CH185 (799), Grand Haul

I ended up spending the next 4 hours diving in the lake to check as well as capture each Feebas and Tentacool I could find there. By the time I felt like I had gone through all Feebas and Tentacool that could be found, I had Observed 337 Feebas as well as 596 Tentacool. There was a chance that some might have hidden away or escaped my notice, but things had reached a point where I felt that continuing the search was not worth it, so I stopped.

Unlike the rare and elusive Milotic which I couldn't find during my search at all, I did spot a few Tentacruel. However, because my interest in the Tentacool was solely due to their eligibility for the Pinkan project, I left them alone since they, unlike their prevolution, did not qualify. Still, while I captured all Feebas and Tentacool regardless of their potential I still noted the ones with good enough potential to ensure that I knew which ones would be allowed to keep proliferating inside the main space once the Pinkan project was over.

I ended up with 15 marked Feebas and 26 marked Tentacool; Of those 12 Feebas had deep yellow potential, 2 had light green potential, and one surprisingly had light blue potential. That one certainly came as a surprise, and I marked him as a potential reservist. Anyway, despite their considerably higher number, the Tentacool ended up with only a few more greenish members than the Feebas, though that did not change that they had an overall better output. I noted 20 deep yellow Tentacool, 2 with light green potential, 1 with green potential, 2 with deep green potential, and a lucky one with blue potential. That kind of potential had me pay attention to her even if I only caught them for the Pinkan project.

Altogether not a bad haul at all; Definitely not one I expected to get in the Hoenn Desert of all things. Especially since I had somehow ended up getting the Feebas I wanted even if it was not how or rather where I had been planning on getting them. Still, I was definitely not complaining, and I felt quite thankful to whoever or whatever had been involved in adding these water types to the oasis. Speaking of that, I decided to circle the entire lake shore to see if I could find a few more Wooper and Quagsire. I had found a bunch of them heading towards the lake after all, so there was a good chance that some were probably living/chilling there.

It did not take long for me to be proven right, and less than two hours later Utopia had an additional 117 Wooper and 28 Quagsire. 9 of those Wooper had deep yellow potential, while two had green potential. As for the Quagsire, 5 of them had deep yellow potential and one had deep green potential. Once I made it back to my starting point after circling the lakeside, I thought about what to do next for a few moments before I chose to call it a day. I spent the rest of the day/evening in Utopia with my Pokemon.

The next morning I chose to stay inside Utopia once we had cleaned up after breakfast. It had been some time since I last personally oversaw everyone's morning training, so that was what I did. It was only around noon that I finally left Utopia, though this time I brought along more than just the Desert Squad. Nyx/Umbreon rejoined us since there was, in her words, no pesky sand. The Eeveelution Squad chose to tag along as well. Enji/Arcanine was another one that wanted to join, and after seeing so many of their friends leave, Hera/Pidgeot and the other fliers asked to leave as well since she/they wanted to stretch their wings a bit.

I certainly had nothing against that, but I asked the weaker flyers to stay close to Hera, Moka/Crobat, and Shino/Yanmega so that those three could protect them or cover their retreat if necessary. I would have added Horus/Xatu and Parvati/Beedrill to that list, but neither was interested in stretching their wings like that. Pravati sitting this out naturally meant that Prime/Beedrill stayed back as well. Optimus/Butterfree on the other hand joined us, though he did not do it to fly around but to stick to me, or rather Mothra, as I/we explored the oasis.

We began to walk around the oasis in a circle manner starting from the lake in the center, and I had to say that it was a rather interesting experience to come across some of the Pokemon we saw when I had not expected to find them within the Hoenn Desert at all, especially since there had been no mention of them when I browsed the web to see what kind of Pokemon to expect in the Hoenn desert. It was unfortunate that I had no signal or I would have accessed the league's database using my privileges as a junior professor to see if they had anything on the large oasis since that one was higher ranked compared to my trainer class.

Unless of course this was a recent development that had not been noted yet, but I seriously doubted that, especially when I had already met a few trainers who had been to the oasis and did not seem to be surprised by what they saw there. That made me question why there were no mentions online but that might have been due to league interference. It was possible that they did not want people to head to the desert just for the oasis to prevent overconfident people from endangering themselves and maybe to prevent people from overcatching the Pokemon there.

If it was the latter, then "oops". Well, whatever; I was sure that whoever relocated the Feebas, Tentacool, and Wooper here could do so again. Anyway, at the end of the day, I had come across quite a few Pokemon. Some of them were what one would expect from a desert, or even an oasis in a desert like Cacnea, Trapinch, Vibrava, Diglett, Dugtrio, Sanshrew, and Sandlash. Pokemon like Oddish, Gloom, Roselia, or Seviper while unexpected were not that startling.

Yet, there were some species one would not think one would stumble upon anywhere near a desert, but I ended up encountering them here. Interestingly enough, Tentacool was actually one of the species I would put in that category, but there were also Pokemon like Seedot and Surskit. I mean, I got that the oasis fulfilled their living conditions, but I was certain that there was no way either of those species would even consider migrating to the Hoenn Desert. Cases like these were entirely why I was convinced that someone had a finger in the ecology present at this oasis and possibly some of the others.

The baffling part was that there was no one keeping an eye on the place to prevent people, in this case, me, from messing up their project/work. Still, the whole thing was in my favor, so I was certainly not complaining about the lack of security measures. I felt a bit bad at having captured entire populations of some species, but their appearance at this place itself was questionable and they were in a better place now, so I decided to bury that feeling and stomp on it for good measure before I did one more circle in search of more interesting Pokemon. Once that was done, I returned to Utopia for the night, happy with what I had gotten, especially since I managed to add another 22 Trapinch to Utopia, along with 2 Vibrava.

19 of those Trapinch had deep yellow potential, while two had light green potential, with the final one having deep green potential. Between the two Vibrava, one had deep yellow potential, while the other had green potential. Honestly, it was not easy to round these up since the number of Trapinch and Vibrava living at the oasis was not high since they actually preferred more arid environments. However, the abundance of available food was enough for there to be small groups of Trapinch spread around the oasis with the occasional Vibrava or two present in some of the groups.

Sandile were another group that actually preferred a more sandy/arid environment so their number was rather small as well. There was a chance that I could come across more of them when I reached the outermost parts of the oasis where the effect of the lake was at its weakest, providing a more likable environment for the Sandile and Trapinch while also ensuring that there was food and prey available close by. In fact, thinking about it like that, it made sense that there were fewer Trapinch and Sandile around the areas I checked since I had yet to circle beyond the midpoint of the oasis during my exploration.

Anyway, I made sure to check the few Sandile and Krokorok I did come across, and I ended up capturing 3 Sandile along with one Krokorok as a result. All of them had deep yellow potential but were still within my acceptance range, so I made sure to catch them since I liked the line and was more than happy to add more of them to Utopia. I was also very happy to add two Pawniard to Utopia, especially after I found out that Bisharp had an evolution over at Paldea.

I only saw a handful of Pawniard in total that were split among 3 groups, with each group being led/overseen by one or more Bisharp, but I was pretty sure that this was not all the Bisharp/Pawniard that made this oasis their base since the Bisharp I beat up to prove that I qualified for Pawniards custody told me that some Pawniard occasionally left the oasis to challenge Pokemon across the desert while under the supervision of a Bisharp as part of their training.

That reminded me of the Pawniard and Bisharp I saw while exploring the desert, which at the time had me surprised to see the species in the Hoeen Desert. If that pair was from this place that would explain things since I was already convinced that someone was importing outside species to this place, so the addition of Pawniard/Bisharp fit that pattern. It was certainly a better explanation than them having settled here on their own or being released by irresponsible trainers en masse.

Back to the Pawniard that I caught; One of them had deep yellow potential while the other one was luckier and happened to have green potential. Yet, those were not the most unusual capture of the day. That honor belonged to yet another Pokemon that had to have been imported by my mystery benefactor. This one was actually a desert dweller, even if it was not one that could normally be found in Hoenn, though that made the fact that I found it in this area of the oasis instead of the desert outside of it a bit curious.

Anyway, I stumbled upon a small swarm of Silicobra overseen by a single Sandaconda, and while I was very interested in the species, only one of the 13 Silicobra made the cut with its deep yellow potential. Honestly, my mystery benefactor could have put a bit more effort into the selection of the Pokemon they brought over. They already went through all the trouble to introduce these nonnative species; I felt they could have gone a bit further and ensured that the potential of the Pokemon they brought was at least at 3 stars if not even at 4 stars.

They were after all adding breeding groups, so making sure that the seed group was of a high quality would have been the right thing to do. I had seen that they had done this for some of the species, but they kind of dropped the ball for the Pawniard and Silicobra. Had they kept it up, I would have been able to recruit more than just one or two Pokemon. Still, despite that my appreciation and gratitude toward this mysterious individual or group was rising since I kept profiting off of their work.

The groups that I did not relocate in their entirety certainly appreciated my action of compensating their groups by giving them food pellets along with planting berry trees for them, but I doubted that the ones responsible for the oasis ecology would be as appreciative.


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