CH219 (833), They Want It, They Got It

Receptionist Lady Zuki's warning ended up being pretty close. Her auspicious words resulted in me going through 6 ducal battles spread across Palkiday. Such a high number of arranged battles meant that aside from lunch, where I left the Battle Club to enter Utopia, the rest of the day until a bit past 8 p.m. was spent entirely there. Like before, I used the time between ducal battles for some targeted battles for everyone below the dark gold stage.

Dialday ended up being less bountiful. The club was only able to arrange 4 ducal battles, leaving me short just one battle before everyone would have gotten a turn. I naturally did not let that stand and asked them to arrange a final ducal fight for Kyoday. During breakfast the next morning, I saw the message that the ducal battle was slated for 4:15 p.m., so I decided to stay in until then.

I personally went around and oversaw everyone's morning training, which had everyone feel rather enthusiastic since that had been left to my thought streams lately. After the two-hour training session was over, I simply hung out with my Pokemon until lunch. Everyone talked about how nice of a change of pace this had been while we ate and the fact that it had been two months since the last full-blown all-inclusive grooming/massage session also came up. 

I could feel everyone's longing/yearning when the sessions were mentioned, so I declared that we would start one right after the ducal battle that was slated to take place in a few hours. While going through with the grooming/massage session would delay my plans regarding the Meteor Falls by a few days that was fine since the happiness of my Pokemon had priority. Everyone cheered loudly at the news, including Hera/Pidgeot as well as Anortih who had earned and asked for sessions a month ago.

Once we tidied up the aftermath of our lunch, we decided to spend the final 90 minutes until I had to leave for the Battle Club playing Guess Who. It was about an hour later that my third thought stream discovered something very nice during our routine surveillance of the state of the various projects that I had running. It appeared that there had been a positive development with the Cyndaquil eggs. Well, more like with one of them.

It had been nearly 4 months since I had received the Cyndaquil eggs and placed them inside their nesting ground. During this time my third thought stream had been keeping an eye on them and making adjustments to the energy inflow into the nesting ground depending on the condition of the eggs. I had personally gone over four times to make direct changes to the supplementary fluids/salves, and it appeared that my/our work had finally borne some fruit.

One of the male Cyndaquil with deep green potential had his potential raised to light blue. That left only a single one with deep green potential and I was sure that he would also see a rise before he and the others hatched in 5 or 6 months. Still, since the 4 months I had decided on before had nearly passed, I decided to use this occasion to start the eggs on supplementary fluids and slaves containing some spectral materials.

I had waited until now to give them some time to grow to the fullest extent, but their development had reached a point where I felt it was safe to start introducing some special stuff. I had already prepared the spectral energy containing fluids as well as salves, so my thought stream could handle the application without me personally handling it, though I was still planning to head there myself once a month to acclimate them to my presence/energy.

I wanted them to have a good impression of me from the get-go after all, so starting from the time they were in the eggs was a must. In fact, once there were only 2 months left until their hatching I would raise my visits to bi-weekly before once again raising it to weekly during the final month, and then to daily for the final week. Future final undertaking aside, I was happy to receive some good news before I left Utopia for the Battle Club, so it was a happy Mikail who went to battle Duke Mateo.

Unfortunately for Mateo and his Pokemon, that did not change the devastation Tatsumaki/Alakazam delivered to his team. The upcoming grooming/massage session seemed to have been too strong a motivator since she went all out from the get-go and did not slow down until her last foe was down. I had promised her that she would get to go first, and after that performance, Tatsumaki had certainly earned it. I had streamed the battle as usual, so I doubted anyone would complain about me starting with her.

Anyway, while Mateo was trying to process how a single (mid) dark gold stage Alakazam had taken down his entire (high) dark gold lineup, including a Shiftry and Cacturne, I left the Battle Club in an even happier mood. I gave Zuki as well as Rea who were both manning a counter at the reception a wave as I left the club, and once I was out, I directly went to an empty area to enter Utopia. Everyone was already waiting for me, so after giving them a bright smile I said "Let's get this show started" before asking Tatsumaki to step forward and for the others to make some room for me to work.

The first thing I did was check her status sheet to see if something had changed since the last check-up, but aside from her raising Hypnosis to advanced mastery nothing else had changed. Following that check-up, I spent close to 20 minutes grooming Tatsumaki, which included a cloth wash, some armor/body glossing, a bit of combing and stache care, as well as some nail trimming. I followed that up with another 15 or so minutes of massaging her whole body. I naturally used the special massage oil I made along with my aura to achieve the best effect.

Leaving the snoozing Tatsumaki be, I moved to the side and asked the next one to step up. I had let them discuss the order among themselves, and they had actually settled on Munchlax being the next one, which was rather nice of them. Unlike Tatsumaki, who disliked being doused in water, I started Munchlax's grooming session with a (bubble) bath. Once that was done, I had Enji/Arcanine dry him up before I gave Munchlax a snack to snack on while I gave him a good brush. I also trimmed his fur a bit before I began the massage part of his session.

Munchlax dozed off halfway through the massage, which had me smile. Still, just because he fell asleep did not mean that I cut any corners. I seriously finished the massage before moving on to the next recipient, who happened to be Beldum. Beldum first got a cloth wash followed by some waxing/polishing. Beldum being how it was, did not really feel much from the regular part of the massage; It was the aura/life force infusion I made as I massaged it that had Beldum release a content hum.

Once I declared that we were done, Beldum gave me an eye smile and I gave it a final pat on the head before I took a look at the time. It was close to 7 p.m., so I mulled over whether I should do one more session before dinner, or if we should just start dinner right away. As I was considering the issue, I glanced at Squirtle, who would be up next and saw his sparkling/expectant eyes. The moment I saw that my decision was essentially made. I had to do the session before dinner, but just to avoid a repeat I declared that we would be having dinner once I was done with Squirtle.

I began with the status check, but unlike the previous ones, this time around I was met with a pleasant surprise. I saw that Squirtle had taken the final step and raised his speed to SSS as well, completing his limit-breaking phase. This meant that Squirtle could not only break through to the bronze stage, but also that he would be evolving to Wartortle. He could have done so for quite some time now, but he had insisted on waiting until he finished his LB, and I went along with his wishes.

I naturally shared the news with Squirtle and the others. I told them that we would head to Squirtle's place once I was done with his session for his evolution as well as subsequent breakthrough and that we would have a dinner party afterward. Looking at the ones that would have been up after Squirtle I declared that I would work on them while the others partied, which earned me their bright smiles and happy looks.

After that, I began to scrub Squirtle and polish as well as wax his shell. Once the grooming was done, I massaged him for close to 10 minutes before I patted him on the head and declared the session complete. Squirtle excitedly hopped onto his feet at that and gave me a sparkling look, which had me chuckle. I gave him a nod and said that we would be heading to his place now. I then woke up Munchlax and made the announcement over UtopiaFM following which we walked to Squirtle's place.

We walked at a pretty leisurely pace, so it took us a bit over 10 minutes to make it there. At that point, quite a few Utopians had already arrived there, including the Spinda Quartet, who had brought along nearly their whole sleuth. Still, I knew that there were still some Utopians on the way, so we waited for another 5 minutes before I told the others to start forming the circle. While they did that, I had Fortuna/Togekiss give Squirtle a good luck embrace, before I hugged him as well.

Only after that did I give him the tonics I prepared so that he could down them while I began to apply the salves I made. Once I had covered Squirtle from head to toe, I stepped back and joined the circle before I told Squirtle to go ahead with his evolution. Squirtle lit up the next moment, and we all watched as he got covered in light. I felt a minor rise in the energy infusion from Utopia, but it was nothing that would have me believe that he had unlocked a modifier, so it was likely going into a minor boost to his potential.

Either way, the evolution went pretty much according to the standard and once the light died down, everyone was able to see Wartortle in all his glory. The Spinda began a celebratory dance the moment Wartortle's evolution concluded, and while they danced, I made my way over to Wartortle's side together with Fortuna. The others knew not to rush over yet since we were not done. 

Fortuna had just come up to give Wartortle another good luck embrace for his upcoming breakthrough while I wanted to take a look at his status sheet to see how it had changed after his evolution to avoid attributing them to the breakthrough that was going to happen next.

'Name: N/A

Species: Wartortle

Gender: Male

Age: 3+ Years


Type: Water

Potential: Purple (8.91%)*

{Light Purple (12.8%) -> (14.36%) -> Purple (8.91%)}'

It was definitely nice to see that his potential had been pushed to purple. An increase of close to 95% was pretty good, but it was around what I had expected in the first place, which meant that my earlier assumption regarding the increased energy influx from Utopia was wrong. A look through the next few sections confirmed that, and I had to say that I did not mind this kind of mistake at all.

'Talents: Overflow*'

Looking at Overflow's description, it was obvious that this was a talent that was derived from Torrent. Its effect was pretty straightforward, it tapped into the deeply hidden power inside Wartortle to boost the power of his water moves by 50%. There was some absorption from atmospheric water energy involved to support the expenditure, but it relied mostly on Wartortle's inner reserves. One could say that Overflow was pretty much a Torrent that was always active. 

The great part was that Overflow did not simply override Torrent, so even while it was perpetually active, if the conditions for Torrent were met, Torrent would still activate on top of Overflow raising the power boost to water moves to 100%. It was definitely a good talent even if it was not as impressive as some of the others we had seen. Still, Wartorle was happy enough when I told him about it after confirming that there were no further changes caused by his evolution.




Ice Beam (new)



Protect (new), Iron Defense (new), Endure (new)



Aura Sphere (+), Tail Whip (+), Withdraw (+), Bite (++), Bubblebeam (new), Rain Dance (new), Aqua Tail (new), Rapid Spin (++)



Water Gun (+), Water Pulse (new)




With the check-up out of the way, I stepped back once more and rejoined the others like Fortuna had done after doing her part. I then told Wartortle to start his breakthrough, and we all watched as he began advancing to the bronze stage. The moment (mid) bronze stage undulations began to spread from Wartortle, I went up to him. I hugged him and congratulated him before taking a look at his updated status sheet while the others began to crowd Wartortle.

'Name: N/A

Species: Wartortle

Gender: Male

Age: 3+ Years


Type: Water

Potential: Deep Purple (68.91%)*

{Purple (8.91%) -> Deep Purple (68.91%)}'

The rise in potential was according to the standard, which suggested that he had not unlocked any modifiers. That did not surprise me since his breakthrough had been a pretty clear-cut one. Aside from that potential increase, the only other change I saw was the update to his parameter section.


Stage: Bronze Stage (mid)*

Vitality: E

Strength: E

Endurance: D 

Agility: E

Energy Capacity: E

Energy Density: D'

I naturally told Wartortle about his new very impressive potential, and he gave me a bright smile in return before getting distracted by the others. I let them crowd him for a few more minutes before I began taking out everything we would need for a dinner party. Since the Utopians had already gathered around and I belived that leaving them be just to party/eat would not be nice, I decided to hold the party at this place to not exclude them.



This part is purely to display Wartortle's status screens in one piece and does not count to the word count.


'Name: N/A

Species: Wartortle

Gender: Male

Age: 3+ Years


Type: Water

Potential: Purple (8.91%)

{Light Purple (12.8%) -> (14.36%) -> Purple (8.91%)}

Modifiers: None

Abilities: Torrent, Rain Dish

Talents: Overflow

Affinities: Water, Aura


Bond: Mikail (weak)

Quirks: None



Stage: Iron Stage (high)

Vitality: SSS

Strength: SSS

Endurance: SSS 

Agility: SSS

Energy Capacity: SSS

Energy Density: SSS



Fire (Minor), Water (Minor), Ice (Minor), Steel (Minor)



Electric (Minor), Grass (Minor)





Resistance Training:



Condition: Healthy, Delighted, Excited



Water Energy Manipulation (Proficient)

Aura Manipulation (Beginner)




(Unofficial) Initial:




Ice Beam



Protect, Iron Defense, Endure



Bubble, Tackle, Aura Sphere, Tail Whip, Withdraw, Bite, Bubblebeam, Rain Dance, Aqua Tail, Rapid Spin



Water Gun, Water Pulse





'Name: N/A

Species: Wartortle

Gender: Male

Age: 3+ Years


Type: Water

Potential: Deep Purple (68.91%)

{Purple (8.91%) -> Deep Purple (68.91%)}

Modifiers: None

Abilities: Torrent, Rain Dish

Talents: Overflow

Affinities: Water, Aura


Bond: Mikail (weak)

Quirks: None



Stage: Bronze Stage (mid)

Vitality: E

Strength: E

Endurance: D 

Agility: E

Energy Capacity: E

Energy Density: D



Fire (Minor), Water (Minor), Ice (Minor), Steel (Minor)



Electric (Minor), Grass (Minor)





Resistance Training:



Condition: Healthy, Delighted, Excited



Water Energy Manipulation (Proficient)

Aura Manipulation (Beginner)




(Unofficial) Initial:




Ice Beam



Protect, Iron Defense, Endure



Bubble, Tackle, Aura Sphere, Tail Whip, Withdraw, Bite, Bubblebeam, Rain Dance, Aqua Tail, Rapid Spin



Water Gun, Water Pulse 





***A Big Thank You to Daveannoy for becoming a Patron***

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