The Subic Murder Case (Part 2)

Evo's POV

"Maybe the culprit is truly a vampire."

I couldn't believe what the police said. The police immediately informed their friends about what they had observed in our hiding room. They weren't sure what was in the room, but it looked dangerous.

When the police left that room, Bella, Kaycee, and I left where we were hiding. I went over to them immediately, but I didn't see a table where the vase was, so I bumped into it, and the vase fell. But before the vase even hit the floor, it floated in the air, and I caught a glimpse of Kaycee. She was looking at the vase, her hand pointing at it, and smiling at me.

"I got you, babe," she said with a wink.

"Gosh, you don't know how to be careful, do you?" Bella whispered in annoyance.

"Sorry," I said after blowing air. I felt like I would have a heart attack, but I thought that if the vase fell to the floor, the police would hear it, catch us, and quickly put us in jail. Kaycee's kinesis, therefore, helps me a lot!

"Thank you!" I spoke quietly, and when she grasped my meaning, I smiled.

Bella's POV

I started checking things out. I touched on everything that I thought had to do with the crime. I started by connecting the sofa to the scene where the woman had died. I closed my eyes.

I lay down on the sofa. I felt so dizzy that I couldn't explain why. My stomach felt like it was digging up, and the room seemed to be spinning. While I gazed at the man, I rested my head on the armrest to alleviate the discomfort. First, the man touched my cheek and spoke to me, but I couldn't understand what he said. I could see his mouth open, but I couldn't hear anything. He removed the hair that was around my neck. Even though I felt dizzy, I nodded my head.

When I removed my hand from the sofa, I gasped. I was gasping for air, and the extreme dizziness in my vision made my body shake, so I fell to my knees.

"Are you okay?" asked Evo.

"The culprit didn't drink blood like a vampire. If I'm not mistaken, the house's owner is a retired doctor. I've seen his face on the news before," I said.

"If he's a doctor, it's impossible that the killer is a vampire," said Evo.

Kaycee giggled. "You know, Evo, you're kind of cute."

I scowled and stood up. The man may have given his female victim some medicine. What bothers me is how he got the woman to take medication.

"If the suspect is a doctor, it's likely that he administered medication to the victim." Kaycee thought for a moment. "Doctors often use anticoagulants to keep blood from clotting because they effectively prevent life-threatening conditions. And so maybe the criminal put a catheter in her artery and drained her blood, which means her organs won't work properly, and she will die."

I smiled. It made sense that Kaycee would know about that.

"Wow, how did you know about that?" asked Evo in amazement.

Kaycee grinned. "My mother's a doctor."

"The second thing to learn is how to become a detective," I said. "You should know the basic medical procedures up to the medium level, so you know the likely cause of death and how the victim died."

As Evo and Kaycee followed me, I kept looking into things.

When we entered the room, I grabbed the door handle where the police had previously entered. When I walked into the room, I immediately looked for the light switch and turned it on, but it wasn't as bright as I had hoped. The light just flickered, adding to the room's creepy feeling. I looked around the room and saw Kaycee standing near a coffin. Evo glanced at me.

Evo and I got closer to the coffin. Kaycee and I turned toward Evo when a light came from him. We found out that his watch included a flashlight.

"A detective is always ready," he said with a grin.

I frowned and turned on the phone's flashlight. Kaycee did the same.

"Yeah, I just want to show off that my watch also has a flashlight," Evo said.

Kaycee didn't speak, and neither did I.

Kaycee's POV

As our phones illuminate the coffin, a unique design appears. The coffin's cover features intricate carvings, including a cross that resembles a snake. The border featured an inscription, and within the frame, a full moon with a large bat took shape. At the bottom, there is a design that looks like a door with a cross on top, as you would see in a church. The door's top design looks like a cloverleaf. Even the tiniest details are engraved. The engraving resembles scenes from vampire films. As Bella walked up to the coffin and touched it, I turned to her. I heard her sigh, and just a few seconds later, she took her hand off the coffin and walked away.

"What did you see?" I asked.

Bella glanced at me and said, "I saw the look on the face of the last person to touch the coffin."

"You see?" Evo asked.

"He had blood all over him, and he has fangs."

"That is a fake fang," I said. I looked at the bottles that glow when our phone is on.

When I looked closely at what was in the bottle, I saw that, just like we had seen earlier, the things in the bottle were parts of the human body.

"Like Frankenstein," Evo said.

"Yeah, but I have no idea what those bodies are for."

Bella stood up again and grabbed a bottle, then another, and yet another, until she had only one bottle remaining. Suddenly, she looked at Evo and me.

Bella said, her voice trembling, "The body belongs to only one person." I could understand her fear—she had seen what happened. He chopped up the victim."

"So you're saying he killed someone else besides the woman?" Evo asked.

"I'm not sure," she replied.

I reached for a bottle that Bella didn't touch. I looked at its contents carefully.

"This must be a woman's child," I said.

Bella didn't speak yet. She blew out the air again, and she seemed to calm down. We kept looking into it until I felt like someone had stepped on me from the floor. I immediately sat down and softly knocked on it.

"What's happening?" Evo asked.

"It's like a door," I said.

When I placed my hand on the floor, the door opened automatically. Evo activated the light on his watch and illuminated the passage, revealing a ladder descending. I took a quick look at Bella and started to walk down the stairs, but Evo stopped me.

"I'll go first," he says.

I was surprised at what he did. Evo went down the stairs, and Bella and I immediately followed him. After the three of us had moved a few steps, Evo suddenly stopped.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

"The following three steps are missing, and several blank spaces exist between them."

"What?" I lit up the whole room. It looks like an old warehouse. I turned back to Evo, who was carefully going down the stairs. I lit the way for him, so he could see beneath. But I wasn't expecting him to let go when he fell to the floor.

"Damn!" Evo moaned.

Oh, my god!" Bella and I hurried down.

It's a little challenging to get down, and the sticky part of the stairs is also slippery. Perhaps Evo accidentally grabbed it, causing a startle and subsequent fall.

Evo's POV

"Damn, it hurts!" I said this after I fell to the floor. Something hit my back hard.

"Are you all right?" Kaycee asked me. She walked down the stairs and immediately touched my face.

"Oh my god, Kay! Can you please wipe your hand first?" I say.

When Bella and I turned on the light, I noticed the red liquid in Kaycee's hand. I quickly sat down, even though my back hurt.

"Is there blood?" I asked, surprised.

Kaycee looked at her hand and moved it slightly closer to her nose. I thought what Kaycee did was disgusting.

"Jesus, do you need to smell that?" I asked.

But before Kaycee could answer, we heard a noise from above. The police immediately lit our room with flashlights.

"Is there anyone there?"

We were all silent, and I held my breath because I was nervous. Bella turned off the flashlight, and the room got darker until our eyes got used to seeing in the dark.

"What are you doing here?" we heard from up above.

"It's like we heard a sound from here."

"Do you see anything?"

"No, sir."

"Get out of here."

We heard footsteps going out of the room. I grabbed my watch to turn the flashlight back on, but Bella grabbed my timepiece to cover the light.

"Only four have come out; some are still upstairs," Bella whispered.

I gave her a puzzled look, wondering how she knew. I felt something crawl from my neck to my face.

"Shit, what the hell?" Kaycee placed her hand over my mouth, which prevented me from concluding my statement. I was restless because I could feel something moving inside my clothes. After a while, we heard someone leave. I grabbed Kaycee's hand and put it over my mouth, then quickly took off my clothes and threw them in the air.

"Finally," said Kaycee, who then turned on her phone's flashlight again. Bella did the same.

Bella lights up the place where the three of us are. "The cockroach is crawling up behind you."

Damn, that's disgusting!" I say.

I heard Bella and Kaycee giggling softly. "Haist, are you afraid of roaches?"

"I'm not scared. I'm disgusted!" I explained.

"One of the weaknesses of the rich," Bella said as she moved the light from her phone around the room.

"Don't you hate cockroaches? They're so dirty!" I uttered those words with a profound expression of disgust on my face.

"No, I'm not. It's just a cockroach, you dumbass! As a detective, you'll encounter more than cockroaches, so quit early if you don't want dirty work." Bella aimed the phone's light at my face.

"Haist, stop!" said Kaycee.

"Who's there, and why are you making noise?"

We all stopped and looked at each other when we heard that voice. I could feel Kaycee and Bella approaching me as the lights on my phone and watch continued to turn.

"Who are you people that came into my territory?"