Chapter 4: Garden of the Heart

"Alfonse... Alfonse..." The voice calls out to me, its ethereal echoes reaching deep within my soul. It beckons me, imploring me to respond, and I struggle to rise, using both hands to steady myself. As I regain my footing, I find myself standing in a place, unlike anything I have ever seen before. It feels as if I have stepped inside the very depths of my own heart, wandering amidst a vast expanse with no discernible path or solid ground. Confusion gnaws at me as I try to make sense of my surroundings. What is this place? It defies all my previous experiences.

"Do not worry," I hear a soothing voice say, and I instinctively search for its source. "Who are you?" I ask, my tone filled with curiosity and a hint of longing to find the person behind the voice.

"You don't know me, but I have always been watching over you," comes the enigmatic reply, resonating with warmth and reassurance.

"Huh?" I'm taken aback by the comforting aura that envelops me as the person speaks, a sense of familiarity washing over me.

Amid my bewilderment, I notice that my appearance has undergone a remarkable change. I'm now clothed in a white long-sleeved shirt with a gray shirt beneath, paired with black pants adorned with delicate floral patterns at the hem. On my feet, I wear sturdy black shoes that resemble those of a seasoned adventurer.

"I look different," I remark, a mix of surprise and amusement lacing my words.

The questions continue to swirl in my mind as I search for answers. "Where am I? What is this place?" I inquire, my voice echoing through the enigmatic surroundings, searching for any sign of the mysterious figure that speaks to me.

"This place... This place exists within your heart, it is your very own garden," the voice responds, shedding a ray of understanding upon my bewildered state.

"Choose your destiny... Choose your path... Make your world..." The words resonate in the air, leaving me pondering their significance. What kind of destiny am I seeking? What path shall I tread? The person, whose identity remains concealed, seems to prod me further, inquiring about the events that await me in the future.

Closing my eyes, I delve deep within my thoughts, envisioning the person I aspire to become. I see myself wielding a sword, standing valiantly against the encroaching shadows of darkness. The image of an adventurer, with a loyal companion by my side, has always captivated my heart.

"It seems that you desire to be a hero of Moonlight Reach... Is that right?" the mysterious voice intones, causing me to raise an eyebrow in astonishment. How could it possibly know my deepest desires?

"Yes... I suppose so," I reply, scratching my head as I contemplate the choices that lie ahead, recognizing the challenges they might entail.

"What path will you choose?" the voice prompts, urging me to make a decision that will shape the course of my life.

I let out a weary sigh, the weight of the questions pressing upon me. How many more inquiries must I endure? I ponder the different paths that stretch before me. I imagine my current existence, a solitary life devoid of companionship, a monotonous cycle of mundane routines. But deep within, I yearn to meet new people, to forge true friendships that will endure until the end.

"Is that what your heart truly desires?" the voice gently probes, unveiling yet again the hidden desires of my soul.

"It is... I have spent my whole life in solitude, longing to meet new companions, to find a true friend who will walk by my side till the very end," I confess, sharing my heartfelt longing with the mysterious figure who seems to comprehend my desires.

"If that is your wish, then there is something I shall bestow upon you in due time. Follow the light, walk towards it," the voice instructs, guiding me toward a radiant glow emanating from the ground.

"And finally, after posing two questions, I ask you this: What kind of world do you desire?" the voice presents me with another thought-provoking query.

In my mind's eye, I envision a place by the seashore, where a tranquil atmosphere prevails. The sky overhead is adorned with clouds, casting a soft, diffused light upon the land. As the night falls, the sky takes on a mesmerizing shade of gray, and from the depths, eerie creatures arise, their presence contrasting with the peaceful sun that warms my heart.

"Is that the world you yearn for?" the voice inquires, awaiting my response.

"Yes, it is," I affirm, my voice resolute as I convey my deepest desires to the enigmatic figure.

"Step forward through the door of light, and I shall grant you the fulfillment of your wishes," the figure instructs, taking hold of my arm as we strive together toward the luminous portal.

"I hope you prove worthy of these desires," the voice whispers as the blinding light envelops us. Confusion and anticipation intertwine within me, swirling like a tempest.

As the radiance begins to recede, a colossal figure looms before me, resembling a tree transformed into a monstrous entity. "Hey, I thought you were going to grant my wishes!" I protest, raising my hands in frustration as it appears that the figure has broken its promise.

"Prove yourself," it declares, its voice reverberating with an ominous tone that sends shivers down my spine.

"Hey, wait!" I cry out, sensing imminent danger as I find myself on the brink of destruction.

Summoning my memories of the battles fought at Misty Park, I inhale deeply, steeling myself for the toughest fight of my life. With a swift motion, I summon my weapon, gripping it tightly with both hands. Determination radiates from me as I prepare to face the fearsome creature head-on.

The monster lunges at me, its branches slashing through the air. I instinctively duck, narrowly avoiding its deadly assault. It continues its onslaught, slashing relentlessly, but I manage to evade its attacks with nimble footwork and well-timed blocks. The creature's fury intensifies, its strikes growing swifter, yet I refuse to yield. The weight of my sword feels burdensome, but I muster all my strength and resilience. With a swift, calculated strike, I sever one of the monster's branches, leaving it vulnerable. Undeterred, I summon my second sword to my left hand, determined to finish this battle. A final blow strikes true, reducing the creature to a mere whimper before it explodes in a vibrant green burst. Exhausted yet victorious, I shield my face with my hands, taking a moment to catch my breath as the battle comes to an end.

With the fading echoes of combat, the enigmatic figures reappear before me. The figure, now unveiled, dons a hooded cloak, a long pink braid peeking out from beneath its cover. Clad in pure white, the figure stands barefoot, emanating an otherworldly aura.

"You have defeated the creature, and now I shall fulfill the promise I made," she declares, her words enveloped in a sense of profound significance.

She instructs me to extend my right hand, and as I do, she places three seeds in my palm. "Plant these seeds and guard them with your life," she imparts, her voice carrying the weight of solemnity.

Following her guidance, I proceed to plant the seeds, watching as saplings emerge and take root in the soil. With each tender touch and nurturing care, I affirm the vows I have made to myself.

"You have proven yourself worthy of this world. Now, I grant you the destiny, the path, and the world you deserve. May your sorrows find solace, though they may persist, for with a righteous heart, they shall diminish," she imparts, her words resonating with profound wisdom.

Puzzled, I seek further clarification, eager to understand the depths of her guidance. "What does this mean? I have so many questions," I admit, yearning for enlightenment.

"These trials shall come, and perfection is not required. Simply strive to make the right choices," she replies her words a balm to my uncertainties.

"Protect your plants, nurture them, and never let them wither away," she imparts, her voice filled with a gentle admonition.

Her words weave around me, and the world around me starts to fade, dissolving into nothingness. The girl ascends into the sky, gradually dissipating from view. Desperately, I stretch out my hand, seeking answers from the fading presence.

"See you later, Alfonse..." her voice lingers in the air, bidding me farewell, and I am left with an unanswered question, "Hey, wait! Who are you?"

Suddenly, everything turns black, and I find myself back in the familiar realm of the waking world. I lie there, eyes shut, in an unknown location, my mind swirling with the enigmatic journey I have just undertaken.