I put the thoughts on the Paras line and its tragic fate to the side and continued walking ahead. Just a few minutes later we made it to the "stairs" leading to the next/elevated area of this platform. Nonetheless, instead of directly ascending, I chose to circle the current area along the borders because I wanted to see if we could stumble upon anything interesting and because I wanted to properly explore the place.
Given the limited size of the platform, or at least this part of it, I suspected that it would take us just about 15 minutes to complete a tour along the borders. Thinking about it like that, even this part of the entrance platform was pretty large, even if it made up only around a 40th or maybe even a 50th of the whole chamber/room. That just went to show how large the place actually was I guess.
Anyway, while we were doing our circle we came across another person. The guy we met seemed strong, so I decided to challenge him, but it appeared that he was not interested in battling me. He refused even after I initiated a challenge, which was rare since I was usually the one who got challenged. Still, it was hard to insist when the guy frankly said that he was busy and had no time to lose on a battle, so I just wished him a good day and watched him head toward the exit.
Just a few minutes later we ended up coming across another person heading for the exit, though strolling toward the exit seemed more appropriate given the vibe the guy gave off. I gave the man a once-over; While he seemed pretty unassuming and acted rather carefree, he gave me the impression of a strong person. Honestly, it was mostly because I had just gotten refused, but since the guy felt like he could put up a fight, I went ahead and challenged him.
The man actually gave me an amused look when he heard my challenge. He then introduced himself as Jeff and claimed to be a "Super Elite" trainer, which sounded kind of childish/made up, but considering the feeling he gave me I assumed he was an Elite, so I told him that I could handle Elites just fine. Jeff shook his head at that and stressed that he was not an Elite but a Super Elite and that he was much stronger than a mere Elite, which sounded pretentious but seemed to be the truth since that was what I was feeling from him.
Jeff then amiably advised me to not try to battle him since he was too strong for me and that I was bound to lose. While I could feel that he was just trying to be nice and telling what he saw as the truth, it still pricked my ego a bit, and I was not alone in that. Mothra/Butterfree as well as the others also felt underestimated and told me to try to get Jeff into a battle.
When I once again asked for a battle, stressing that I wanted to face the strongest he could field, he gave me a look that said "Why are you not listening to me?" before he asked if I was really sure. I just nodded, and he released a sigh but still ended up accepting. We agreed on a 3-vs-3 battle, and the first Pokemon I sent out was Nyx/Umbreon. Since she was part of the travel group, she had heard Jeff's advice in person, and she wanted to prove him wrong, so when she asked to go first, I let her do it.
I felt my eyes widen when the Pokemon that appeared across from her ended up being a (high) platinum-stage Absol, and I could not help but suddenly think that his claim of being a Super Elite might not have been him tooting his own horn, though I still thought that it sounded childish, at least the way he said it.
Anyway, Nyx tried her best, but Jeff and his Absol showed that they were not just strong but that they were accomplished battlers as well. Everything Nyx did get either blocked, dodged, or matched by Absol. Overall, Nyx only managed to land a few good hits before she ended up falling to Absol. She actually lost in under 10 minutes, and I had a pretty strong hunch that they could have taken her down faster but chose to let her go all out and push her limits, which I was thankful for.
I chose to send out Mothra next in hopes of her being able to maybe take Absol down since she was one of the 2 maybe 3 among my Pokemon that possibly stood a chance of doing so. Given Mothra's general greatness, she did a pretty good job matching Absol despite being a whole stage below it. She was landing more hits than Nyx had, and she was also suffering less damage, most of which she was able to heal either way.
Still, their battle showed me that my suspicion had been right and that they had let Nyx do her best, which as I said I definitely appreciated. Meanwhile, Mothra was doing good, and I had hopes that she might be able to grind Absol down; At least that was what I/we thought after Mothra and Absol had fought for nearly 10 minutes. Yet, things took a turn when Jeff suddenly praised Mothra for being very impressive. He followed that up by saying that we had the right to face Absol at her best.
He then let his Absol freaking Mega Evolve, and unlike the Mega Evolution of Stephanie's Lucario during our Gym Battle, Absol's Mega Evolution pushed it to the (low) palladium stage, showing that they had a much higher mastery over Mega Evolution than Stephanie and her Lucario had. I naturally felt rather shocked at the development, especially since I had not noticed any Mega Stone on Absol during either battle.
I also felt rather incredulous at stumbling across someone like this, especially with the fact that Jeff was calling himself a Super Elite and not a Super Champion or something like that since he was more than qualified for that strength-wise based on just his freaking Mega Absol. Heck, there was a not-so-small chance that this guy probably qualified for the Master Class. Jeff released a laugh probably because he noticed my reaction before he asked how I liked his Mega Absy.
My eye twitched when I heard him say Mega Absy and even Absol released what sounded like a mix between a whine and a groan, but Jeff ignored that, and without waiting for any reply from me, he declared that he would help us widen our horizon before telling his Mega Absol to finish the battle as quickly as possible. Absol really turned up the heat after that and Mothra tried her best to put up as good of a fight as possible.
She quickly realized that she did not have much luck with hurting Absol even with her bug-type moves, so she resorted to pushing her speed to the max, teleporting around, and dodging as much as possible while healing herself whenever she could; She did all that in hopes of hopefully holding out long enough for the temporary Mega Evolution to run its course and for Mega Absol to revert to Absol, which may allow her to attempt a turnabout.
Mothra kept that up for nearly 15 minutes, and I could feel that Jeff was impressed by Mothra, though he did not seem worried at all, which in turn worried me quite a bit. Shortly after that, Jeff told Absol to finish it, which caused Mega Absol to use a move that involved its wings and scythe that I had never seen before, though it was undoubtedly a dark type move.
Anyway, Mothra was unable to dodge the move, and she ended up getting knocked out by it, though she had admittedly already been rather exhausted at this point. Once Mothra was down, Jeff began to heap a bunch of praise on her/us, and I got to feel how some of my beaten opponents had to have felt when I did that to them. Still, we were not done yet; We still had another fighting chance, and Mega Absol had to be running out of time by now, so I levitated Mothra to my side.
She woke up just before I could settle her down beside me, so I told her that she had done an incredible job, which had her give me a halfhearted trill. She perked up a bit when I patted her head and told her that we still had to take that Absol down. She directly shrank down to her chibi form and settled on my head before telling me to hurry up. I chuckled at that before thanking Jeff for the wait, even though our little interlude took half a minute at most.
Nonetheless, it was time that could work against a Mega Evolution, so I felt that an apology was needed. Jeff just waved it off, so I gave him a nod and released Dilong/Stan/Gyarados onto the field. The choice was between him and Moka/Crobat really, but he was tankier than her, and I felt that would help more in this situation. Jeff released an impressed whistle and let out a "That's an impressive Gyarados" when he saw Dilong, but we were focused on taking that Mega Absol down, so all I did to acknowledge his compliment was nod.
They fought for about 5 minutes before Mega Absol tried to use that ultimate move again, but Dilong managed to weather through it through a combination of Protect, Outrage, and good old endurance. His grit paid off when Mega Absol actually reverted to Absol. Its stage fell along with its reduced form/size, and it was obvious that it was pretty exhausted as well. Yet even then, it was still a (high) platinum-stage Pokemon, so it managed to go head-on against Dilong despite its weariness.
They fought for close to 10 more minutes before Absol finally ran out of energy and laid down in exhaustion, though it remained conscious. Either way, that counted as our win, and Dilong released a howl of victory, while Nyx, Mothra, Thor/Raichu, and Hades/Gengar cheered loudly as well. Jeff praised his Absol for doing a good job before he recalled it following which he praised us as well.
Being in a much better mood after having taken down that Absol, even if our loss was pretty much guaranteed at this point, we all thanked Jeff for the compliment. When Jeff asked if I still wanted to continue the battle I said yes since we wanted to lose properly even if we were destined to lose. Unless the rest of Jeff's Pokemon were much much weaker than Absol had been, our upcoming loss was a fact since Dilong was already pretty banged up.
Jeff just nodded before releasing his second Pokemon, and no miracle happened. Seeing the (high) platinum stage Ampharos, Jeff pretty much closed the deal and revealed that he truly had to be a Master Class trainer, making the whole Super Elite bit really weird. What followed was not surprising; Ampharos managed to take down Dilong just a few minutes later, and it was a testament to Dilongs tenaciousness that he managed to hold out for 3 or so minutes, considering the state he was already in at the start of the battle.
Granted, the fact that he only had a minor weakness to electric attacks instead of a major one along with Protect and the grounding tactic played a significant role in that. Still, it did not change that it was impressive, and Jeff said as much as well, which was much more pleasant to hear knowing that the guy was most likely a master. Jeff's next action had me question that assumption when he released a freaking (low) palladium stage Camerupt and told it to repair our surroundings since the place had suffered quite a bit during our battle.
His temporaryly boosted Absol aside, a true blue low Stage 7 Camerupt along with the Ampharos and Absol he showed indicated that there was a chance that Jeff was a freaking Legend(ary Master) Class trainer and not "just" a Master Class one. The idea that I had somehow potentially not only run into a wild/random Legend Class trainer but also challenged and battled him had me feel flummoxed. For a good moment, I was not sure what to say.
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