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Let me introduce. ...

Hi, my name is John Matthew. At the moment I am thinking about the reason why he disappeared out of the blues about a year ago and showed up now.

Wondering, whom am I referring to? I am talking about my best friend Kim, Kimberly Scott.

We had been friends for more than thirteen years ever since I have memories related to being a kid. It would have been fourteen years if he stayed by my side without disappearing.

Let me tell you why I am talking about Kim so much. Before that let me reminisce the memories to why we became best friends.

One fine Sunday evening, I went to the park with my mom. I was three years then. And mom would take me to the park every alternative days.

I still remember how I was attracted to one of the kids in the park. He was lean fair with brown eyes that matched the smooth hair under the setting sunlight. I was awestruck looking at him who was showing his mom something that was on the ground with a bunny smile on his face.

Even before I realized where I was and what I was doing I was already pinching his cheeks to see if he was real, haha. And that kid was Kim. He was staring right at me to know why was I doing that.

When I realized what I had just done, out of embarrassment I hid my face using my hands. He removed my hands and pinched my cheeks and smiled at him. I guess that was the time I knew he would be my friend.

Did you just ask how I remember things so much in detail? Ahh. .. I knew it, it's because my mom teases me about that scene that happened in the park till day.

After that embarrassing situation, he and I became friends. Our mom's recognised each other because they had met each other few times when they attended business parties along with our dads. Yeah, Kim's dad and my dad were business partners. And the best thing was knowing that we were neighbors.

Kim would stay by himself in the park playing with his mom when I didn't visit the park. When we met he would play with me for hours.

Slowly we started spending a lot of time together, by starting as friends in park to spending time and sleepover at each other's place since we were around four years. Joining the same school, being bench mates. We joined the same club and would be on the same team whenever there were events in which we had to be in groups. Spending time with him I didn't even realise how years rolled over.

That's exactly how we became best friends.

Our parents got us a new house for ourselves when we reached High School so that we could save time on traveling each day and get extra hours to study and rest.

There was one condition for Kim to move in with me and that was for us to share the same bedroom. Yes, sharing the same room because he was too afraid to sleep alone. And I knew it since the beginning because whenever we slept in our respective homes Kim would sleep next to his dad. He had a room for himself but he used it only to spend time during the day and study. Sleeping alone was the only difficulty he faced. He was not afraid of dark, he just couldn't sleep alone. As I knew it I agreed to his condition. I thought it was something we did most of the time, adding onto it both of us were guys and the main reason to agree was I was extremely excited to move out. Like staying away from family with best friend. I wanted to experience that. After few days we moved to our home, finally!!

We moved during the end of our semester break and Kim as always stayed in the study room after we moved in. That was something I expected. Because Kim was the studios kind of kid and staying with him for so many years even I started studying more. It was like initially Kim would drag me to the study. And out of boredom I started reading and now it is something that I truly enjoy. As for Kim, he would spend most of the time reading unknown subjects, books, magazines, authors. ..or preparing for the classes and I have even seen him forgetting to eat and sleep when he was with books.

And as you can already guess by now I was his only friend apart from his books and I was happy about it. Not just happy maybe proud too.