
Jennie stood there frozen as she processed the words which she has just heard, after a while her eyes widened and finally she snapped back to reality but when she looked ahead, the man was long gone.

"Pervert" was the word that left her mouth before her eyes slowly narrowed as she thought to herself.

'He was listening to our talk all this time... no way we were talking so low... how could he be able to hear, was he elephant in his previous life or what.... and what did he said.... arhhhh shameless pervert, but he doesn't look like one' she said to herself as she remembered his handsome face and his magnificent attire.

"Jennie, what happened just now" Lisa asked as she shook Jennie.

"hmmp..... no.. nothing" Jennie said as she finally turned towards Lisa.

"what did he said" Lisa asked as she raised her brow .

"Nothing..... he.... he is pervert" she said as she looked at the direction he left and pufffed her cheeks.

"let's go, grandpa had said it's not safe to be in airport for long" Jennie said as she moved and Lisa also nodded as she knew it's actually not safe to be in here.

Then they exited the airport and went to the car, where an old man,butler and bodyguards were, that has been arranged for them to get home.


After an hour

They finally entered the gates of palatial mansion and when Jennie saw the same residence in which she spent the first 15 years of her life, the feeling of nostalgia took over her.

As she looked at gazebo where she and certain someone spent their time, she felt like to cry but she controlled herself as this is not the time to be controlled by emotions.

Eventually they both entered the mansion and was welcomed by the family members.

"It's been long time my dear daughter" she heard her mother,Yang Ah-In, as she stepped towards her and embraced her, the mother and daughter hugged each other for a while before Jennie moved forward to greet everyone present there, her grandma, grandpa, uncle and auntie and finally her cousins.

Then she looked at her mother asking "Where's father and brother?? "

"They will be here shortly after" her mother replied and she nodded.

Lisa had already greeted everyone alongside her, so they talked with them for a while before they asked to go and get freshen up and when they were about to climb up the stairs, Jennie's grandma, Park A-yeong, asked Lisa to come with her. Lisa nodded and went with her while Jennie went ahead to her room.

Lisa and grandma went to the gazebo and sat there before grandma spoke.

"Your father called....."she said to her with soothing smile on her face but Lisa didn't replied

" he was worried about you, Lisa " she said as she took her hand between her warm palms and this time Lisa nodded lightly.

"When you are going to meet them" Jennie's grandma asked her and Lisa finally parted her lips to say.

"I'll be going home tomorrow, grandma" Lisa replied and grandma nodded.

"it's been 3 years, don't hold it against them now, they just wanted the best for you" her grandma asked and Lisa nodded understandingly and left to go to Jennie before she said to her grandma not to worry too much.

Actually Park A-yeong and Lisa are related by blood, Park A-yeong is her father's real auntie, means her grandfathers real sister.

When Lisa entered Jennie's room, Jennie had already finished taking bath and was now drying her hair in front of the mirror. Lisa then took her clothes and went to the washroom. and when she came out she saw Jennie spacing out in the balcony.

So she went to balcony and stood beside her before asking "So now tell what that gorgeous creature said to you"

and when Jennie looked at her like she didn't understood she spoke again "at the airport"

This Jennie understood so she just said the word " that pervert??" and silence enveloped them again and Lisa's beautiful lips curled revealing a teasing smile.

"ohhh pervert, so what that pervert said to you at that time, for you to look like a overripen tomato" she asked her, teasingly,

And her thoughts again went back to the airport scene and she ,instantly, blushed hard again, remembering that pervert's words.

Lisa saw her spacing out again, and now she was very curious to know what he actually said, that made this innocent friend of hers to blush this hard.

She shook her hard, to pull her back to reality and asked her again and again until she finally surrendered and told her everything.

When Lisa finished listening to her, her expression... they were inexplicable, after a while this was what she asked.

" And you didn't slapped him " this was what pops out in her mind at the very first, as she knew Jennie who never tolerated these type of things ofcourse except which came from her.

when Lisa asked her this, Jennie once again drifted to her thinking land, ' That's right, why didn't I slapped him..... why I didn't even countered back.!??? ' she asked herself in her mind as she too realized this now only.

As Jennie was busy thinking and Lisa busy staring at her dumbfounded friend, they heard a knock and then a voice of maid, calling them downstairs for dinner.

At the dinner table, everyone was in really good mood, enjoying togetherness, this time Jennie's father and brother were

also present, who arrived half an hour before the dinner time.

After dinner,Jennie's grandpa, Lee Ha-Yoon, asked her to accompany him to gazebo, Jennie nodded and both went to the gazebo.