Chapter 182

Thresh turned on his heel.

Where was she, he scented the air but she was gone. His hand found the first vase it could and shattered it to pieces.

"Zelus!" He yelled and crashed through the study door.

"That's mahogany." A calm voice said. Thresh rushed to him, grabbing his neck. The weak, pathetic excuse for a Lycan couldn't do anything but squirm as his neck broke.

Thresh threw him to the ground, waiting for him to regain consciousness. His chest was heaving with anger. He'd been betrayed, he'd expected something like this, but taking Brooke? He would never hear the end of it from both his Beta and the human.

Zelus gasped and Thresh picked him up by the neck and shoved him into the wall, his brother's brown eyes were still unfocused but the sneering smile on his face caused Thresh to punch his stomach.

Amidst his coughing he sputtered, "Good to see you too."

"Don't play the innocent with me, where did you take her?!"

"Where? I do not know." He said standing. Thresh kneed his stomach and bashed his head on his knee.

Thresh stepped back as his brother stood. Zelus wiped the blood from his upper lip, "I never thought I'd see you get so upset for a human."

Thresh snapped his neck once again seeing as how he wouldn't get any answers. And though he would love to tear the head off of his lying, scheming brother, he would leave the honour to his Beta.

Stalking out of the study he exited the house, and seeing his three warriors still there he told them to get in the car and drive.

Sighing frustratedly he pulled his phone out and dialled his Beta's number.

"Hello." He answered, his voice edged with suspicion. He's reached the point where his Beta no longer trusts him.

"You're mate has been taken by Elves."

He heard the sound of something breaking and kept his face controlled though he felt the familiar weight of guilt.

"You said she'd be safe." His Beta's ragged voice came through the speaker.

"It had been a trap set for my brother." Thresh answered.

"Is he dead?" The angry Lycan asked.


"Good." The line disconnected and he waited for his Gamma or his mate to call him back.

Raphael put his phone down and rushed out the door, Thomas following close after, "Raph, where you going?" He called after him but he silenced the Gamma with a snarl and the younger Lycan stopped and instead pulled his phone out.

Raphael stalked to his garage and nearly ripped the door off as he pushed the mechanical door up.

"Yes, Alpha." He heard the Gamma's voice say.

Raphael began to search for his keys.

"Raph, Beta. I know you're upset and angry that B-you're mate has been taken but you can't leave now." He said, keeping his voice low and his eyes trained on the ground.

"And why not?" Raph spat as he opened the door to the kitchen.

"Alpha has ordered you to stay and protect Luna."

Raphael growled in anger and desperation for breaking the Alpha's law but he would not. Shifting he tore by his Gamma and to the brook that he had made he and Brooke's place. He closed his eyes as he imagined her laugh. His wolf was going mad with just sitting here.

He began pacing, when he realized that he could go feral. He attempted to relax his nerves when he remembered her face, was she in pain? What did they want from her? He hadn't felt the mate bond disappear so she was still alive but that meant she was most likely being tortured.

He sat and began to breathe deeply, he would not go feral, he could not. He would stay for her.

Rising to his feet, feeling a sense of calm anger he ran back through the woods and into his house. Having changed and put on a chain he walked back to Thomas's and called Thresh.

"Hello." He answered.

"What happened?" He asked controlling his voice.

The Alpha relayed the situation and Raphael did his best not to break his phone, "I'm leaving now, as soon as I arrive you may come down here."

Raph chuckled darkly, "Yes, Alpha."

The hours passed quickly as Raphael prepared for his departure. Arriving at the airport an hour early he began to study maps of this particular brother's pack. It was large.

Looking up he saw that the sun was rising, his heart clenched when he thought of how long she'd been gone.

Seeing the plane coming for a landing he waited. The tires hit the pavement and soon the plane stopped entirely. Thresh stepped out and immediately took notice of him.

He walked towards him, a furious light in his eyes.

Raphael waited, he knew that he'd disobeyed his Alpha's orders and had the mind-splitting pain to prove it but he didn't care.

"Where's my mate?" Thresh asked standing only two feet away from him.

"Safe, in the pack with Thomas." He answered.

He could see that he wanted to continue arguing but instead, the Alpha sighed, "Go."

Raphael didn't wait a second more and grabbing his bags he sprinted onto the plane, but had to wait for it to refuel.

Once they were in the air he perused his assortment of weapons. Picking up an enchanted silver knife he wrapped it in leather and hid it in his coat.

Eight hours later he was driving to the Alpha's house. He haphazardly parked the sedan and stormed into the house, many Lycans tried to stop him but he pulled out his knife and some backed off but most tasted the silver.

Grabbing one of them he pinned them to the wall, the knife piercing their shoulder, ignoring their whines he roared, "Where's your Alpha?!"

The Lycan glanced to a door and Raph slashed it's neck. The man howled in pain.

He marched to the door and forced it open. A man was sitting behind his desk, his eyes shocked.

"I wouldn't have thought that Thresh would send-"

Raph rushed forward and grabbed his throat and pinned him to the wall, "If you value your life, don't speak." Raphael had a feeling that this man had a very high appreciation of his life.

The Alpha glared at him but stilled when he felt Raph's knife dig into his neck.


"Where did they take her?!" He could feel himself shifting and hear enemy footsteps coming.

The Alpha snarled and attempted to break free but the knife at his throat held him fast.

Seeing that he would die, Raphael saw he would be honest, "She's in… the Pack."

A horrific cracking sound emitted from him and his eyes rolled back. Raphael sniffed the air and found the traces of the Elves scent. He was about to search for them when two large shifted Lycans burst into the room.

He held the knife above his head, "I claim this Pack for Alpha Thresh!"

He panted as though the fight had been exhausting, though it hadn't. He didn't understand how Zelus's position of Alpha had lasted for so long when he couldn't even defend himself.

The two Lycans bared their necks in surrender and Raphael began his search for his mate.