13 New House, Old Friends

We got home seven hours later.

James drove down the familiar roads that led to the Pack. The gatekeeper, Seth, nodded to us as we drove past. The trees that lined the pavement were all old and untouched, I looked into the darkness as we went past. The Spanish moss and draping cedar limbs stretched in eerie patterns contested by the dark snow.

We came to the crossroads and James stopped. The left road led to the prison and the cemetery, the road to the right led to some houses and the lake. The road ahead of us was the one that James drove down. It led to the centre of the Pack.

The pavement wound around trees and houses, all of them unlit as it was the dead of early morning. The car went by the playground and park, in the distance I could see the parking garage and Pack Hall. I'd never been in either of those buildings, never had the chance.

James turned left and up a thin line of road, the end of which held the mansions. The gatekeeper, I could never remember his name, opened the gate and we entered.

My eyes immediately fell on me and Raph's house, the creamy white exterior with warm wooden accents. The smooth stone walkway with the shovelled snow running along it. There was a light on in the office and I stared at it, almost hoping…

But no, Thomas was living there. He was probably working late.

James pulled into the driveway of Thomas's house, or… Thomas's old house. It was of a much darker colour palette; the siding was a dark black, the gables were a shade lighter. The door was a deep brown, varnished and goldlike.

James got out and I sighed and slid out myself. I was too tired to sleep in a new bed. James locked the car after retrieving the suitcases from the trunk, this time he didn't force me to carry mine.

I stood by the door, my mind going through the layout of Thomas's house, I knew the main floor well, I'd been there plenty of times. The basement was a game room slash bar, if I was not mistaken. And I'd never been upstairs.

James lifted up the doormat and underneath it was a key. He unlocked the door and pushed it open. I walked through and saw some objects that were mine, and some that were not. I assumed those ones to be James's.

Without a word I walked up the stairs, in the dark. A small library met me, comfy couches and chairs set up in an organized fashion. On the other side of the stairs was a den, a TV, mini fridge and other assorted things. All of the furniture was from mine and Raph's house.

I walked down the hall, a thin runner of white carpet leading the way, I still hadn't touched a light switch. I walked to the closest door on my right and found a bathroom, the next door was what looked like the office. I continued in my steps till I came to the end of the hall, to my right was a closet and to my left was a door.

I lazily opened it and found a bedroom, it wasn't the master bedroom but it was in the corner of the house that faced the forest, it had windows on both walls and an ensuite. I walked in and decided to make it my room. It would do.

I turned on the lights and blinked a few times to adjust, the predominant colour was black, with hints of grey and white. I was a little surprised when I saw some of my paintings lining the walls. They were my only monochrome paintings and I guess whoever decorated the house had had a good eye for colour coding.

I removed my coat and set it on the back of a black chair with gold embroidery. Just as I was about to take my shoes off I heard a shout and a yelp.

I felt worry and curiosity at why such a sound was uttered. I walked back out the door and down the hall.

"Why are you here?" I heard James ask, his voice threatening.

My brows creased and I stepped down the wooden stairs. When I came to the base of the stairs I turned. When I looked in at the kitchen I saw James standing, his hands outstretched pinning Duma to the wall by his throat.

I inhaled sharply and James glanced in my direction, he didn't understand my fear though. I wasn't afraid of the Shapeshifter, I was afraid for him.

I hurried as fast as I could to where they stood and reached for James's hands, he was too tall. Duma yowled and I saw blood seep from his neck. I gasped and whimpered, he can't die, especially not like this.

"Stop it." I whispered urgently, "You're killing him."

"That's the point." James replied and I turned to look at him, my eyes may have looked indifferent but I was anything but. Raph had practically adopted Duma, I was not going to let James kill him.

"Let him go." I said as sternly as I could manage. Duma was struggling and gasping for breath. I allowed a sliver of my worry to escape into my eyes, "He's my friend, let him go."

"You're friends with a Shapeshifter?" He asked, his arm relaxing ever so slightly. I reached up and placed my hand where his was choking Duma.

I nodded and tried to pry his hand open.

In the next second he dropped Duma and I went on my knees to help him. He was wheezing as his glassy eyes tried to find me. I gave him my hand as I surveyed his wounds. I knew that I looked like I didn't care, but something in me nearly screamed when I saw the blood, when I saw Duma's blood.

"Brooke?" He wheezed out.

I nodded and squeezed his hand as my other hand went to his neck. I sighed and looked up to see James watching me with a frustrated and confused look.

When I stood I pulled gently on Duma's hand and he rose as well. I led him to the kitchen, he still appeared dizzy. Taking some damp paper towel I dabbed at where James's claws had punctured the skin. Duma hissed and I paused for a moment.

Moving his wispy, yellow blond hair out of the way I noticed that he was bruising. Shapeshifters do have accelerated healing but it's a few notches slower than a Lycans. I dabbed at the blood and then gave him some water.

Looking at the doorway to the kitchen I saw that James was walking up the stairs.

"So…?" Duma ventured. I stayed silent as I grabbed some ibuprofen from my bag. He swallowed it and then asked, "How was the honeymoon?" I could see worry in his yellow eyes.

I nodded, my eyes downcast and he patted my shoulder.

After a few moments of silence he told me that Parker was in his room which was in the basement, and that Thresh and Thomas would be coming over that morning.

I sighed and bade him goodnight, or morning. Today would be just as fun as the rest, of that I was sure.