
Lectures passed like a blur after that. You know what I mean. I am not the kind of guy who is super excited about my studies, knowing fully well what my career path will be. My dad is one of the most influential businessman in India and abroad. Alhamdulillah (All praise be to Allah). I smiled at the thought.

A single tap on my shoulder broke my trance. I turned towards Shaan who smiled at me with a glint of mischievousness. I looked down at my lap and sighed loudly.

"What? " Shaan exclaimed.

"Nothing". I answered hurriedly. Putting notebooks and pen inside backpack. Shaan did the same and stood up. Everyone else were also leaving the class by now. Sana and Sama were also getting ready to leave. All of us were so engrossed with our work that we couldn't notice someone walking down towards us and stood a good five feet far. We started moving out without giving anyone attention. Then, we heard someone clearing it's throat. We all (four of us) snapped our heads toward the disruption.

There, that same girl was standing with her hands crossed in front of her chest, looking at us with her little too big eyes, her lips pressed into a thin line. We just looked at her, waiting. She sighed like she already knew she will have to start first.

"Look. Have you attended orientation meeting after 6:00 pm in the college campus.... Yesterday? "

I blinked, trying to understand what just she said. From the corner of my eyes, I watched Shaan furrowing his eyebrows and girls with their mouths opened up. And all of it happened within two seconds. I was about to ask what she was talking about, but she rolled her eyes and glared at us, clearly getting the answer we didn't actually give.

She sat at the corner of table. "Let's see".

All of us looked at one another and sat over random tables or chairs facing her. "Is there something we don't know?" Sama started.

"Yes". Her only reply.

We waited for her. She again took a deep breath. I wondered if she had asthma or something. She began. "Yesterday, all new comers were called for a meeting with the seniors". She looked at all of us one by one. "Our seniors welcomed us, starting it very politely. They introduced themselves and told us about fundamental rules we will be following for four months".

She took out a simple A4 size page, which was folded neatly in the middle and handed it to Sana who grabbed it gingerly like it would burn the moment she touched it. I rolled my eyes at my own imagination.

"Just follow the orders which is written in that page".

"Is it some kind of ragging?", Sana asked.

She nodded. "Sort of".

We didn't say anything. Ala got up abruptly, losing her balance, but regained it in a flash. Looking straight ahead with that big eyes, she marched past us and was out of the lecture hall within a blink of eye.

"What's the hurry?", Sama exclaimed, raising her hands and then dropping it over her lap.

"Let's see what's in this paper". Sana opened the folded paper and read it aloud for all of us to hear.

Funda :-

- No fancy clothes.

- No fancy accessories.

- No make up.

- Eyes on the ground always.

- Upon meeting a senior: greet appropriately using proper lines and introduce yourself. Don't look into their eyes. Heads little bowed all the time.

- Canteen: not allowed.

- Library: sitting not allowed.

- Don't laugh in the open.

- Full sleeved clothes, no fancy dresses, totally covering the body.

- Don't try to have any encounter with seniors in hotels or shops.

Shaan face palmed himself. "Are we doing this?"

"Of course! " I answered. Then I pointed over to the first and ninth points, "she repeated about clothes twice".

In response, Sana and Sama rolled their eyes, while Shaan only shrugged.

"Let's ditch this problem here and go to a restaurant nearby". - Sana, always hungry.

We all smiled.

Shaan- "No prob. But we can't ditch this thing. You girls should go and talk to other girls. We will go and see what they are doing with these rules".

"Let's go before we are late". I immediately went out, with Shaan catching up behind me. But at the door, I stopped suddenly, gaining a bump from Shaan who didn't expect me to stop.


Girls chuckled. I looked straight into their eyes and said. "Take care". They nodded their heads once. Satisfied, I went out with Shaan.

On our way out of this college, we were careless, alright. Like yesterday. No one stopped us. There were multiple alternate pathways for the exit and we took the most secluded way that goes from backstage, avoiding every chance to confront a senior. After two whole minutes, we were out and saw our classmates standing in big group. Ala was also standing there, a small smile playing on her lips. Her arms folded against her chest. As we approached, others turned to look at us, while she herself side stepped and turned her attention towards some girls.

"Hey!" One boy with well oiled black wavy hair, big eyes, dark complexion. Mohsin was written on his badge. He wore a simple sky blue button down shirt and jeans. He smiled at us.

Shaan grabbed his extended hand, shaking with a smile.

"What's going on here?" I asked to no one in particular.

One with brown hair and fair skin answered. His Id card showed Swapnil Sinha. "Seniors... ".

Like the very mention of seniors is the end of the topic.

Swapnil continued, "You two just came today?"

"Yesterday". I answered.

"Then your introductions will be there may be today or tomorrow".

Shaan questioned, "What if we don't live in hostel?"

"Evading them is not that easy".

"Let's see". It was Ala. She looked at him straight in the eye. I could see fire of challenge flaring in her eyes.

Swapnil only shrugged and avoided eye contact.

Everyone of them were talking.

"It was so embarrassing, Pooja even cried".

"Who's Pooja?"


Pooja kept her eyes downward. Her hair pulled back in a single braid, wearing simple salwar suit for dress.

"Two or three girls cried". One said half heartedly.

"One fainted".

Others glanced at one another. Tension was rising to the level of breathlessness.

"It will be alright". Ala said.

Some sighed. Others only nodded in confirmation.

Mohsin said. "Come with us. Let's go meet our seniors".

I looked at Shaan with apprehension and sent a silent question. Do we have to?

We were not afraid of seniors. But going straight to meet the troubles... Well... I was not stupid.

"Why are you taking them to seniors?"

Eyes wide with surprise and with a hint of horror, Everyone whipped their heads towards the source. Ala looked like she understood the gravity of her own words.

"What do you mean by that? Seniors won't like the idea that two of us didn't go to introduce themselves to them". Mohsin defended.

"Oh man! All of us will be in serious trouble". Danish cried out, flapping his hands in mocking horror. Everyone laughed.

From the corner of my eyes, I watched Ala retreating silently, turning towards the main gate, heading for hostel and without notifying anyone. My sisters were chatting with other group of girls. Turning our attention back, I got a nod from Shaan.

"All right. Let's go to seniors".