20 Running from the Doctor

I walked out of Malcolm's office. James was standing at the end of the hallway, his imposing form blacking out the light.

"I would like to speak with you for a moment." Malcolm said as he stood in the doorway. I held my Kleenex to my nose as James walked past me and into the office.

I sat down on a clearly old couch. The springs jutted up from beneath the upholstery and hurt. The creaking sound made me jump.

'Just the springs, just the couch.' I told myself as I began to focus on my breathing. My ears caught Malcolm's words, "… things truly been? I know you heard everything, so tell me. How was she these past days?"

I stilled, he'd heard everything. I didn't like that, why would he have heard everything?

I began to panic and the springs on the couch didn't help. Glimpses of that room flashed to my memory and the familiar cold seeped into my bones. I sat still as I though of the metal coils dug deep into my skin, the electricity pumping into my body.

"Brooke?" I heard someone ask, someone far away, "Brooke. It's just a flashback" the person said calmly.

El-kor appeared and stood right beside the table. A bloodied knife in his hand. My eyes widened and I could hardly pay attention to the person's voice. My eyes moved from the figure of El-kor and to a familiar person.

"… it's Malcolm." I caught and I was able to wake myself from the flashback. Was it though? I glanced back behind him and saw bloodstains on the walls. I began to inhale shallowly as I fought to regain my sliver of sanity.

"It's not real. What are you sitting on?" I heard him ask. A chair, I gripped the edge of it as I felt a burning pain in my arms. My eyes squeezed shut as I forced myself not to look at El-kor.

"No, Brooke. It's not real, you're safe. Alright, now tell me where you're sitting."

Where am I sitting? I looked around and recognized Malcolm's house. I became aware of my pulse thundering in my ears, "Your house."

"Yes, can you tell me about the room?" He asked.

I gasped for breath as I shakily tried to asses the room, "Bo-books, c-c-coffee, tea, you and James." I knew the hunter was there because of his shadow in my peripheral.

"Brooke, is it alright if I touch you?" I shook my head, 'Why would I let you touch me?' I stared at my thighs as I tried to fight my emotions.

"And what about James?" He asked and I glanced at James for a few moments. Maybe, but no. He'd probably hurt me. I shook my head and tried not to look at anything.

"Brooke, would you like to go home?" He asked and I began to lose it. What home? I had no home, "Brooke, you need to get home. Would you like to walk?"

Walk. That's a joke. I couldn't even walk down the stairs without winding myself. I held in a whimper as I felt another iron in my shoulder, "Brooke, would you like something to help?"

Pills. He meant pills. My lungs constricted and anxiety poured through my being. I bolted up and walked out of the basement.

"I'm not taking the pills, not taking them." I muttered as I walked down the thin strip of clear pavement.

James followed after me and I hugged myself. I wanted to calm down, to have control of myself, of my thoughts.

I ignored the car and walked to the road, "What are you doing?" James called after me.

If I got into that car it would get worse. Just the idea of being trapped in there made me shake. I brought my arm up to my mouth to bite on it through my sleeve.

I walked along the road edged by snow and shaded by trees. The sun was high in the sky and there wasn't a cloud in sight. It was bitterly cold. I didn't know where James was, he'd probably stayed back at the car.

My feet stumbled along blindly and eventually I collapsed to the ground. I crawled to a tree and rested against it. The branches had kept the place secluded from snow but it was still damp and cold.

It was nice here. No one bothered me. It was still and quiet. I looked to my right and saw a crocus. Its pretty purple petal folded up as it bent a little to its right. My eyes watched it blankly. It was pretty, but it didn't matter.

My eyes slowly wandered to observe the scenery around me. I felt tired but my body wouldn't relax. I didn't want to relax, if I did then who knows what would happen.

A car drove up and I raised my eyes when I heard a car door slam. James walked into my view and I looked at him with no interest. He was here to bring me back to that house. I didn't want to go back, if I just stayed here…

"Get in the car." He ordered and I blinked and looked at the crocus, "Are you deaf? Get in the car now."

After ignoring him for a few minutes he took a step towards me and I flinched. He sighed and with one quick movement had me tossed over his shoulder. I tensed and my focus blurred as my breath came too quickly.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," He said frustratedly, "I'm just bringing you back to the house."

He placed me in the passenger seat and I did my best not to reveal my fear. I didn't like it when he saw my fear. My hands scrambled for where the sunglasses were kept and I placed them on my face.

The adjacent door opened and James ducked in, I swallowed and focused my eyes on the darkening road.

"Those are my glasses." James growled next to me and I saw his hand move to take them. Without thinking my hand flew to his wrist and he stilled.

After a few moments of us sitting like that, he said, "Fine. Keep them." He turned the keys and started the car.

I blinked and dug my fingers into the armrests, 'Get a grip. What's wrong with you? Get a grip!' I was so angry at myself. I was useless and broken.