Want Ride

Meanwhile, in some corner of the ballroom,

Lisa was drinking wine, with light smile painted on her lips as she saw the scene unfolding before her eyes.

As she was enjoying the scene before her eyes, her phone vibrated indicating that she got a call, when she looked at the caller's ID ,her brows furrowed before she answered the call, and as she listened to the person on the other side of the call,she panicked before she turned and ran towards the exit of the ballroom.

Lisa exited the ballroom and entered the elevator which took her to the ground floor, in haste she left the hotel as she called her driver, but to her disappointment her call straight went to voice mail as he was not picking up her call, she thought to hail the cab but she tried for at least ten minutes but she got none.

At this moment, a flashy Bugatti chiron ceased right before her, the window rolled down as breathtakingly handsome man's face came into her view. while she was looking at him with her big round eyes, he said

" Do you want ride , Lisa " the man said as he looked at her radiant yet apprehensive face.

" No " she said without hesitation as she anxiously looked left and right, looking for cab.

" Then, why are you anxiously looking for a cab " the man said as his sight wandered between her face and phone in her hand.

"I'm..... None of your business, Mister " Lisa replied.

The man said nothing for a while as he looked at her. Then he smiled before he said.

" Okay, if u don't want, I was just asking you as at this time of night you will not get any cab easily, even if u get one that will not be soon enough, but you seemed in hurry so I offered. Well then... bye" he said as he looked at her for a while before he pressed the button and thr window started to roll up.

Meanwhile Lisa was thinking hard if she should take the offer and climb up or wait until she get the cab, she also knew what he said was right. She don't have time also as she need to reach the hospital as soon as possible, and moreover this man don't look like kidnapper from any aspect given his flashy car and his demeanour. After considering all the pros and cons she lifted her head to only see the window closed already.

She bended forward a little,looked at the closed window as she was able to see him through it and said

"okay.....I need lift "

The man smiled mysteriously and wind down the window before he said

"Sure, then hop on"

Lisa turned to open the back seat car door when she heard him again.

"I'm not your driver " he said with displeased tone.

When she heard him saying he is not her dirver she felt the displeasure in his tone, feeling guilty she close the door when he heard him again.

"Sit in front.... beside me " he said again as he saw her guilty expression, when she heard him saying 'sit beside me' her heart skipped a beat, Don't know why, she looked at him for few seconds before she finally walked towards the other side and opened the door and sat beside him.

She settled herself and waited for him to start the car, but he didn't, then she turned to ask him when she find him looking at her. Feeling confused she asked him " What??"

" Where to" he replied and she realised she didn't told him.

" ahh sorry... to City hospital "she replied and the man creased his brows but didn't asked anything.

The man started the car and went towards the direction of city hospital.


Meanwhile in the hotel's ballroom

Jennie and V were both busy dancing and bickering in between, and the ladies present there were blooming with jealousy and kept throwing their glares at her.

Jennie and V were dancing when V complimented her.

" You are looking very beautiful " he said and Jennie replied.

" ohh... mister V knows how to compliment a girl" when V heard her he smiled a


" You are looking hot" he said to enjoy her expressions, but this time Jennie got control of herself.

" huh.... that I know, in fact you are late a little ,see those young man already complimented me... tsk tsk." she said as she signaled him to look towards some man standing at there right sides.

and this time it was V's turn to turn speechless as he didn't expect her to counter like that, but when he heard her telling him that those man called her hot, he felt something bubbling in the pit of his stomach as he looked at where those men's were standing, he looked at them for a while before he turned towards her again, and smiled.

"But they surely haven't told you that you are looking so sexy especially in....." he paused and leaned forward until he reached her ears. " in those black bra strapes" he said and moved back to see her wide eyes and annoyed expression.

" h.. how did you s..aw .... " she couldn't complete her sentence as she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Baby girl, your zipper was opened till this point" he replied as he touched her backwaist line,and as soon as he touched her back, she jolted and her skipped a beat as soon as he felt the tingling feeling in pit of her stomach.

" Yo.... you are really a pervert" she said before she stomped hard on his foot and turned around to walk away from him.

V hissed in pain, but a wide grin was still painting his pink luscious lips.