Chapter 15. Ground Zero

Sigh... Sigh... Sigh...

Exhausted, I collapse against the wall, desperately trying to catch my breath and heal my wounds.

"sanationem sensus."

I still clutch the crystal tightly, my mind filled with questions. How did I end up back home? And where is Callie?

Stepping out of my log cabin, I survey my surroundings, finding everything seemingly restored to its rightful place.

"Strange..." The crystal glows brighter and brighter as if guiding me toward a purpose.

Making my way to the marketplace, I check if everyone is alright, but it's eerily silent. Misty Park stands deserted, with only empty food stalls and a powerful gust of wind.

"Where is everyone?" I search tirelessly, combing through every corner of the town.

Running frantically, with the scorching sun high above, sweat pours down my face, exhaustion seeping into my bones.

"Perhaps they're in Lunaria?" I ponder, considering the possibility of finding them there.

Determined, I sprint towards Lunaria, the forest now ominously quiet.

No birds sing, no creatures stir in the bushes, and no sign of life.

"I must hurry. I hope they're in Lunaria!"

Pressing on without rest, without respite.

Arriving at last, I find Lunaria desolate, its resources pillaged, and remnants of the destruction still visible.



I wander through the city, calling out for my friends, but my voice echoes unanswered.

Seeking refuge, I make my way to the tavern, hoping to gather my thoughts and devise a plan.

Pushing open the door, darkness greets me, with no lights to pierce the gloom. Determined, I strike a spark on a rock, igniting a flame and casting flickering light into the room. I take a seat at the very table where we often gathered.

Rummaging through the kitchen, I find some food and water, providing a momentary solace amidst the chaos.

Grasping the crystal tightly, I hold it in my hands, peering into its luminous depths.

"Why are you still so bright, even after all this time in my pocket?"

I chuckle, finding myself conversing with an inanimate object. But the tremors in my body intensify, an overwhelming sense of worry and loneliness washing over me.

Enthralled by the crystal's brilliance, I decided to rest, if only for a little while.

As slumber takes hold, I find myself transported to the familiar garden.

"Ah, I recognize this place."

With curiosity guiding my steps, I wander through the breathtaking garden. The sky shines brilliantly above, a waterfall cascades with grace, and vibrant flowers paint the landscape.

As I walk, a gentle breeze whispers, urging me to follow.

"Very well." I obey the unseen force, following both sound and swirl, careful not to trample the delicate blossoms underfoot.

Curiosity piqued, I lean in to smell the fragrant flowers, their sweet and fruity scent wafting toward me.

"Achoo!" I sneeze, hastily grabbing a towel from my pocket to muffle the sound.

Continuing my journey, I arrive at the garden's center, where rich brown soil lies beneath my feet. The wind dances through my fingers and into the earth.

Crystal clasped firmly in my left hand, a thought takes shape.

"Could it be asking me to plant it here?"

Gingerly, I place the crystal into the soil and watch in awe as a tree shoots up from the ground with remarkable speed.

"Whoa!" I exclaim, marveling at the tree's rapid growth.

The wind beckons once more, guiding me to close my eyes and connect with the crystal tree's essence.

With both eyes shut, I enter a realm of memories, witnessing events of the past unfold before me.

"Grab them! Seize them all!" Timor barks orders, his soldiers obediently carrying out his merciless command.

Screams and cries fill the air, stoking his insatiable thirst for bloodshed.

"They're hostages! Leave no one behind! Draw him out!"

They knew I would come if they used my friends as bait.

Callie, Nia, and Charlotte valiantly fought against the wolves, but their strength was no match for the ferocious pack.

Gasping, I return to the garden, the weight of the situation sinking in.

"Oh no... I must hurry!"

Realizing that the crystal holds the power to see the past, I rush back to the school, gathering every piece of gear I can carry and donning new clothes.

"Time for a change."

The garments are a symphony of black, a long coat adorned with white stripes, complemented by a black shirt, pants, and shoes.

Once dressed, I feel a surge of readiness as I embark on my journey back to Timor's Castle.

"I'm coming for you, my friends!"

Without hesitation, I make my way to the dockyard, determined to set sail and face whatever awaits me.