10 Paralyzed

A flashback. Damn. Of what?

My mind was still focused intently on what James had said. Why would I have gone to his room? What flashback would've prompted me to do that?

I looked up when I heard the door slam. 'Well that's fine, I'll be more relaxed without you.' I thought to myself as I ate my cereal.

And I was. The day was calm. I sat with my book, my eyes every so often actually trying to comprehend the words.

I skipped lunch and when dinner came round I started to wonder if James had left. If he had, then the next four days would be very enjoyable. Not to mention, I wouldn't have any prying eyes during my weaker moments.

I made myself an open face sandwich for dinner and as I walked out of the kitchen the main door opened. James walked in, and something was… off.

I immediately tensed and began to back away. But it was too late and his eyes flicked to me. There was something wrong; he had always been slower because of his build but he was… almost lethargic. And he was swaying.

He ambled down the small hallway, his frame filling its entirety. I knew Lycans were predators and if I ran he would most likely chase. But I really wanted to run.

I placed my plate down on the granite countertop and looked to my right, if I could just walk away…

"Why…?" He suddenly asked in a slurred voice. I felt fear strangle me. He was drunk. I began to look for an escape in earnest. He was going to hurt me, I just knew it.

"Why did she die?" He asked, stopping in front of me, his large hands grabbing my shoulders firmly. I winced but he continued in his lamenting, "Why? Why are you so weak? Can't you speak?! Just once! Say something!"

I unintentionally whimpered when the pressure on my shoulders increased. He shoved me away, "If it hadn't been for you, Lilla wouldn't hate me. If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be here."

I saw tears running down his face and my mouth parted open.

He collapsed to the ground, "If she was still alive…" His large shoulders shook and he broke into sobs.

Men crying had always made my heart twist but this time it didn't. I merely stared at him, he was sad, yes. But I wasn't his mate. He wouldn't want my comfort, my company. His mate was dead.

I took my plate and walked away, his sobs bringing back that dull ache in my chest.

I sat on my bed and texted back and forth with Duma. He seemed lonely this evening.

My eyes drifted to the door every so often, wondering if James would burst through them and strangle me. With his hands he could snap my neck in half.

I inhaled shakily at where my thoughts led. They always led that way, and it was never pleasant.

At around nine-thirty I was extremely thirsty. I crept off of my mattress and headed for the door. Taking a deep breath I opened it and saw that the living room was vacant.

I stepped through to the kitchen as stealthily as I could manage and after successfully drinking a glass of water I snuck a look down the hallway to James's room.

It looked empty. I shrugged and headed back into the living room. I tilted my head in perplexity; I hadn't noticed when I walked through before, but walking back I noticed a brown wolf laying in front of the window. I glanced next to it and saw tattered clothes.

I'd never seen a Lycan just… shift without reason. I guess it wasn't a problem, but it was different. I took another step and my knees buckled, I then felt my back spasm.

'No, no, no, no, no, no.' I felt my control over my limbs leave and be replaced by pins and needles. I ground my teeth and winced as it spread to the rest of my body, 'Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic. It usually only lasts a few seconds.' I told myself as my lungs stopped functioning.

I began to gasp for air, my body unmoving as it practically burned in agony. My vision began to go blurry and then it became nonexistent.


James opened his eyes lazily, the events of the previous night were distant in his memory. He smacked his lips and turned his head from the oncoming sunshine to face the room.

He narrowed his eyes when he caught sight of a figure sprawled across the floor. Their breathing was laboured and their heart rate was lethally slow.

He stretched and with a yawn he sauntered over to where the person lay. He soon recognized it as the human and he gave her a nudge with his nose. She didn't move.

He sighed and trudged back to his room, after shifting and putting some pants on he walked back out and flipped her over. Her eyes were open but unseeing, her mouth was barely intaking breath. He cocked his head to the side as Gloria's words came back to him, "…paralysis..."

He heaved a loud and exhausted sigh. He was already so done with this human. As gently as he could manage he hauled her limp body into his arms and carried her to her room.

Her eyes reminded open and he couldn't see any soul in them. It was a rather disturbing sight.

He quickly retreated and called Gloria.


"This is James, something happened. I think she's paralyzed." He said blandly.

"Oh, I see. Uh, in the black bag I gave you there is a syringe, inject that into her bloodstream carefully and she should recover within the hour. How long has she been like this?"

"Since I woke up." He answered.

"Wait, you don't know when it started? She's never been out of it for more than two hours." She muttered to herself, "Hopefully the injection will help."

He grunted, "Alright."

"Goodbye, Gamma." She said then he hung up.

Walking into the bedroom he opened the black bag filled with an assortment of medicinal equipment. Sifting through them he found two small syringes both filled with a clear liquid.

He glanced over at the human, her staring eyes were still blank. He pulled up her shirt sleeve and after finding the vein he injected the painkillers.