Little wind up time

Both of us stood outside boy's hostel. Obviously, third one didn't wait to see what will happen next. He said he might be going to see off his parents. Whether his claim was true or he was afraid of confronting seniors with us, that's the matter which occupied my mind.

"When will they come? It's very hot outside". Shaan raised his problem.

I first only shrugged, but seeing that he was not looking at me, I had to respond verbally. "I don't have any idea".

Shaan kept talking. "Thanks to Allah! We don't need to live in a hostel".

We are not that afraid. I thought. I was hoping to kick every seniors in their faces and also getting away with it. But I also knew it was not possible. Wanna try it. Great. My own mind was challenging me. Let's see. Me and my mind agreed with it.

"Look, they are coming". Shaan nudged me.

"uh-hu". I nodded and turned my attention to them.

I gave them a once over and glanced away. To my surprise, except one or two, they didn't look like to be feared for. Those other one or two just had some extra muscles. I was skeptical about their abilities to bully us. I mean I thought they would be more like big, burly, with ragged faces and dangerously handsome. But they were just the opposite. And I admit, I was disappointed.

"Introduce yourself". One of them silently asked.

And we did. But the next sound stunned us. One of them took a step towards us and slapped Shaan straight in the face.

Another one slapped me.

What the f***. Sorry. I mentally prayed immediately. Astaghfirullah. Ya Allah, I won't say bad word again.

After repenting, my whole anger directed at the one who slapped me. But my mistake, I dared to glare at him.

His anger was ten fold then. "what do you think you are? Disrespecting us, Huh?"

And this was how both of us got slapped straight in the face for the tenth time. I could imagine my cheeks turning angry red. Shaan glared at him with surprise and indignation. Clutching his face mercilessly, our dear senior sir barked. "Don't raise your eyes. DON'T. Or I shall beat you so much that you won't be able to face anyone for the time being".

Both of us didn't reply.

"You will do, what we will order you to do", another senior spat.

We won't stay in this hostel to be your puppy dogs. I thought but remained silent.

"Am I powerful enough to fight them, " Shaan murmured beside me.

I could only nod in denial. One senior stepped towards me and asked in a soothing voice, "Do you know our names? Do you know who are we?" His demeanor showed confidence and authority. His eyes small, narrow and light brown in colour. He actually had chocolate coloured hair, which fell on one side of his forehead giving him a cute appearance. His face long, slim and chiseled. I read the name written in cursive in his badge. Prince Khan. Very peculiar. His parents must be the King and the Queen, then.

I knew none of them. Not a single word came out of our throats. He grabbed my collar and jerked me towards himself so that we were face to face. Something clicked in my head and I forgot to turn down my head. He was fuming at me and I glared at him. It was like the time slowed. I could hear no one. He murmured to me, "Obey us or I will make your life hard here".

I nodded once, "Be my guest".

He removed his hands from my collar. I slowly raised to my full height. Surprisingly, he was a foot shorter than me. He turned back to his friends. "Let's go", giving us sideways smirk, he continued, " They will get what's better for them today, here, at night".

We waited until they left us and were out of sight.

Shaan was the first one to break silence, "You OK?"

"Yes, I am. Are you?" I asked.

"Yes, I am", he mimicked, but becoming serious again, "Should we tell them about our original staying location?"