Mission Break

Evo's POV

"Finally, it's vacation!"

Brian shouted as we sat outside the university cafeteria. We just finished our last exam for finals. A week has passed since we found and solved the case of a missing graduating student, and it turned out to be a murder case. The suspect has not been caught yet, but his world will surely be smaller now that the PNP has launched a manhunt operation to catch him.

And because of the final exam, Lyka's case became the last mission for the four of us. I also don't often see Kaycee and Bella at school. At the same time, Migs and I are always together. Since that day, my stalker has started to lie low, and I thought maybe he was hurt and hospitalized because of what Kaycee did.

"Where are you on vacation today?" Wilson asked as he approached us with the tray of purchased food.

"It looks like you've thought of a place to go, Wilson," Brian said.