19 A Visit to the Doctor (part two)

James sat still, his eyes staring at the baby blue walls as he listened intently to the conversation down the hall. His hunter senses picked up every breath, change in pulse and word.

"That's the longest you've been out. How did you feel after?" The head healer asked, his voice not revealing any emotion.

'Just as healers always acted, never revealing their true thoughts.' James thought bitterly, but his thoughts softened when he remembered Lilla's eyes. Those perfect blue eyes that could never have lied. Then that softness was replaced with painful remorse.

"Numb, I was sore and ached a little." The human answered, "It hurt to walk."

James thought back to that evening after her paralysis. She hadn't looked in pain. 'She hides it well,' He guessed.

"Any other flare ups?"

Another minute sigh exited her lips and she was silent a long while, "Last night…" James stiffened but she didn't finish the sentence.

"Brooke, what happened last night?" Malcolm urged.

"It was my back…" James waited to hear what she had to say, to hear what she remembered, "There was blood. And a cold cloth…"

"Did James help you?" Silence followed Malcolm's question. James sat on the edge of his seat in anticipation for her answer. He was anxious at the fact that she might remember. He couldn't grasp why though.

"Do you remember who helped you? Duma moved out yesterday, right?" Malcolm asked.

"Yes. And n-no, I don't remember what happened." James couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"Alright," The healer answered and he began to type on his keyboard, "Any other flare ups or injuries?"

Silence followed and James guessed that she'd shaken her head.

"Now," Malcolm said, a tone of tiredness in his voice, "Have you been taking your medication?"

Another gap of silence.

James heard him sigh, "Brooke, you need to take them. I know that you don't want to, for reasons I still don't understand. But there are important reasons for you to take them."

More silence.

Malcolm sighed once more, "Are you still taking the sedatives?"

James knew that she took those so he could only assume that she'd nodded. He suddenly smelt blood and looked at the door.

"And is the dosage still working? Hold up-" He heard the squeaking of the swivel chair and the shuffling of fabric, "Your nose is bleeding."

Tissues being pulled from a box followed and soon the bloody smell was dulled.

"Have you gotten any of those recently?" Malcolm asked as he sat back down in his chair, that squeaked in response.

"In the car, on the way to…"

"To…?" He asked to the unfinished sentence.

The human sighed almost irritably, "It was in the car."

"You don't remember when though?" The man asked. She didn't reply. "Brooke. These memory lapses seem to be getting worse. Have you been taking your prescription?"

"I don't give a damn about the pills, Malcolm." She answered coldly.

James sensed the healer tense, he assumed in anger, "Well you should. After everything your body and mind has gone through, these medications are simply to help you along. Have you called Dr. Dallas?"

Silence. Malcolm sighed, "Have you written in your journal or at least done some recordings?" Silence.

The door opened and James stood up.

"Then I can't help you." The healer said, running a hand through his red hair. His eyes moved to meet James's, "I would like to speak with you for a moment."

James refrained from rolling his eyes at the invitation. He glanced at the human, she was holding a tissue to her nose, a bored expression on her face. But she was as tense as always, as if she expected an attack at any moment.

James lumbered down the hall and ducked into the small office.

Malcolm followed after and then shut the door behind him.

"How have things truly been? I know you heard everything, so tell me. How was she these past days?", The healer asked, his eyes dead serious.

James almost laughed at his expression. Leave her alone, he wanted to say. What business of his was it to know how she was?

He simply stared mutely at the healer for a few minutes and the shorter man soon looked away, not wanting to challenge the Gamma.

"It is my duty as Head Healer to be aware of the health of the Pack, and Alpha has appointed me as her personal health supervisor." He rested against the desk, "Now could you please tell me how she actually was."

James remained silent and slowly crossed his arms across his chest, "I do believe that Alpha appointed me as her mate." He said in a quiet rumble.

Malcolm shot him a confused look, "What does that have to do with anything. If she was your mate you would want her to be in perfect health-"

"If she was my mate," James said, he lowered his voice, "Then she wouldn't be in this condition."

Malcolm hardened his glare but said nothing. After a few moments he walked to a cabinet and pulled out three orange bottles of pills. Walking back to where James stood he held one up, "This helps with her panic attacks." He held up another bottle, "This one helps with the memory lapses." He held up the last one, "And this is iron, it helps with blood loss. Give it to her with some orange juice and she'll be fine." The stern look in the "doctor's" eyes made James look at him annoyed.

"Alright." He sighed and headed for the door.

He was stopped from ducking out by the healer's voice, "And how are you, Gamma?"

James huffed in humour and continued walking. The human sat on the couch, her back rigid. Her eyes were wide and James picked up her shallow breathing. Malcolm came up behind him and he immediately moved to the human.

"Brooke?" He asked sitting down on the coffee table in front of her, "Brooke. It's just a flashback" He said calmly.

Her eyes remained on the blue walls, wide as saucers. Malcolm sighed and began to repeat his words, "It's not real, you are safe, you're in the Pack, it's not real."

Her eyes eventually shifted from the wall to the healer. The man nodded encouragingly, "Take deep, slow breaths, okay. You're in my house. It's me, Malcolm."

She was gasping for breaths, her eyes beginning to shift between the wall and Malcolm with more urgency.

"It's not real. What are you sitting on?" Malcolm asked.

The human gripped the couch she was sitting on tightly as she squinted her eyes shut.

"No, Brooke. It's not real, you're safe. Alright, now tell me where you're sitting."

James could hear the pounding of her heart and the breaths that she was struggling to take in.

With a gasp she answered, "Your house."

"Yes, can you tell me about the room?" He asked gently.

Her eyes began to search and James could sense her hysteria calming down, "Bo-books, c-c-coffee, tea, you and James."

James was rather surprised, she hadn't even looked his way. But he shrugged it off.

"Brooke, is it alright if I touch you?" She shook her head profusely while looking down in her lap, "And what about James?" She glanced at James for a few moments then went back to shaking her head.

"Brooke, would you like to go home?" Malcolm asked and she responded by rocking back and forth, "Brooke, you need to get home. Would you like to walk?"

A sound very much like a whimper left her mouth, "Brooke, would you like something to help?"

She shot up and walked out the door. James could hear some nonsensical mutterings as she did. Malcolm sighed, "If this ever happens again, do what I did."

James hid his personal thoughts, that that was ridiculous and he would never do that. He just nodded and ducked out of the warm basement.