freakish, World War II feeling infirmary. I never liked those documentaries. War was always scary and disturbing to me. Judith was fascinated by them, maybe she'd like it here, she couldn't hear all their voices anyway.

A man approached us, his bright red hair was his most prominent feature and I didn't pay attention to the rest of him, just his tense and tired look.

"Malcom." Raph said and the red-haired man gave him a nod, "Beta."

"Where's Lilla?" Raph asked his eyes scanning the large tent.

A few people rushed passed us and muttered something about a plank to put in someone's teeth. I grimaced but refocused my attention to the redhead.

"I don't know." He shrugged, "She hasn't come back yet, she must still be out there, maybe tending to wounded?" He queried.

"Is James gone too?"


"Then they've got each other." Raph finished.

"Make way! Everybody move!" A loud voice boomed through the area. Everyone silenced and soon a crowd came crashing through the door with a bloodied body. 'He was still alive.' I thought horrified. He was clutching his stomach and I could see a flash of white teeth through the gore covering his face.

Raph turned me away from the scene and made me face him, I was breathing shallowly and my heart was going way too fast.

-We can go.- He said kissing the top of my head.

-No… I want to stay.- I said, despite not feeling brave enough to do it. Maybe I'm doing it for Mark, I don't know…

My chest crunched at seeing his face again, those wide, black eyes, the charcoal skin. My eyes welled with tears and I forced myself to stop thinking, but as usual it didn't work.

My eyes snapped frantically to Raph's, "I need to do something." I said urgently.

His dark brows rose and he nodded, "Okay."

"Brooke!" A voice called. I swivelled and saw Kratos's stalking towards us with a blood spattered body, "Do you know anything about medicine?"

I looked at him like he was insane, "No."

"Hmm, you'll do." He said then turned and walked away, his hand going up in the next second, signalling me to follow.

I took a step forward but Raph held me by my waist.

"Raph." I said annoyed.

"You don't have to." He said looking at me with worried eyes. My mind flashed back to the man that had just come through the door, stained brick red with blood.

I licked my lips, "I'll go. I'll be fine." I gave him a stern look and he gave me one back. I allowed myself a small smile, "Now you go help someone." I stood on tiptoes and ruffled his hair, "And shower."

He smiled softly at me too.

Walking off in the direction Kratos had gone, I attempted to follow his channel but that never worked.

"Brooke! Over here." A voice called. I sprinted over to where it had originated and had to start taking deep breaths to keep from panicking.

The man was lying on a bed, his shirt had been torn to reveal his bloodied torso, he was hissing from the pain while two people held him down, he growled at them but all that came out was a gargle from all of the blood in his mouth.

I licked my lips again and swallowed.

"Brooke. You have smaller hands than all of us and all of the female healers are busy." I heard a distant voice say next to me.

I felt someone shake my shoulder. I blinked rapidly and looked up at Kratos's freaky, blue eyes.

I nodded, "Okay." Scraping my teeth against my lower lip I asked, "What's wrong?" My voice came out as a whisper but he answered me.

"An enchanted silver spearhead got lodged in his stomach, we need you to get it out." He said matter-of-factly.

I nodded, "He your Beta?"

"Yep." He popped his lips.

I removed my coat and rolled up my sweater sleeves. I searched the array of medical equipment but found no tweezers.

I looked up at Kratos confused. He held his hands up and mouthed the word, "hands."

Taking a deep, shaky breath I stood and walked next to the table. The man looked at me and gargled angrily, -You're not letting that human anywhere near me!- He yelled at Kratos. I could sense the anger, humiliation, pain.. so much pain.

-Yes. I am.- He replied curtly and I sensed the channel being cut.

The injured man began to thrash violently on the table and Kratos along with two other men held him down.

Kratos gave me a nod and I did what made the most sense.

Having seen many hospital dramas I grabbed some paper towel and dabbed at the place that seemed the worst. He began to thrash some more.

"Isn't there something you can give him?!" I asked while I poured some alcohol on it.

"You're holding it." Kratos said with mirth.

I twisted my lips in annoyance but didn't look up at him and instead focused on the glint of silver sticking out from his bloodied skin.

The blood curdled and boiled around it. I looked up at the Beta who was writhing in pain.

My eyes widened as I beheld the silver.

"Is this what silver does to you?" I asked in a awestruck and disturbed voice.

"Only enchanted silver, now get it out!" Kratos shouted as he held the man's leg down.

I blinked and returned back to my previous task.

Parting the flesh I gagged a little and the man screamed in agony. Biting my lip I reached inside the hot flesh and attempted to pull the gore covered spear head out. The man screamed and screamed and eventually someone put a cloth in his mouth so they would be muffled. Grimacing, I finally successfully pulled it out.

I held it, almost in awe. It didn't look any different from silver, but the effect was evident.

I dropped it on the side table and looked to see a small bit of red on my fingers and palm where I'd touched it.

I felt an arm being wrapped around my shoulders, Kratos was standing next to me, he smelled like blood but, oh well.

"See, knew you could do it."

I laughed lightly and tore my gaze from my hand which was covered with blood.

My eyes moved to the Beta who was breathing heavily, the cloth now removed from his mouth.

"That was brutal." I muttered.

"Indeed. And a blow to his pride but I'm sure he'll be fine." Kratos said crossing his arms over his chest.

"He's alive after all." I pointed out.

"Exactly!" He exclaimed happily.

I folded my lips into a smile and told him that I would go and find Raph.