Problem is just around the corner

I knew l shouldn't have locked the door from inside. It was only 10:25 at night when I heard banging noises because I... I ditched that order to clean her room.

Due to loud banging, I threw out my cover and opened the door. Alright. Big mistake number one.

And big mistake number two? In a hurry and in sleepy mode, I looked at them directly in their eyes.

Oh, come on, give me some slack!

One senior immediately grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back towards the wall. On hitting the wall... "ouch".

Other seniors filed in.

Shaheen Sheikh started the commotion. "You dare defy my direct order! "

I didn't answer to that. I knew it would be impolite to say anything back to them.

She continued, "How dare you? Huh?"

"I haven't done this before!" I defended.

"Stop that lousy excuse", she shouted near my ears. I flinched and covered my ears with hands.

One senior stepped beside Shaheen. Her name was Lalita Das. Wheatish coloured, small eyes, full make up on, wearing a mini skirt with crop top. At this hour, why she had to wear such dress like she had an appointment in club party rather than going to sleep. I swept my eyes at all of them and to my astonishment, they were all wearing clothes that could indicate that they were ready to attack a club party and will dance till the morning. I must had not noticed it earlier in the hall because I was busy looking at the ground. It might be the correct time for my brain to stop working because I dared to ask.

"Are you guys going somewhere?"

Now that was only a decent question that would curb my curiosity. But Lalita gently grabbed the cloth covering my stomach. And a second later pinched me hard. I cringed and took a ragged breath.

She scolded me, "Who told you to ask questions from a senior? You have no manners, right. You first defy our order and then question us!"

Another senior, Saniya Khan grabbed my arm. "Behave yourself or you will only be responsible for what happens to you".

They were ganging up on me. I immediately nodded my head. Anything to make them go away.

I heard shouts from different seniors.




"Look at her face!"

"Like a punched in ball".

They all laughed after that.

Shaheen again pressed, "Now go and clean my room. Now!"

I immediately responded, " No. I can't. Or I won't be able to attend the class next morning".

They all glared at me.

Shaheen gave a sideways glance at her friends. "Close the door".

Oh no. No no no.

My heart clenched with fear.

Saniya caressed my cheek. "We warned you. Didn't we?"

I heard some other senior's voice drifting to me. "Besides, it is all your fault".

I was jammed there.

Shaheen whispered in my ear. "Don't ever say about today's night to anyone. Or you will get worst than today".

I could only whisper, eyes wide with surprise and horror. "No".

Shaheen shouted, "Girls! Grab her!"


In boys hostel,

"What's the meaning of this? That you all don't know whether both of them lives in this hostel or not?"

His friend shouted with all the ferocity. Prince stood a good twenty feet far from them, his concentration on certain someone who messaged him about a junior disobeying senior's orders. After reading all the messages,  he closed his eyes, putting back his phone into shirt pocket.

He took a glance at the assembled juniors. They were terrified, clutching one another's hands. Heads down. Some even closed their eyes as if praying for protection.

He laughed. He enjoyed it, alright. For the first time he felt like people were bowing to him. This feeling was amazing. Maybe he should take pity on them. Except for those two, his eyes furrowed. He would teach them a wonderful lesson. They will remember it forever that what it means to mess with him.

His friends were busy torturing juniors for the mistakes those two did. What were their names again? Shayan and Shaan.

"I think it is enough for one day, Ayaz".

Ayaz looked at Prince, giving him lopsided grin. Then, turning back his attention to juniors, he shouted, "Go back to your rooms and remember to give them our message".

All of them nodded and silently filed out of the main dormitory.

Sammy said, "Tomorrow will be their time".

Ayaz asked, "Where do they live then?"

"Guess, we will find out tomorrow". Prince Khan replied. His eyes fixed on a certain spot near the horizon out of the window.