This isn't enough yet

Back at the City Hospital,

Lisa was staring silently at the man sitting beside her, gauging the meaning of his words ' More than you know about yourself ' , she was thinking hard as what he is pointing at, but she couldn't come up with anything. When she was lost in her thoughts, as she kept staring at him, a vibrating sound came from Jungkook's jacket.

Finally, Lisa broke the eye contact and the man moved to take out the phone from his jacket, as he saw the caller's ID name, he looked up and moved his hand in front of her, indicating to take it, she looked at the phone in his hand and tilted her head to look at him.

" You were in such hurry that you forgot your in my car" he said.

She nodded as she took it from him but till then the phone had stopped vibrating, Stipulating that the call has been disconnected, after a while she saw a message popped on her phone's screen, it was from Jennie ' Where are you, are you alright '.

' hmmp..... I'm fine, got some emergency on my end so had to leave the party.' she replied.

After a while, Jennie's message arrived again 'what happened, everything's alright? '

' Yup, don't worry. I'll be back tomorrow morning 'she said.

'okay, take care, muhhaa' Jennie replied with kissing emoticons.

" you too, good night '.

Just like that there chat got over and Lisa heard Jungkook asking.

"Who is he " he asked as he got to know why she is here when they were proceedings through the payment procedure.

" huh..... he is my baby, han-gyeol" she replied as light and helpless smile painted her lips.

"huh...!!??" he was shocked "Your baby?? " he asked, his eye lashes trembled a bit.

" hmmp... he is my baby, I haven't adopted him yet but soon I will "she said.

And as if he can finally breath, he breathed heavily. Lisa proceeded and told him everything about Han-gyeol.


Han-gyeol is a very adorable, 6 year old kid and he is very sweet but have a condition tackycardia since he was little, so he couldn't do many things like running, doing some extensive and strenuous exercise as his condition had worsen since it was founded late.

His mother, attempted suicide when he was just 4, cause he was born from one-night stand, when she found out from him, it was already late to abort, she was from poor family and couldn't raise him and also couldn't bring herself to left him, as day by day her problems got bigger and she couldn't handle it anymore she eventually attempted suicide and he was left all-alone, was sent to this orphanage where Lisa met him, and learned about him, she felt sad for this poor child and always went to meet him and eventually developed a very special bond with him that he started to call her mom and she happily accepted him.


As she told him tears pooled from her eyes, telling him about her baby's condition, her heart ached.

Jung kook silently listened to her, seeing her crying like that, he couldn't help but want to pull her into his arms, but he know he couldn't so he controlled himself from doing anything rash and lifted his hand and patted her head slowly, as if consoling her.

When Lisa felt his hand on her head, she froze for a moment before she looked at him and as she was about to say something.

The Door of ICU opened and Doctor stepped out, pulling her attention to him, she hurriedly stood up and went to him asking "How is he, is he alright?? "

" yes ma'am, we have successfully stabilized his condition and he is fine now but..... "the rest of words got struck in his throat as he looked at the man standing right behind her.

" Doctor Jung, how come you are here " The doctor asked him in incredulity.

"What is his condition" he asked completely ignoring his question.

" Yea Yea he is fine now..... but his heart is really weak so this type of carelessness could cost his life so you have to be extra careful and also we have to look that his condition don't worsen to this point, and as his trackycardia is already serious but we can still control it by taking preca.... " the doctor was cut off again by Jungkook.

" Make preparations to transfer him to JK hospital " he said and turned to look at her. " I'll personally treat him " he completed his sentence looking straight in her eyes.

The Doctor's eyes widen for a second but he quickly got into his senses and nodded, he informed before leaving that they can see the child once he is shifted from ICU to ward.

After gyeol was shifted into special ward, generally for high class families, Lisa went to see him.

" look m...mommy's here "she choked.

" I know you are upset with mommy and I promise I'll never leave you again..... please be healthy huh, we'll always be together, okay"

she talked to him for a long while, before she slowly got up and left the room, and saw Jung kook waiting for her.

" Let me drop you home "he said

" Ahh.... No need, Actually I'm not going home now, I'll return when the manager will come back... and I can call my driver when I want you leave so don't worry " she said

" And thank you "

Jungkook just looked at her for a long while before he finally opened his mouth " I have already called my staff to come and they will take care of him and will take him to JK hospital and you... " he paused as he stepped forward " I'm going to drop you so no need to call your driver " he said in a Authorative voice.

" But I have already troubled you enough and I don't want to trouble you anymore " she said.

" This isn't enough yet, there's still a long way to go " he said which again confused her.