First Meeting

  I twirled the coin over the table and watched it, visibly bored. My brother and 2 sisters were sitting in the same table just outside the lecture hall four feet from the door. My brother, Shaan, was busy with his smart phone, chatting with someone in Facebook. And by the way, I am Shayan which is pronounced as "Shaayaan", hope you like my name and if you don't, then that also I didn't care or at least not at that time in college. Two dear sisters were actually my cousins from my paternal uncle, Sana and Sama. They were busy whispering to each other. How could I tell what they were talking so secretly. And what was the reason behind this confidentiality. Some girlish gossips maybe.  That was our second day in this college. And I was really bored with nothing but completing the formalities.

"Shall we go to canteen, you know, to fill our stomachs with something before lecture starts? ", Sana finally said something loud enough for them to hear.

  "Something that involves lot of ketchup and sauces", Shaan teased as usual. All of them laughed except Sana without making any noise. Leave it to him to make atmosphere normal and cheerful.  

"We had our breakfast...". 

I was abruptly interrupted by a bump in my left shoulder. Who could have dared except Shaan. "Yes, in the morning 7:45 a.m. and it's 9:15 a.m. only. How much energy you girls need for a lecture?"  

"Let me remind you it's two lectures, starting from 10:00 a.m. till 12:15 p.m.", Sama hissed under her breath.  

"Oh! I must confess that I am not surprised that taking another breakfast is your idea, Miss basketball", Shaan sneered.  

Now, that was little too harsh. Sama was that average build personality who with little more food and little less exercise can easily gain weight, but it's a personal matter. I immediately sat upright, ready for upcoming battle between Shaan and sisters. Sama immediately threw her ballpoint pen at him, which was aimed little too high from his forehead. And in response, Shaan ducked to evade the attack.

  Sama shreiked, but with controlled voice, "You slimy little bad mouth...".  

"You two, be quiet and please don't make a show", I said showing little agitation. Many students were talking nearby, some were coming and going. Shaan was laughing mockingly and my dear sisters were busy glaring at him. I sighed.

  "Excuse me".  

All our heads turned toward the source of voice. She was standing few feet away from us, almost in front of the lecture hall. She folded her hands and watched us with her big dark chocolate brown cat eyes. She was repeatedly clutching - unclutching her hands. Her lips pursed. She looked almost very much afraid.

  "Yes? What happened? ", Sana said with hostility.  

That unknown girl winced slightly, but immediately regained her composure. Why was she so afraid? She gulped after taking deep breath and finally said, "Is this the Lecture hall for Psychology students? ". Her voice was melodious but very low, almost a whisper.

  "What? Speak loudly", Sama said in loud voice.  

The girl took another deep breath like she was very tired to speak one more word. "This lecture hall? Is this for Psychology students? "

  "Oh yes. You speak like you need a loudspeaker and we can't provide you that", Sana was literally torturing her.  

"Yes, you have come to the right door", Shaan tried to be polite.  

"Thanks". That was all she said and instantly turned towards the door and went inside.

    "Cut her some slack girls...". Even Shaan tried to stop them. But they were on their role. Both of them got up from their chairs and were about to move when I caught right wrist of Sana, "Ditch it. She is new".

  In response, both Sana and Sama laughed with evil glint in their eyes, or I thought it was evil. Sama answered, "Oh come on, we didn't have fun since we came here".

  "This is absurd, Sama.We are not here to make fun...", Shaan stopped abruptly when they entered the hall.  

He glanced at me. I groaned,"Oh man". Shaan just banged the table top with his right fist and we abruptly got up heading towards those girls. Sana and Sama were just standing at the entrance of hall, watching the girl. She was sitting on the first bench in the middle column staring at blackboard without any interest. When we moved toward her. She just glanced at us and then again started staring at blackboard.

  "That's insolence", Sana said loudly. Shaan and I sat down on a nearby bench and sent our best killing glares to sisters. My dear sisters were now standing beside her.

  Sana started, "Don't  you know the right way to talk to your seniors? "

  Some other boys and girls also immediately raised their heads to see what was happening between that girl and my sisters. They narrowed their eyes first then realizing the condition, they started watching the scenario with interest. As for the girl, she first smiled and then answered, "No... Not exactly. But I will try". Then she shifted a bit towards the end of bench, "Come. Sit here".

  Now it was their turn to be shocked. Sama stammered, "H.. How do you know I am not a senior".  

Some girls nearby just smiled and began talking in hushed tones among themselves. Shaan and I took a glance at each other and shrugged. Something was off the line. But what was ? That weird girl glanced around, maybe thinking something, and almost glared at my cousins. She hissed, " Just sit down, okay". With that, she lowered her gaze, put her right hand over  table and became busy in herself with whatever she was thinking. Others in the class were again busy on their own. And I realized she was not the person to be fooled with. Was she angry from my cousins' bad behavior?

  "No. We will go sit there.", Sana pointed with her right forefinger to the chair in front of us which was just behind her. They sat there and at the same instant Shaan made a face at them teasingly.

  Sama asked, "By the way, what's your name?"  

She first turned her head completely to face them, took a glance at us however ignoring immediately. The corners of her mouth turned up so slightly, it hardly reached her eyes. And her eyes showed something different than her smile that was hard to explain. She answered anyway, "Alaa. What's your names? You both tried to act like seniors".

  Sana and Sama, both chuckled nervously and told her their names and admitted about their foolishness. Sana asked, "How could you tell we are not seniors? "  

Alaa shrugged, her smile had increased enough now, her posture became more confident. "I'll tell you after the lectures".  

"Why?", It was Sana.  

"Long story". She almost whispered.  

"She has a very low voice".

  I snapped towards my brother who was now again playing with his smartphone. "Yeah". I responded and took out my own phone to pass time which is not easy when I was bored to death.

  I tapped on What's app and took a look over recent chats. On the top was a video message from Shaan. Next two voice messages and three videos from Sama. One YouTube video link from Sana. I didn't go down further. I was about to take out my ear phones out of my trousers pocket. Six middle aged persons entered in here. Looking at them, everyone in the class snapped back to attention and stood in their respective places.  

"Good morning, sir". Everyone murmured clear enough for the professors to hear.  

I closed my phone and put it back in my shirt pocket.