Peace at my room

"How are you feeling?" My mother asked. One look at her and it was obvious that she was worried about me. She was not happy about me studying in another city, away from her. But I insisted. I knew l was being selfish in this matter. I didn't know what was more selfish decision, live with my mother and family with love and care or coming to this new city for my studies. My decision could be more anger based and less reasoning based. Or my adrenaline was in flight mode. To get away. I always dreamed of running away and this was most close to my dream. Being away.

Away from my father, my mother and most importantly my younger brother. It was the most hard decision to leave. Especially leaving my mom. Till now, I couldn't imagine my life without her. I love her too much. How will my brother cope with any situation without me? I know he was more mature then, but I was still his elder sister. In every phase of his life, me and my mother were there for him and vice versa. Obviously I wouldn't be able to tease him, play with him or share laughs. Tears started to bubble inside my eyes, threatening to come out. But I held myself. Mentally scolded myself, I didn't dare show her how much afraid I was. Or my hard earned support that I got from my mom would be over.

The sun was setting and I had already got a room in the girl's hostel. Warden of the hostel was not allowing my mom to enter just for the purpose of organizing my things in the room. So, I had to drag all those bags into my room all by myself and shoved them in a corner.

"Drink something before you collapse". She ordered. And I followed it to the point and avoided a collapse.

"I am alright, mom".

She snapped. "No, you are not".

Father had gone to complete the remaining formalities, to make sure there would not be single thing to worry.

"It's third floor, all the way to the top". Mother mumbled in worry.

"Top one is the fourth one". I stated the fact.

She didn't say anything to that. " Make sure you get another room in lower floors. You very well know, you won't be able to cope up everything alone here. We are not here for you. But, do tell us if anything important happens. And no boyfriend. Or every punishment for your fault will be in your head".

She kept rambling about manners, rules, regulations, how a good girl should live. I pretty much zoned out through all of that except one thing. She didn't trust me! A bitter thought crossed my mind. And my mood went down the hill. But I kept listening to her instructions.

After doing almost everything to please her in all these years since my childhood, she couldn't trust me. She raised me so well and she was the one to doubt. Why? I couldn't ask. I was afraid. Life was so hard sometimes.

Oh. Here came my father. An inch shorter than me. Holding himself with little too much respect, considering he was a senior doctor. Long rectangular slight wheatish coloured face. Wearing a blue buttoned down shirt, tucked inside his black coloured pant.

"Take these papers and keep it safe". He handed it to me and turned his attention to my mother. "Everything settled?"

I automatically answered. "Yes".

He gave me one look. "Shut up". Turning back to mother. "I am asking you".

"Everything is done. We can leave now".

Now, he turned to me with big smile plastered on his face. "My baby will do good. Right? Gate keeper of this college is very nice. If you need anything, you can ask for his help".

I had the same smile on my face. "Yup Papa! No problem Papa!"

"Don't be late". My mother hissed at him. As she knew I needed to rest and standing for too long is very tiring for me.

"Let's go then", He then looked at me. "Ok. Assalamo alaikum, my daughter. Take good care of yourself ".

I answered immediately. "Walaikumussalaam Papa. Assalamo alaikum Ammi. Now go. Go. I will take care".

"Walaikumussalaam Warahmatullahi wabarkaatuhu my child". With that my mother took her belongings and moved out of the main gate. My father followed, waving at me after stopping at every two or three steps. I waved back and stayed until they were out of sight.

I went back to my room. It took some time with lots of huffing and puffing. Closing the door, I collapsed in my bed. Eyes half closed, I felt like my mind was blending with the void of sleepiness. This room was arranged for two and quite symmetrically. If by entering the room and standing just in front of the door, place an imaginary line that bisects the room in two equal parts. Two windows in front wall on either side. Beside that, table, chair, bed and wardrobe were arranged in a single line. Walls were white washed. Windows were attached with exhaust coolers, to keep room cool in summer days. But, I preferred fan at that time.

I curled myself, covering my eyes with hand and instantly went to sleep.

I woke up with the sound of a clap. I blinked and immediately got up. A girl was standing not more than two feet away from me. Her black hair was cascading down from both sides of her head. I couldn't understand the meaning of her smirk. "Yes?"

"Come with me". She turned and moved out of the room. Hesitatingly, I scrambled out.

After going one floor down and a long corridor till the end, we finally reached a door which was closed. That unknown girl who dragged me here knocked once and shoulder barged in.

Since, I had no other way, so I also knocked once and pushed the door open.

On entering, I saw the whole hall was already occupied by too many. I recognised my batchmates. They looked like they were cornered at the back wall and other seniors laid out in the rest of the hall like they own this place. My arrival kind of froze them all, with their heads turned on me.


Some seniors snickered. One came to me. "Go, stand there". She pointed me towards my batchmates.

Moving, I heard some remarks.

"Look, what does she think she is?"

"Playing innocent".

"and with pride".

"We will break it in her face".

"And she will obey".

Alright. I was afraid. So, I kept my head down and eyes half closed.

"Ala!" One senior shouted my name.

Nodding once, I replied in a meek voice, "Yes, ma'am".

"Introduce yourself". She ordered.

Oh no. I was so going to screw up everything. "Good Afternoon... I mean... Good... Good morning.... Sorry, Good evening..."

I wasn't completed but all seniors were already laughing hard at me. I stood still.

"Go on. Why did you stop?"

Gulping, I continued. "Good evening Shaheen Sheikh Ma'am, doing child psychology in second year of this college, hails from Nagpur, Maharashtra. My.. My name is Eleanor Shah, from Nasik". It was too much draining. I couldn't proceed further and my heart was beating super crazy.

"That's it". Shaheen Sheikh shrieked at me. My hands immediately flew up to cover my ears. "For showing impertinence, I order you to clean my room every night and you dare not leave a single dirt on the floor".

I was flabbergasted. Was this a mistake? My mom never allowed me to touch a broomstick, and here was this stranger ordering me to clean up her room!! I hardly understood the rest of the ordeals my batchmates were facing, but I could feel their stress levels seeping into me. This was torture.

It was already half past nine that the meeting was over. All of us were supposed to go to mess for dinner. But some of my batchmates stayed behind including me. We shared a small smile. We again introduced ourselves in a less obligatory manners. There were Richa Sonwani, Megha Agrawal, Tanvi Mishra and me.

Richa had a long, slender face with her black hair tied back in a ponytail. She was wearing pink colored jumper suit. Megha looked much younger with her small stature and soft voice. Lastly, Tanvi looked like she was going to smash those seniors to pulp because of the way she was flexing her hands. It almost made me laugh. Almost.

Tanvi pointed towards the door. "Are we following them?"

"I just can't eat where seniors eat". Richa whispered.

We all nodded. I suggested, "Let's get sleep today. Tomorrow is another day".

We were about to move out, but Megha interrupted. "Contact numbers sharing first?"

I was in my room before anyone could notice, except my new friends of course. Locking it from inside.


In the meantime-

We returned to our farm house after taking night time meal outside. Shaan was opening the lock of the main door. I was tired after long day drama in boys' hostel. Shaan was also quiet. Food was good and that was the only thing we enjoyed.

I glanced back at my sisters. They were still talking in hushed tones and giggling after two to three seconds. Did anything happen today? Or both of them got concussion in their heads? I could never understand them. I sighed loudly. But I wouldn't make another mistake of asking them what was the matter. I had done that once only to find out that one of them instantly had a crush on a biker whose face was hidden behind his helmet followed by lots of giggling and nonsense talking about an unknown biker. Never again.


I jumped in surprise from Sana's question. At the same time, door opened and Shaan already moved inside without looking back. I started to follow with sisters behind me. That single word held so many questions, I had to think for a second. "Let's sleep for now. In the morning, we will fill you in".

Both of them nodded. Shaan stood silently in a corner waiting for us to enter and locked back the gate from inside.

This two storey house was newly bought by father a month ago, to live together with home like freedom. It was an average sized. Painted blue and purple outside. Crossing the room straight had another door. On right, stairs running up to open into a corridor leading straight to another set of stairs. At the back wall of corridor, there was a single door, inside was single room. No one lived there then. Whole furnishing was done by my father. We crossed the room and entered through the gate into a gallery which lead directly into a kitchen. Sisters directly entered their common room on the left side. Shaan and I entered room on the right side.

Shaan announced loudly, walking directly to bathroom. "Going back to sleep directly".

I stood there. "Tough day, huh".

He didn't answer to that. In response, I could hear tap water opening and water coming out of the nozzle. I opened almirah and pulled out a clean light blue shirt and same coloured pajama. After a second thought, I took out other set of clothes for Shaan and closed the almirah.

Just a minute later, Shaan peeked out from the bathroom, eyes closed and a hand outstretched. "My clothes?"

I smiled at him and handed him his clothes along with his towel.

"Oh! I forgot", he added.

That made me chuckle. "Faster. I am waiting".

In response, he laughed and closed the door.

I was about to set the bed in order, but the door again opened and he peeked out. "Have we forgotten something?"

"About what?", I was puzzled.

"About our lovely seniors, dumb!".

"Oh, that", I seriously thought about that. But I shrugged it off at last, "I think now will be really good time for them to find out that... ". I left it unfinished.

Shaan completed it. "That we don't live in hostel so that they can torture us? Gosh! Tomorrow we are screwed".

"Leave it for tomorrow, Shaan". I replied. But we both knew next day will be our deaths if we couldn't find an escape plan faster.