CH224 (838), Meteor Falls

We made it to the area in front of the Meteor Fall Cave system roughly 1.5 hours after we left Utopia. There were quite a few impact points/craters in the area, with one being nearly 12 meters in diameter and 3 meters in depth in its center, but predictably none held any meteors. There were not even any splinters or small fragments left, which made sense since the place had been surveyed and studied a long time ago, and the meteor shower happened even further in the past.

Still, this was just the outer area which was the easiest part to access and the least dangerous, so not being able to find anything here did not mean that we would be unable to find any meteors or at least fragments of them within the cave system, or deeper in the mountain range where the Pokemon were stronger, and the areas much less explored or even unexplored.

The cave system linked to the Meteor Falls was enormous, and as far as I knew, only a few parts of it, namely those close to the entrance, had been fully mapped and explored. The areas connected to those had been partially mapped, which left likely more than 70% of the cave system unmapped. Well, that was more of an estimate really since it was unclear how vast the underground/mountain cave system really was.

Nonetheless, due to the fact that the entrance chamber had been mapped, and partly due to the games, I had an idea of how the first room/space was going to look like. Maybe it was because of that impression/belief that I was so stunned when I stepped through the cave mouth/entrance and saw the chamber with my own eyes. The words that dominated my mind at that moment were vast and big because that was exactly what the space was.

I was obviously unable to see all of it since the space was not one flat area but was a very large space with partitions at various heights. Most of that was due to nature work, erosion, and whatever, but there was also obvious work at the hands of Pokemon and humans at play. The latter was to make things easier for us/humans to traverse/explore the chamber. Things like bridges to bridge large/vast gaps between rocks/platforms, and ladders to climb up and/or down rocks to reach other areas of the room.

Anyway, the second thing that attracted my attention after I had processed the size of the room was the sound made by the water inside the space. More specifically the sound made by the waterfalls inside the room. From my current position at the entrance, I was only able to see 2 of the 3 waterfalls, the one close to the bottom (height/elevation) level and the one close to the upper (height/elevation) level. I knew there was a third one because it was noted on the map made by the league/alliance, so the games had that one right.

I also knew that the third waterfall led into a water tunnel/channel and could not be traversed in a regular fashion. There had been people who, together with their (water-type) Pokemon swam up the waterfall and dove into the channel to investigate it. However, not only did they have to nearly constantly go against the current, but they also had to deal with the water types that called the calmer portions of the water channel their home.

Both would not have been a problem if the channel had not proven to be extremely long, without an end in sight. Some trainers had traveled down the channel for kilometers before they were forced to abort due to the threat of exhaustion and the wild Pokemon. The latter got quite a bit stronger further into the underwater channel, and reports mentioned the presence of Stage 6 Milotic, Gyarados, and Whiscash, which forced the vast majority of exploration divers to run/swim away as soon as they spotted them.

I could not help but wonder why none of the Legend(ary) Class Trainers had taken action to explore the channel since I was sure that at least one of them had to have a Stage 7 water type, but then again, it was possible that they had and that the result was classified. Well, that, or they all felt that it was not worth it, or they refrained due to some other reason. If it was the former, one had to wonder what they had found that the knowledge of it was classified even to the inquiries by a Junior Professor.

Granted there was a just as high, if not higher chance that other circumstances or plain disinterest simply kept them from exploring the channel. Either way, it was unfortunate that I would not be able to explore the place myself since I had other goals and I was not sure if we could handle it as we were, but I had it on my list of things to look into in the future, so that I could come back and take a look once the Slytherin Squad had reached Stage 7 or at least the 2nd step of the limit breaking phase of Stage 6.

While I could probably rely on Utopia, or rather my ability to shift there to turtle down and hide whenever things became risky, I would rather not rely on that. For one, I did not like hiding away, and more importantly, if the danger ended up sticking around for too long, I could end up being forced to hide inside Utopia for weeks, months, or even years. Add to that that there was no signal inside the channel for obvious reasons, and I would not be able to inform my parents, friends, or the alliance of my predicament.

The result would be disastrous, especially since no one would expect me to vanish like that. Waiting until the danger was manageable and we could at least safely retreat if it came down to it was better in my opinion. Anyway, after letting my gaze sweep across the parts of the chamber I could see, my travel group and I began to walk further into the cave. The area around the entrance was pretty large, as in a few thousand square meters, and there were two paths for us to take.

One was a man-made bridge to the left of the cave entrance that led to another platform just 30 to 40 meters from this one, while the other was a path that led to a walk/semi-climb to a higher (elevation) level right across the entrance. The latter path was noted to eventually lead to a dead end, while the bridge opened the way for further exploration. As for the gap covered by the bridge, that way led to a steep fall down to the river/stream connected to the waterfalls.

I obviously was planning to check out the path that was supposed to finish off in a dead end first, so our group strode straight ahead. I gave a nod to the ranger, who was obviously tasked with keeping an eye on things here at the entrance, as we passed her. She gave me a brief smile but other than that she continued to keep an eye on the surroundings. She seemed pretty focused/dedicated, so there was a chance that the smile was directed at Mothra/Butterfree, who had followed suit and greeted her as well, rather than me.

Regardless, we passed her and began to explore the platform we were on. Not far from the entrance, we came upon a small crater with a diameter of just 4 to 4.5 meters and a maximum depth of less than a meter. There was obviously no meteor in there, but we did see a Sandshrew either playing catch with two Diglett or actually trying to catch them and failing pretty spectacularly. After watching the Sandshrew fail and tumble around for a bit, we moved on without bothering the trio.

Just a few meters from there I had to go around a Geodude that was sleeping half buried in the ground directly in my path. Surprisingly, I ended up doing that multiple times in near succession because it appeared that a crew of Geodude had apparently chosen to sleep in this place, so they were all sleeping half-buried not far from each other. It kinda felt like walking through a minefield, just that the mines were actually pretty visible as long as one paid attention, and that stepping on a Geodude did not lead to an explosion but rather a beating.

Well, an attempted beating in my case since I was certain that I could beat up any of the Geodude here myself. In fact, I was confident that I could take them on all at once. Still, there was no reason to disturb their sleep and provoke a fight, so my group and I made sure to avoid stepping on any of the Geodude. Well, aside from Mothra, who was leisurely chilling on my head.

I was not sure if that was on purpose or just an unlucky coincidence, but just as we had passed the last Geodude, a Zubat released a screech and released some guano that landed on one of the sleeping Geodude with a splat. I literally heard the Zubat shit land on that Geodude's head, and if its earlier screech did not wake the Geodude, then the moist feeling on its rocky exterior certainly did.

I could feel Mothra, Thor/Raichu, and Nyx/Umbreon's amusement as we watched the Geodude rise from its sleep, quite literally in this case since it lifted its body from the ground, before touching its head, specifically the guano released by the Zubat. We saw the Geodude stare blankly at its dirt-covered hand before it turned to us. Seeing how Thor and Nyx were snickering I was pretty sure that we were about to get blamed, but Geodude just released a tired sigh before rubbing its dirtied hand into the ground, trying to get rid of the guano on it.

Seeing its unexpectedly calm reaction, I began to think that this was not the first shit bomb that Zubat, or Zubat in general, had dropped on Geodude, so much so in fact that it seemed to have become numb to it. I could not help but feel some pity for the Geodude at that thought, so I offered Geodude some help with getting rid of the Zubat waste since it seemed to be hard to get rid of.

It took just a moment for Geodude to agree, and once it did, I manipulated some sand, caused it to spin, and used that to clean Geodude's hand and head. Geodude was quite happy with the result, but it appeared that the Zubat were not happy at my interference since a Zubat attempted to shit on my head as well a few moments after I helped Geodude.

That plan obviously fell through because Mothra was lounging on my head, and she saw trying to shit there as an affront considering that they were automatically trying to shit on her as well. Hence, it was not surprising that she chose to act. Not only did she wipe out the guano, but she also froze the Zubat that dropped that load with telekinesis. When a Golbat tried to swoop down to free the Zubat she froze that one as well.

However, unlike the Zubat, it seemed that Golbat was smart and/or experienced enough to react correctly since it managed to pull off a Bite to break free from Mothra's psychic hold before it got dragged in front of me/Mothra. More impressive than that was that Golbat did not run/fly away the moment it managed to break free, but instead attempted to free the Zubat as well.

It obviously failed since Mothra released a Gust that stopped it from closing in, but in a startling turn of events, that failure actually caused the Golbat to light up and evolve into a Crobat, showing that there were some very strong feelings involved. That Zubat had to be Golbat, or rather Crobat's child, sibling, parent, or beloved, though beloved felt wrong considering the size difference between them.

Nonetheless, considering the fact that there were more questionable pairs out there, it was not impossible. Either way, we actually got to witness a wild Crobat evolution which was incredible.


***A Big Thank You to Berserkslash for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to Deaps for becoming a Patron***

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