The Sweet Gossip

Bella's POV

"What you're doing is bothersome," I said sharply but gently to Evo, who looked at me like I had done something wrong.

Today is the most annoying day. I am uncertain as to whether today is a full moon, but Montenegro consistently maintains a sense of intimacy with me. He doesn't know me well enough to chastise me, and we're not friends. And as far as I can remember, our first meeting didn't go well either, because we got into a fight at the USBO office. It left me confused about what he wanted.

"I'm just looking at you," Evo said. "Is there something wrong? Will someone be angry or..." He grinned at me. "The way I look at you tickles me."

I felt irritated by what Evo had said. "Excuse me; the way you look at me makes me feel more harassed. You look like a pervert, don't you know that?".

Evo chuckled. "You have a different type of imagination," he said. "Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"What else are perverts like you thinking about?" I asked. "Montenegro, please. I'm hungry and bothered by this." I said it plainly. "It's not fun."

I was hungry and wanted to buy food from the cafeteria, but this monkey annoyed me, and now we'd been called to the office for no reason. It's even more annoying because Evo is always staring at me.

Evo smiled. "So that means that gossip affects you?"

"Of course I am," I said, glancing at him. "You know our situation, don't you?"

Evo nodded. "Wow, I thought it would not affect you because you appeared relaxed."

I nodded and stopped talking to him. I frowned, folding both arms across my chest. I checked my watch. We'd been sitting for less than 10 minutes, but we'd been there for hours. I took a big sigh.

"I'm just wondering why they thought we were romantically interested in each other," Evo asked after a few moments of staring at their picture on the school's online gazette. "Have you seen our picture?"

"Yes, I've seen it, and it's so disgusting. You can ask the editor to remove that."

"Hmm, why would I do that? Our stolen photo is so cute. I downloaded it to my phone and made it a wallpaper."

"What?" I frowned.

"Out of all the stolen shots I've had with the girl, this one is my favorite," Evo said, looking at me. "It looks like you're in love with me."

Bella scoffed. "Seriously?" Her smile faded. "You're a comedian, but you're not funny."

"I'm just stating a fact," he said. "We are a perfect match, you know," he said, glancing at me. "I might even think of you as my first girlfriend."

"You know what?" I glanced at him. "I think you need coffee so you can feel even more nervous, and you also need to watch horror movies to feel scared a bit," I said, raising one eyebrow. "You don't look like you can feel those things."

Evo laughed at what I said rather than being annoyed. "Geez, you're adorable."

I stared at Evo, and he turned toward the door. "They've arrived."

Eventually, the door opened. I looked at Evo but said nothing to him. 'How did he know they were already here?' I thought.

The two deans from the College of Architecture and Engineering sat at the other end of the table. Sir Magno sat between the two deans.

"You probably know why you are here, don't you?" asked Sir Magno.

"Of course. She said, glancing at the two deans, "Only dirty minds would give this to the dean without proof or a fair trial." "I think you should have talked to both of us first, Sir Magno." I stared at Sir Magno, which surprised him.

The man's face showed surprise and disappointment at what I said. I don't understand why so many women are obsessed with this man. The fitted shirt he is wearing shows off his muscular body. He is approximately 35 years old and appears to be pleasing for his age; however, I do not find him to be attractive; rather, he appears to be a jerk.

Sir Magno cocked his head. "You seem angry, Miss Sebastian."

"I am particularly aware that the accusations made against both of us are unfounded."

"He gave this to us, Miss Sebastian," said the dean of architecture. He moved the laptop closer to me, and I watched the video. "You're flirting and playing in front of the students, and you don't care about..." But I cut him off, so Sir Magno couldn't finish his sentence.

"This is the security camera on the left side of the hallway, right?" I asked the Dean of Architecture.

The Dean said, "That's right."

"Is our security camera broken, sir?" I asked again.

The Dean of Engineering asked Magno, "Mr. Santos?"

"As far as I can remember, there were four CCTVs in the hallway. They were six meters apart, but they could still record the other CCTVs in the area. Why is the evidence you're referring to limited to a single CCTV shot? I said. "It should have four copies because each would show a different angle, and my team and I checked that all the CCTVs were working this morning after the incident."

Evo and the two deans all turned to Sir Magno. "Hmmm, someone told you to hurt us," Evo said.

Everyone was looking at Evo. "Should I spit out the name?" Evo glanced at Sir Magno and fixed his gaze on his hand. He stopped looking at Sir Magno and turned to the Dean of Engineering.

Evo's POV

"What you did was wrong," I said. "Miss Sebastian is right. The CCTV did not capture the cut video when there were three other working CCTVs in the area. The evidence you cite lacks credibility. I turned to Sir Magno. "There is no basis," I said as I stood up and approached him. I stood behind him and leaned over, whispering in his ear. "The Cordova you work for is at the bottom of our business empire, and yet you choose to follow him rather than protect me for your benefit. I wonder what your life will be like after you do this."

The man swallowed, his face displaying fear. I left his chair, approached Bella's, and stood behind it.

"Sir, Miss Sebastian and I still have class, but maybe we can leave now?" I asked the engineering dean.

Dean said, "Yeah, okay, you can leave now," but fear filled his voice.

Bella got up and went straight to the room's door. With a smile on my face, I followed her without waiting or even looking at him. I could still hear their thoughts as we walked out of the room.

"Sir, who is Evo Montenegro?"

"Haist, do you not know him? He's Mr. Tomas Montenegro's only child."

'How can a wealthy heir like him walk around town without worrying about danger?' Magno thought.

"Do you know how to do dishes?"

"Because of what happened, you won't be able to find another job, but we're looking for a dishwasher in the cafeteria."


As Bella walked away, I watched from behind. I frowned because her back looked familiar to me.

"I was exceptional earlier, wasn't I?"

I chased after Bella as she walked. I spoke to her and walked with her.

"What you did wasn't cool," Bella said, not looking at me.

"Really? I thought you'd fall in love with me because of what I did," I said with a smile.

Bella stopped walking and turned toward me. I smiled at the woman as I looked her in the eye.

"What did you say to Sir Magno earlier?" Bella asked. "Because he looks scared. What did you tell him? Did someone order him to do it?" She was sternly staring at me. "How did you know that?"

I grin. "Are you curious?"

Bella raised her eyebrow. "Yeah, I'm asking, isn't that it?"

I moved slightly closer to Bella, who turned her face away.

"What will I get in return if I tell you?" As I stared into her eyes and down at her lips, I said, "There is nothing free today. Everything has a price."

We are very close, but I still can't hear her thinking or know what's on her mind. She's so close to me, but I can't kiss her. I can kiss the girls who flirt with me this close, but I can't do it to her. I won't treat her that way, not because I can't or don't want to, but because she doesn't deserve it. She's different, so I'll treat her differently.

"You are messing up with me. Do you know that?" Bella said.

"Yeah, I know that," I said.

"It would be more beneficial if you ceased engaging in unnecessary conversations and actions towards me." I don't want there to be a space between us, especially since we are both officers of the USBO. Let's be formal. If you keep doing this, you'll regret your indecision."

I smiled. "Sounds intriguing. Now I am even more interested in you. What can you do, Miss Sebastian? Tell me."

Bella smiled. "You're curious?"

I nodded, but I wasn't expecting her to hit my groin with her knee.

"Oh shit!" I growled and gripped my groin, using the wall as support.

"I can't say it aloud, but I can do it," Bella said as she shoved me away and left.
