Chapter 181

"My brother is Alpha over Texas and most of the central USA. He keeps to himself but me and my siblings know that he has ears everywhere. His gift is strategy, he's always had resentment of the fact but he makes up for it in cunning-"

"That's great." I said sarcastically, standing. I had been in a plane with Thresh for over five hours and I was losing it. Don't get me wrong, all the stuff about his brother was fascinating but I could care less. I was there to use my gift and that was it.

Getting a bottle of water I sat back down and began to text Raph pics of the view outside.

(It's beautiful.) He replied, I smiled.

(How ya doing?) He asked.

(Fine, other than the uncontrollable urge to slap Thresh. Fine.)

He sent a pic of him giving me a look, he never really used emojis. I giggled and sent a shrug emoji.

After another three hours we landed in Salt Lake City and piled into the back of a black sedan.

-Where does your brother live?- I asked.

-I told you.- He answered.

-Well clearly, I wasn't listening.- I answered as I stared innocently out the window at the passing buildings.

-Park City.- He answered and I didn't reply, mostly because I had no idea where it was and because I was ticked.

After driving for another three or so hours I was exhausted and ready to sleep. I rubbed my eyes as I looked out the window at a mansion. It was beautiful just like Thresh's. That's what I liked about me and Raph's house, it was simple and had such a homey charm compared the Alphas' places.

I walked out and looked around, sensing a few channels. The three other Lycans that Thresh had brought were standing behind us, their faces guarded.

-Remain here.- Thresh ordered them. I looked at him shocked.

He began walking up the grand steps to the front door. The steps were lined with hedges, solar powered lights placed in the dirt lighting our way. On either side of the hedges were ponds with waterfalls dribbling into them.

-I thought you promised Raph that you would keep them with us.- I said angrily.

-Zelus would see it as a threat. I'm sure you sensed the guards he had stationed here.- He said cocking an eyebrow at me.

I nodded. He'd probably scented them.

-Good, now. Don't act assuming, follow my lead.-

I nodded, that had been my plan all along.

Thresh knocked and the door was opened by a female Lycan, her eyes shrewd and her hair pulled back in a tight bun; more foxlike than wolfish.

She said that the Alpha was waiting in his study and she gave us directions to where it was.

'Not a lot of hospitality.' I grumbled in my mind as we walked straight ahead of us and to where the study was located.

Thresh walked a few feet ahead of me, I followed my mind idle.

"Brooke." I heard a voice call behind me.

"What?" I asked as I turned to look but instead I found myself in a dark abyss, standing on nothingness. My heart seized and I felt every inch of my body chill.

'It was a trap!' I wanted to scream to Thresh but I couldn't sense him.

'Pixies!' I determined and stretched my hands out only to see nothing.

"El-kor!" I yelled. He had to be behind this.

A shadow appeared before me, like the one I'd seen in Dart's Pack.

"Hmm, hello Brooke." He said as though he'd won a prize.

I swallowed in fear when I thought that I was most likely the prize.

"What do you want this time? If you want to kill me why haven't you? Or do you want…?" My voice dwindled as my thoughts led me to darker corners of my mind.

"Yes. I believe you've landed on it, you see I don't want to kill you or anything as barbaric as that. I need something from you." He said ominously.

I shivered and gasped, "No."

The next thing I knew I was standing in a room, the walls were made of clean, carven stone a square in the ceiling providing a dim orange light. I peered into the dimly lit place and tried to make out any other features of the room when the wall opened.

El-kor stepped through, followed by a red headed female Elf, both were in their pretty forms.

I looked up at him, craning my neck to follow his eight foot height.

"What do you want?" I asked keeping my voice steady somehow.

A disgusting grin spread across his fake, skin-covered face, "Tell me, what is the name of Alpha Thresh's son?" He asked politely.

I opened my mouth confused, then I turned my head as I purposefully shut out that name from my mind. He will never get his hands on that boy.

I stood resolutely, "Wouldn't you like to know?" I said sarcastically, deciding that was my defence for now.

His face hardened as did the She-Elf's, "I have other methods." My body tensed, ready for whatever blow I would receive, "I'll start with the special ones that work my way to the easier ones, unless you want to tell me now?"

I raised my chin, "I will never tell you."

A blinging green light breached my eyes and I closed them but it lingered, I felt it searching my mind but they wouldn't find the name. It was safe. I knew why they wanted it, it would give them access to the Haven but I wouldn't do that to Charm, or Thresh. I don't care what they've done to me, they don't deserve that.

The light disappeared and so did my consciousness. I collapsed to the cold floor, distant words reaching me as I slipped away.

"She'll wake with new nightmares."