It is needed

On the other hand, The man escorted Lisa to the city hospital, when the car halted before hospital, Lisa didn't even bothered to look towards him to say thank you, she hastily jumped out of the car and ran towards the hospital entrance.

The man sat there watching her lean and beautiful disappear into the hospital entrance, after looking in the same direction for a while with something inexplicable on his face, the man finally moved and started the car.


Lisa ran towards the receptionist, worriedly and hurriedly asked her " Where is child that has been admitted a while ago"

The receptionist took a while to check and respond " In the second floor's ICU, Ma'am"

"Thank you" Lisa said and ran towards the stairs not even waiting for the elevator.

When Lisa reached the second floor's ICU huffing and puffing, she saw the someone she knew.

"How is he..... what happened?? " she asked ,as she looked at the the man in front of her, tears threatening to fall from her beautiful eyes.

" The doctors are still stabilizing his condition..... I don't know anything yet " the man, seemingly in his thirties replied.

" What happened.... how come his condition worsen to this point" she asked.

" haa..... the children at the Orphanage taunted him about her mother and his condition, he got angry and ran in the campus... " the man stopped.

Lisa looked at the manager of the orphanage in disbelief " How could let him ran and not stop her, how could you let those children bully.... knowing that he has a heart Condition.... are you nuts?? " she said not minding he is older than her. This was the first time she ever yelled at someone.

"Sorry miss, but when I arrived there he was already unconscious.... sorry miss, I failed you " the man apologized.

" For how long has he been unconscious?? " she asked.

" he.... h... " the man was obviously hesistating "for about O.. one hour.. miss"

Upon hearing him, Lisa's eyes widen and she looked at him in horror, her body started to tremble.

At this moment, the ICU's door opened and nurse came out,when Lisa saw her she hurriedly asked her "How is he"

"The boy's condition has been stabilized for the time being, but we need this and also do the payment on the reception" the nurse said and handed one receipt, which the man took from her.

But Lisa snatched it from him and said indifferently " I'll go "as she said that the nurse returned to ICU and Lisa also started to get the things.

This time also she didn't wait for the elevator and took the stairs, she was climbing down without paying attention.

As she was wearing her party gown, she got her heal struck in her gowns net and which made her to lose balance and fall.

As she was about to hit the ground, she closed her eyes and waited for the pain to come but anticipated pain didn't arrived, it was because when she was about to fall two strong hands wrapped around her stomach and pulled her, which made her land on something firm and sturdy.

When she realized she was in someone's arms that were wrapped around her very securely, she slowly opened her eyes to look who is that, her eyes widen in shock it was because it was the same man who gave her lift before.

She looked at his ocean blue eyes, she don't know if this was her imagination or reality, looking lovingly at her. And then the man said. " Be careful, Lisa" when her name left his lips she looked at him as if she is in daze.

And the next second what that man did jolted her back to reality, he rested his palm softly on her cheek and began to caress it lovingly, don't know why she didn't pushed his hand away, she just felt like she wanted him to do it,somewhere in the deepest part of her heart.

After caressing her cheek for awhile, he asked "where were you going" his voice was really soft as if he was afraid to scare her.

Lisa finally remembered the sole purpose of her going down, she looked at the receipt in her hand and the man followed her sight.

In one glance, he understood where she was going, firstly he took the receipt from her hand and then he took her hand in his and started climbing down the steps, Lisa just stared at their interwined hands but didn't tried to pull her hand back.

He took her downstairs and made her sat on one of the benches there before he squatted down to her face level and said. " wait for me here, okay" he said before he stood and walked away.

Lisa just sat there for a while when suddenly something clicked in her mind, and she made her way to counter to pay the fees, but as she was attending the party with her dad so she didn't carry her credit cards so she thought to make payment digitally.

But when the attendant said, the digital method of payment is out of service, she thought to ask the manager to pay and then she would give him money afterwards.

But before she could made a call, a hand with credit card in between his fingers stretched out from her back,giving it to the cashier.

"take it" she heard the man say and the Cashier took it and proceeded.

while Lisa looked at him " But there is no need... "

" is needed" he said.