CH230 (844), Not What I Had In Mind, But Whatever

I was surprised to see one of the Azumarill leaders walk toward one of the large bags I left. He opened it and pulled out one of the smaller sealed 1 kg bags before trudging toward the edge of the pond where he ripped open the bag and poured the whole thing into the pond. I noticed the water in that spot move and after extending my senses, I witnessed Whiscash inhaling everything.

I also felt that Azumarill and the rest of their group felt rather despondent about the whole thing. This entire situation honestly puzzled me quite a bit since I knew that Whiscash was nowhere near strong enough to put the (Azu)Marill under its thumb. Whiscash was merely at the (high) silver stage, while the Azumarill leader and the co-leader were its equal.

On top of that, there were still 2 more silver-stage Azumarill in their group, so the Azumarill should have been able to easily gang up on Whiscash even if neither of the leaders could deal with that fish on their own. Yet, the current picture indicated that the Azumarill were under Whiscash's rule or at least had to pay tribute to it, which did not make any sense to me.

My curiosity got the best of me, so I turned back and approached the Azumarill leader once he had stepped away from the pond and rejoined his group. The Azumarill gave me helpless smiles when they saw me come back. I did not beat around the bush and directly asked them what that was about. They seemed torn at that and I could feel some shame from them, which made sense given what I had seen.

Either way, Azumarill released a resigned sigh before explaining what was going on with that Whiscash. It seemed Whiscash had found the underwater channel to their pond not that long ago; Azumarill specifically mentioned 500 or so cycles, which I assumed was 500 days since I seriously doubted that 500 years or even months counted as not that long ago.

Anyway, Whiscash directly claimed the pond for itself and tried to push the Seaking as well as Azumarill, who could be seen as the bosses until then, out. Unfortunately for Whiscash and fortunately for everyone else, its strength was nowhere near enough to deal with the Azumarill leaders, much less their whole group, or the two Seaking who were at the same stage as well. Hence, the Seaking and Azumarill beat the Whiscash up until it cried Mama.

However, instead of fleeing the way it came, Whiscash pulled a villain maneuver straight from the book of villainy on them. It slapped its tail onto the bottom of the pond and caused the whole place to shake and some slight cracks to form on the bottom. That caused them all to freeze up and Whiscash then threatened them that it would rather destroy this place or at least expose it in case it couldn't destroy it than give it up.

Azumarill made clear that it knew that there was another large chamber below this place, though it admitted that it did not know how thick the rock layer between the two spaces was and if Whiscash truly could break through it. Still, they were not willing to risk it. They were also unwilling to just leave their home/pond, at least not because of Whiscash, so after talking with the Seaking, they chose to negotiate with it.

The result was that Whiscash became the nominal "master" of the chamber, which meant that in return for them not leaving the space/pond and for Whiscash not hunting down all the other inhabitants of the pond, they had to pay a daily food tribute to Whiscash. I was honestly not sure if I should be impressed at Whiscash for using smarts to take control or be flabbergasted that the goofy fish I saw while I checked out the pond ended up being a devilish dictator.

I knew that Whiscash had some rather unflattering PokeDex entries but I had already seen some Whiscash at other places during my journey that were not anything like the terror those entries made them out to be, so when I saw the normal/peaceful environment in the pond, all I thought on the matter was that the entry on Whiscash being territorial ended up being wrong once more.

Yet, it appeared that this Whiscash actually fit the bill. It was territorial, and if not for the Azumarill and Seaking, it probably would have emptied the pond of others/food by eating/hunting until no one was left or everyone had run away. Given the water channel, the latter was possible here, unlike in another pond without an out. In my mind, Wheezer's villainy was certain since I was actively sensing that they were telling the truth.

I didn't want to be misled on something like this after all, especially due to what I was considering offering them. Still, before I made my offer, I had to ask them why they did not request my help to get rid of Whiscash. They had to have suspected that I could help them, so shouldn't they have at least asked given the situation they were in? I felt some bashfulness come from Azumarill at that and he admitted that they had considered it, but they did not want to burden me since they were not sure how strong we were exactly.

According to them, I would have to be a lot stronger than Wishcash to take it down/intercept it before it decided to take down the whole pond/chamber with it, so they decided to keep quiet in case I couldn't do that, which they felt was likely given my youth. My aura/actions had them convinced that I would feel bad about being unable to help and they didn't want that.

They had already asked me to keep the existence of the chamber/tunnel quiet, so I knew that me asking for help from stronger trainers was not an option for them as well. Well, that explained why they kept mum on the issue. It seems that my age had been working against me here, though I had to admit that I was surprised that they could tell that I was around the age of a young trainer given that I looked like any other fully matured adult.

When I brought that up, Azumarill shared that they could tell the difference from my aura. It/my life force after being put on display during my use of aura gave off the same liveliness that younger folk typically had. I had not known Azumarill could do that, but Azumarill said that Marill could notice the difference as well. That had me wonder if it was because of their typing, and I made a note to ask my water as well as fairy Pokemon if they could also tell someone's age by their aura/life force.

Actually, thinking about Xerneas being the deity of life, the idea that fairies could note the potency/vibrancy of someone's life force did not seem so outlandish, so it was possible that it was due to their fairy typing. I would obviously still be testing this at some point. Thinking about that, I could not help but wonder if psychics could tell something similar through someone's active use of psionic energy/mental energy. I felt that the fact psychics matured much quicker than regular people could likely interfere with that, but it was an interesting question nonetheless.

On the other side of the spectrum, I could not help but wonder if spectralists/ghosts could also tell one's age. Getting older was coming closer to death, after all, so maybe they could use that, or something related to one's soul. Yet, the issue of prolonged lifespans immediately came to my mind, and I had to wonder how that would affect what the spectralist/ghost sensed. Were a regular 50-year-old being halfway through their lifespan and a 2500-year-old being halfway through their lifespan the same? They shouldn't be, right?

The latter still has 50 times the number of years ahead of them compared to the former after all, so even if they were both at the halfway point, there had to be some differences. The soul idea seemed more reliable in that sense. Still, I stopped myself there since I noticed that I was digressing again. I offered the Azumarill to take care of their pond tyrant Wheezer. While I had no super saiyan at hand, I had Mothra/Butterfree, who was more than enough for the job.

Granted, they did not know that since she was in her chibi form and not radiating her might, so when I felt their indecision/worry at my offer, I had her release her dark gold might for a moment, which laid all their worries to rest. The moment they found out how strong the little Butterfree lounging on my head was, all Marill and Azumarill suddenly looked very enthusiastic.

The Azumarill leader directly bowed his head/round body and asked us to help them with Whiscash. I simply told Mothra that I was leaving it to her, though I told her to do it quickly and to not play around. Mothra directly took off and flew over to the pond. She hovered above the place where Azumarill had thrown the food, and I regretted not being more specific when I told Mothra to take care of it.

I had been planning on capturing the Whiscash after checking its potential. Depending on the result I would have either given it to the ranger I saw, the professor for behavioral study, or kept it inside Utopia among the Gyarados. I would have obviously explained its villainous behavior to the ranger or the professor before handing it over to avoid any mishaps if it had come down to that.

Nonetheless, all that became superfluous when Mothra, channeled Vegeta instead of Goku and directly murdered Wheezer. I felt her immobilize Whiscash using Psychic, and just when I expected her to levitate the catfish out of the pond, she sent a rotating spike-shaped Energy Ball right at Whiscash's head, specifically its brain. Due to the difference in strength between the two, there was only a short moment of resistance before Mothra's attack broke through Whiscash's defenses and turned its brain to mush, killing it immediately.

She then let go of Whiscash and allowed it to sink into the water. I was honestly surprised/shocked at the development because it went nowhere near what I had been expecting, so all I did when Mothra turned to me and happily declared that she was done and that the Whiscash was taken care of was to stare at her in a daze. I was brought out of my surprised state when the Azumarill and Marill, who had obviously heard her declaration, began to cheer.

Seeing the expectant Mothra watching me, I threw my previous ideas as well as my shock out of the window and praised Mothra for handling the situation so swiftly and efficiently. I then asked her when she had learned how to create those rotating energy spikes, and she just shrugged; Mothra said that she came up with that on the fly since she needed something to deal with Whiscash as smoothly/quickly as possible. Funnily enough that did not surprise me anywhere as much as her just murdering Wheezer like that.

I simply labeled Mothra creating a new move, or at least a derivative of an existing one, as her being Mothra/herself. Nonetheless, it was still an accomplishment, so I made sure to praise her for being innovative and resourceful. I then comforted Hades/Gengar through telepathy since I had felt a spike of dismay in my shadow when Mothra declared that she had come up with an ultimate move on the fly. Thankfully he and the others were already used to Mothra's move shenanigans, so it took just a few moments for him to break out of the funk he fell into.

I saw one of the Azumarill jump into the pond and dive down while I dealt with Mothra as well as Hades. It came back up a few moments later and loudly proclaimed that Whiscash was indeed dead. I saw the Azumarill in question give Mothra an awed but still somewhat frightened look while its fellow began to cheer again/even more. I honestly could not blame it for looking at Mothra like that since it had to have seen that Whiscash had been taken down in one move, and I was sure that it knew that she could likely take it down just as easily.

Even if Azumarill knew that Mothra wouldn't do that, it still could not help but feel some instinctive fear. Thankfully, Mothra had not seen the look Azumarill had given her since the other Azumarill and Marill crowded her to thank her and me. I knew she would have felt sad at the look, even if it was for just a few moments given her cheerful disposition.


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