Enjoying Annoying Her

Evo's POV

"Good morning, Vice President!"

I grinned as I saw Bella heading down the hallway toward their office. I immediately followed her, which irritated her. She ignores him. I don't know what's going through her mind. Unknowingly, I look at her neck. I considered her more attractive than the other women. She couldn't have been both skinny and big. White-skinned. It was too seductive to ignore. I grabbed Sebastian's ponytail, and her long hair tumbled over her shoulders.

The woman immediately turned to me because of what I had done.

"What's your problem?" Bella inquired, annoyed.

I was slightly surprised when he turned to face me, his hair blowing in the wind. I could even smell her apple-scented shampoo.

"Wow, you look beautiful with your hair down," I said.

Bella shot me an annoyed look and reached for her ponytail, but I stopped her with a raised hand. At 5'6", she tried to stand on her tiptoes to reach my shoulder, forcing me to bend so she could grab my hand and hold her ponytail. However, my 6'1" frame made it difficult for her. Despite our closeness, she didn't seem to care, so I just stared at her. I was nearly close enough to kiss her, but I lost my balance. Dropping the bag strap, I put my hand on her hip, and we both tumbled to the ground.

My body fell onto the floor, and Bella was beside me. What I did was surprise her. She turned to look at us as the students were walking through the hallway. Bella quickly removed her ponytail from my hand and ran away.

I chuckled as she left me on the floor. I got up quickly and couldn't stop giggling. It wasn't the first time a lady drew near to me, but it was the first time it made me feel odd. As she fell on me, I could smell her hair. Her feminine scent was irresistible. My ability didn't change after I touched her, which astonished me.


I didn't expect our photo to go viral, confusing university students. Even the university's online newspaper covers us. Zoey raised an eyebrow at that. Bella was on top of me, with my arm around her waist. They'd think we were dating. It was a perfect steal. We seem like a simpatico couple in the photo, which annoys Zoey.

"How did you two get yourselves photographed like that?" Zoey asked me.

We agreed to meet at the table outside the cafeteria that afternoon. Zoey is with her closest friends, while I am with Brian, Wilson, and Migs.

I smirked. "Stop acting jealous." I knew why Zoey had a crush on me. As she grows jealous of Bella, I can read her thoughts.

Zoey blushed. "I'm not jealous. Why would I get jealous of someone like her? The spreading news irritates me." Zoey averted her gaze at me. "I just don't want people to believe what's in the newspaper is true."

"What does the gazette say?" I asked. Before Migs could read with his voice, I heard what was in his head because he was already reading it. "Do you think we are a good match?"

Migs looked at me. "What?" he smirked. "Do you have anything for Sebastian?"

I smirked, "No, of course not. I'm just asking."

"Evo, you're not a formidable opponent. She's nothing, and you are everything. You should have a match at the same level as you are."

"Like you, Zoey? Beautiful, rich, and brat?" Migs said.

I chuckled. When I glanced at the walkway, I saw Bella approaching the café. She appears to be in a negative mood, and everyone she meets or passes by avoids her, even turning their backs on her. Bella didn't seem interested in anyone. She kept on walking as if she saw no one.

She seems upset, and I wonder what she has in mind. I thought.

I grin and walk toward Bella outside the café. She hurried to enter the university cafeteria when she saw me, but I was already at the front door.

Bella's POV

When I saw Evo, I frowned and was about to turn around. Evo's grin widened as he followed me. Then he meets me at the cafeteria's front door with a wide grin on his lips.

"Are you avoiding me, VP?" Evo asked.

"Yes, but why do you follow me?" I growl.

Evo chuckled. "Do you know the latest gossip on campus? We're the school's love team of the month." Evo said. "Should I make us a couple for a year?"

"Are you kidding me? We have no relationship—are you an addict?"

"I'm handsome, not an addict."

"If you don't want to exhaust my patience, get out of my presence. I'm hungry and want to enjoy lunch peacefully," I replied sternly. I even stretched the word peacefully.

"We can have lunch together. Let's eat together. What do you think?" Evo asked.

"Montenegro!" Bella growled.

I didn't mean to raise my voice, but uttering Evo's last name made everyone stare at us. I could see Evo's mischievous grin.

"Don't follow me anymore if you don't want me to think of you as a dog instead of a human," I said, annoyed, as I pushed Evo away.

Evo's POV

Instead of getting frustrated at Bella for pushing me, I grabbed her hand. Everything suddenly slowed down. I didn't know what Bella thought as she stared at me. Something about her eyes makes me think she's confused and slightly shocked. I didn't see any irritation or anger, only confusion.

"I'm fine with holding hands for as long as you want," I said, smiling.

"In your dreams," she said as she let go of my hand and punched me in the stomach.

"Ugh!" I grinned and grabbed my stomach. 'Interesting! 'I thought.

Despite her annoyance, I couldn't believe her mind was blank toward me. 'Damn, she's truly different! I can't read her mind.'

My friends approached me and laughed at what they saw. "Dude, what's on you?" Migs asked.

"Do you like her, Evo?" Zoey asked sternly.

"Geez, stop joking around, Zoey. I want nothing from her. I want to irritate her," I explained.

"Dude, watch out; that's how everything started... Aw! Zoey, what's wrong with you?" Brian was upset and shocked when she hit him.

Zoey insisted, "If you do not wish for me to slap your other face, please refrain from speaking."

"Fine," Brian said as he moved away from Zoey. "This one feels like she's the girlfriend."

"What did you say?" Zoey asked.

I simply looked at my friends and let them tease each other. I looked at my hand. I can still feel his hand. I wonder what kind of lotion she uses because it's so soft. Migs grabbed me and led me away from the café. But before we could go, a guy approached our group.

"Evo," he began. "You have a big problem."

I scowled. "What's the problem?"

"Sir Magno is putting pressure on the Dean to remove you as president of the student organization."

"What?" I was stunned. "Why?"

"That's because of your romantic relationship with Miss Sebastian."

"Seriously?" I asked, surprised. "Are we in a relationship?"

My friends exchanged glances. I glanced toward Bella, who was walking with Denise and Laurie. Bella gave me a mean stare. I grinned rather than being furious.

'I guess fate is on my side...' I thought.