
Jennie and her grandpa both went to the gazebo, on reaching, Jennie helped him to sat on the chair around the table before she settled herself beside him.

Lee Ha-yoon, then asked her "How are you"

"I'm good, grandpa " she replied as she asked him.

"How are you doing"

"haa..... this grandpa of yours is now reaching his limits" he replied with a little laugh.

"How??, I don't see you reaching your limits yet... you are good, ordering and kicking everyone" she replied somewhat sarcastically.

"Ha-neul, grandpa knows you are still upset with me for sending you away like that, but you have to understand it was for your best" he said softly.

"For my best... well, I really don't understand how it was for my best, grandpa" she exclaimed

"You will understand, eventually, why I had to make such a decision" he said as

she nodded and silence enveloped them for a while until a maid with tray in her hand arrived. she put the tray on the table and left.

Jennie took one of the cup and handed it to her grandpa, which he took from her and sipped it, and the other one she took for herself.

After a moment, her grandpa asked her something which surprised her " Ha-neul, will you accompany this grandpa of yours for party day after tomorrow "

Jennie turned to look at him with disbelief in her eyes, it was because she knew what kind of parties his family usually attend, she knew that they have never, never had asked their partners to attend such gatherings, because of their identity as a mafian family.

"Me!??? " she asked to make sure, pointing a finger towards herself, that she didn't hear it wrong

"Yes" he nodded lightly and asked her again "Will you?? "

Jennie took a while to respond until eventually she nodded, without asking any questions, as she knew, to tell the reason for anything before doing, isn't in this family's blood.

"It's getting late, grandpa, you should rest now" she stood up before she extended her hand towards him.

He looked at it for a sec before asking

"Don't you want to ask me anything?? " he asked

"Yup, but not now" she replied with something inexplicable on her face. and the old man sighed.

He then took her support and they both went towards the mansion.

The next day

Jennie asked Lisa to accompany her, for shopping, to buy a dress but as Lisa had to go home first so they made a plan to meet at 4:00 in front of time Square. and then Lisa went to her parents and Jennie spent her time at home doing some research on a particular matter.

At 4 o'clock

They both met in front of Time square and then they went inside as Lisa asked "why do you suddenly need a dress?? "

When Jennie told her about her grandpa asking her to accompany him to party, Lisa gasped and Jennie looked at her, questioning.

"Mine Father asked me to accompany him to a party tomorrow" she answered the unspoken question.

"hmmp???... yours did? " she asked

"yup... I think something's going on" she exclaimed and Jennie nodded.

Then they both tried different dresses until eventually they found the one with which they are satisfied with.

After about an hour, they finally excited the mall and Jennie called her driver and when the car arrived, they sat inside and the car sped towards the Lee mansion.

By the time they returned it was already dinner time, so they went upstairs and after getting freshen up they both returned when they heard grandpa asking Jennie mother.

"Where's Lee Sang-hoon"

"He said he will be late tonight" her mother replied and the old man sighed.

When both the girls sat down on their chairs, the old man asked Jennie "Everything's ready" and she nodded.

After dinner,they talked for some time before returning to their rooms. Lisa and Jennie also went to their room. Lisa had her own room but as she liked to be with Jennie when she is here so it eventually became from Jennie's room to theirs.