The other method

5 years later

In the business section on an airplane,in the midst of the quiet and soundless grade, two girls were busy talking, in very low voice, they seemed like there is nobody other than two as they kept on talking.

"tsk..... this time of month is really torturous and moreover this flight.... arhhh!! " one of the girl said out of exasperation.

"Didn't I gave you the tablet" the other girl asked.

" hmmp... but I was fine so I thought there is no need.... but these cramps.. ufff"the girl replied pressing her hands against her lower belly.

"I know how this red wedding days of yours goes by that's why I had given you but you... " the other girl paused as she thought of something before she continued with teasing smile on her lips.

"As you haven't taken that why don't you try something more effective"

"..??? " the girl looked at her with question marks swirling on her head.

"... quick ahhh-ahhh session" the other girl replied with evil and teasing smile on her face.

"what!!!!... not again, Lisa" the girl said to

girl named Lisa with clear annoyance written on her face.

"haha... tsk.. Jennie seeing u like this I got remembered of the lines I read few days ago.... " Lisa paused before she continued.

Jennie looked at her through the corner of her eyes but didn't spoke.

"Periods are red

I'm feeling blue

screw you hormones

mother nature,I hate you"

Lisa said with usual glint on her face, as she used gestures while demonstrating.

The girl named Jennie didn't said anything as she looked at her friend before she shook her head as this is not something new to her.

"Bear with it, we gonna land soon"Lisa said as Jennie pressed flight attendant button and soon the attendant arrived asking.

"How can I help you, ma'am "

"One glass of hot water, Please" Jennie said, smiling and the attendant left.

"Perhaps this could be helpful for the time being" Jennie said to Lisa as Lisa just hummed, seemingly returned to normal from her teasing mode.

Soon the attendant arrived with glass of hot water and gave it to Jennie as Jennie thanked her and continued talking to Lisa, not knowing someone's attention was on her since that someone heard Lisa call her "Jennie".


A man with her head tilted backwards, resting it on the headrest, with sleep mask on his eyes, seemingly trying to sleep, got his attention pulled to the two girls talking, unintentionally when he heard one of the girl addressing the other as "Jennie ".

His brows knitted before he straightened his back and removed his sleeping mask, revealing his handsome inverted Triangle shaped face, big dark brown eyes and a perfect Roman shaped nose, pink heart shaped lips and a pointy chin.

He moved his face a little to the left and saw two girls sitting across him. Seeing them for a little while, then he moved back and wore his mask and rested his head on the headrest, seemingly asleep but after awhile, the corner of his lips curled up forming a light smile.

After about an hour, an announcement was made telling the passengers to put on their seatbelts, as the plane will be landing in next 15 minutes.

Jennie and Lisa woked up from the sound of the announcement and yawned before straightening and putting on their seatbelt.

After about 20 minutes, they finally entered airport, when a man, who was breathtakingly handsome, caught up to them, with a man beside him, stopping them.

Both the girls turned and looked at this other wordly creature,with questions marks in their eyes. when he extended his hand forward, revealing a bear shaped small size clutch, When two girls moved their sight from his handsome face to his hand, they finally understood. It was Jennie's clutch, which she forgot to take.

Then she took it from his hands and said " Thank you" when the man again moved his other hand forward, causing question mark signs in Jennie's eyes to return, as she parted her lips to ask, the man suddenly leaned forward towards her ear, startling Jennie and then he whispered something which was audible to just both of them

" Pain relievers for your cramps.. "he said with his magical deep voice and paused before he continued " but i think the other method will be more effective an.... and pleasurable"

Then he moved back and smiled alluringly at her before he walked past her, with man behind, following him, towards the exit, leaving the girl behind, dumbfounded and thunderstrucked.